Nothing irks me more than to find out that a school board candidate has put his or her kids in private schools. Well, you can’t say that about Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Education candidate Valerie Amezcua. (Although you CAN say that about some of the other candidates). Amezcua’s daughter graduated from Santa Ana High School and she is now at U.C.L.A. Her son is a student athlete at Santa Ana High School.
So who is Amezcua? “Valerie has over 20 years of experience in community service, and she continues to work hard to address the issues of at-risk youth, including intervention and prevention programs. Since 1986, Valerie has worked for the Orange County Probation Department. She is currently serving as a Supervising Probation Officer at the Central Youth and Family Resource Center in the City of Santa Ana,” according to Amezcua’s campaign website. She also serves on a City Commission.
Amezcua is also the daughter of current (but outgoing) RSCCD Trustee Al Amezcua, who also works as a lawyer in town and he is on the board of the Santa Ana Business Bank. Al has served on the RSCCD Board for over 7 years, so the name “Amezcua” is a known quantity in the city.
Valerie’s education plan includes:
- Higher academic achievement
- Safe schools
- Expanding extracurricular activities
- And offering strong mentorships
Amezcua is endorsed by the local teacher’s association and by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and State Senator Lou Correa, according to her Smart Voter website. Impressive! But wait, there’s more…she has a ton of endorsements, that you can view at this link. They include Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez (who is pictured above with Amezcua) and she was endorsed by the Democratic Party of Orange County. Amezcua is also one of two candidates for the SAUSD School Board that I have endorsed (the other is Irene Ibarra).
You can find out more about Amezcua at her campaign website. You may also email her at this link.
The Focus on SAUSD School Board Candidates series now includes posts on Irene Ibarra, Gregory Barraza, Roman Reyna, Gloria Alvarado and Mike Gonzalez. Up next: Jose Hernandez.
Can someone confirm that Cecilia Aguinaga’s kids went to private school? I know Jose Alfredo Hernandez has his kids in SA Fundamental schools.
Cecelia’s kids attended St Callistus in Garden Grove, and Mater Dei in Santa Ana, both are private schools.
Valerie has my vote! This isnt some politcal game for her. She has the families and the future of this city in mind. She walks door to door every day shaking hands and personally introducing herserlf to the people. She gives them her personal number and email so that they may contact her at any time. Shes shown up to the schools with parents to sit and meet the faculty to discuss issues pertaining to their child. She isnt begging for endorsements or reading a script at the forums that someone else has written (like some of the other candidates). She doesnt have her signs hung all over the place like a jr high school election (who can hang their signs the highest or have more on one street than anyone else). She doesnt drive around at night removing her opponents signs (like a sitting board member who will remain anonymous, but drives around at night with his friend in a pick up truck removing everyones signs but irene and mike’s). Valerie Amezcua speaks from the heart and has our best interest in mind. If you still arent sure on who to vote for on November 2nd, call Valerie directly and tell her what your concerns are. She will give you an answer that very second and will not need a minute or two to think about it. Feel free to call your other candidates too…oh wait, some of them will only speak to you at the forum and they are limited on the answer. so be sure to ask them a question that they have already memorized off of their script.
too bad Valerie’s daughter did go to a private school (MATER DEI) for the first half of her high school career…just putting it out there 🙂
Yes she did and was in honors classes. In the end she chose to leave and attend public school. So whats your point “anonymous”? She kept her GPA up and was awarded the Bill Gates Scholorship Award.
Anonymous 12:12 am,
So how is Valerie responsible for where she went to school as a teeager?
How is this comment relevant at any level?
For sure I’m not voting for Al Amezcua, oops, I mean Valerie Amezcua. Shame on Rob Richardson and Mayor Pulido for taking down signs. They should know better.
I understand due to economics, Valerie had to send her daughter her final school years and her son to public school. Like Mother, Like Children, they too got free lunch tickets at school. The District could save a lot of money by cutting out all these free meals.
For sure Valerie will win if everyone votes for her on Nov. 2nd.
I thought Alex Vega was taking down signs. People stop making so many accusations. Grow UP!
Concerned: If you are representative of Valerie Amezcua’s campaign, for sure she will win. Especially if everyone votes on November 2 for Valerie. I certainly hope she isn’t as bitter and jealous as you write. Or maybe you’re Valerie.
It’s no secret Valerie attended St. Anne’s Catholic School and then went to Orange High School.
NewFlash: Don’t put your signs on PRIVATE PROPERTY and the owners will not take them down!
These two look like a pair of Noseguards
Valerie Amezcua’s daughter did attend Mater Dei!! The only reason she took her out is because her grades weren’t to her standards so she thought she’d put her in public school. Again…you mention only 2 kids…she has 3!! And for the record both her Two-Step daughters HAD to Emancipate themselves from her!!! But she’s for the better of family values, right? DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS PERSON…YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO SHE IS!!
to all you folks in santa ana. as valerie’s mom and al ex-wife, i am proud of both of them. get the facts straight before you do any posting. linda