Will Republican’s agree to Perata/Schwarzenegger Budget proposal?

As the state of California continues to operate without a Budget (D)Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger may have agreed to a compromise that includes a “temporary” one cent increase in our state sales tax tied to a spending cap on annual expenditures. The proposal also would include a “rainy day” fund for future surpluses.
According to the Sac Bee the proposal does not include powers for mid year budget cuts if the economy tanks. For me that presents a sticking point. Regarding this power Senator Perata is quoted to say: “We’ve always said that we’re not doing anything that gives away the legislative responsibility for appropriating money in the budget,” he said.

The good news is that every budget requires a 2/3rds vote of approval of Both Houses of our state government.
We will have to wait and see reaction from the “big five” as this stalemate continues through the summer.
PS: The “big five” is not a local sporting goods store. That’s a good thing. They might end up buying baseball bats and physically going after each other.
Additional Gilbert comments:
1. Did they say surpluses?
2. A “temporary” one cent increase in our state sales tax?  When is the last time a “temporary” tax was ever decreased?
Cute. Each of these men are currently lame ducks who will shortly be leaving office yet they want our 120 elected Assembly Members and Senators to “trust them.”

Juice readers. It’s you turn to weigh in.
Will the Republicans sign onto this latest proposal?
Let’s take a poll.
The budget will pass during the:
Week ending August 30th
Week ending Sept 6th
Week ending Sept 13th
Week ending Sept 20th
Week ending Sept 27th
Week ending Oct 4th

About Larry Gilbert