“A day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans have a constitutional right to possess guns for self-defense, the National Rifle Association sued San Francisco and its Housing Authority for banning firearms in the authority’s public housing,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
For once the Supreme Court made the right move and now the unconstitutional anti-gun laws are firmly in the NRA’s target.
Here are a few details regarding the NRA lawsuit, and related filings, from the San Francisco Chronicle:
The NRA filed in federal court Friday on behalf of an unidentified gay man living in Valencia Gardens Housing in the Mission District, who said he keeps a gun in his home for protection against hate crimes even though his Housing Authority lease forbids possession of guns and other weapons.
The suit said the Housing Authority policy was based on a 2007 San Francisco ordinance prohibiting guns on city property. The ordinance applies only to city-owned property such as parks and playgrounds and not to the independently managed, federally funded Housing Authority. But the authority’s interim director, Mirian Saez, said the ban on guns is consistent with city policy and is similar to rules in most such agencies around the nation.
“This lawsuit seeks to restore the rights of those living in public housing to choose to own a gun for sport or to defend their families,” said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, an organization in Washington state that joined the NRA and the tenant as plaintiffs.
Gun advocates filed a similar suit in Chicago on Friday in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling that established gun ownership as a right under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and overturned a Washington ordinance prohibiting residents from carrying a handgun anywhere in the city, including at home.
Kudos to our friends at the NRA for helping restore our constitutional right to bear arms!
Nice Picture Art, even the pink pistol is appropriate.
Carl –
Where do you find those pink pistols? I seriously need to get one of those to match my pink stun gun!
I don’t know either. Out of a spray can? I think that one is actualy a squirt gun.
And what is the appropriateness of this image?
I’m sure Art was using the pink pistol as his focal poiont.
Since the San Fransico NRA client in his story is gay and lives in San Francisco. He may be a member of Pink Pistols The group I gave the website for. http://www.pinkpistols.org/
Carl is right – plus Sundays are slow here at the OJ. The “fun” picture was bound to bring attention to a serious story. Isn’t that what graphics are for?
Sarah –
If you like the pink pistol, you should see the Pink Hell Kitten AR-15. http://blog.riflegear.com/archive/2007/12/26/hello-kitty-ar-15
Oops, bad link. Here the complete link. http://blog.riflegear.com/archive/2007/12/26/hello-kitty-ar-15—evil-black-rifle-meets-cute-and.aspx
You need some serious education in design. Good design doesn’t need a pun.
That firearm would be fun. Especially for all the kids to see. And maybe you could even throw it in the back seat and the cops will just think it’s a toy. Oh, that’s right, a gun is NOT A TOY!
Michael –
Now that one is a little crazy. I don’t want a weapon that looks like a toy. Besides, Carl found a Beretta for me that I like quite a bit. As far as a rifle, I think I may just customize one.
Nice butt….but….what is your point exactly?
Oh yeah and by the by…..”they” shoot you if you brandish a toy gun. Oh yeah and the freaking “type the two words” su*Ks! What is with the line through it? Did I do OK with the asterisk?
Mary –
You are correct, that firearm is not a toy. They are serious tools, not to be misused or played with by children. NO responsible gun owner would throw a gun on the back seat or give it to a child as a toy. That being said, the AR-15 in the picture is, in form and function, just like any other California legal AR-15. I can only assume that you are offended by it because it is painted pink, or possibly the animated icon on the stock?
Just think, maybe gangsters can paint their guns pretty toy colors and carry them openly to boot.
One hot day I saw a two year old all alone in her front yard brandishing a pistol.The gun was black. It could have been a toy. It could have been real. Imagine if it was real with a pink paint job. Imagine if it was loaded.
Mary –
Yes. We’re clear. You’re prone to speculation. Got it. What if? What if? What if? Now please come back to reality and realize that nobody is advocating giving a 5 year old girl a ‘Hello Kitty’ rifle.
I didn’t say that the toddler’s gun was a toy. I don’t know if it was real or a toy. I assumed it was real. But if it were pink, my assumption may have been that it was a toy for little girls.
A federal “imitation gun law” was passed in the 1980s making it illegal for toy manufacturers to create realistic looking toy guns. I guess the next step is to enact a federal “real gun law” that makes it illegal for firearm manufacturers to create real guns that look like toys.
Law enforcement doesn’t need more obstacles. And I count on them, not you, for my safety.
Mary –
The toy guns to which you refer now have bright orange barrels. That said, who cares if a ‘real’ gun is painted a bright color (I really want a purple one)? Besides, pellet guns under .22 cal can be purchased without a license (sans the orange) at any Wal-Mart and they look about as real as it gets. They can’t kill (at .18 cal center shot), but they can still cause quite a bit of damage to a person. So can my hot pink 1,000,000 volt stun gun for that matter! And it’s totally legal.
A friend of mine was shot and killed because someone thought his gun was ‘real.’ It’s nobody’s fault but his own that he brought a ‘knife to a gun fight.’ Like I said, air guns can be dangerous too and are frequently sold as toys (my ex bought my 5 year old one to be used under strict supervision – I hope so anyway damn her).
Does that mean that .18 cal CO2 guns should be outlawed or licensed? No of course not; it means the moron criminals who killed my friend decided to shoot first and ask questions later at the mere sight of what they thought was a .38. That’s not what a trained, legal gun owner would do.
Think about it in terms of abortion. When it was outlawed, what happened? Let’s just say you did well if you had bought stock in metal coat hangers.
I hope you take a long walk in the San Francisco projects as soon as the laws go. I’ll make sure you get a Darwin award. I’m just sorry for the innocents who will die and be maimed because of your selfishness. “Anti-gun laws” don’t target guns but the people who carry them.
Steve, the criminals don’t follow the law…so what’s your point?
I’m a second Ammendment supporter – hell I support all the ammendments except that one that was eventually repealed – but I’m not a member of the NRA. I support a lot of what they do though.
I wish I had an easy solution to gun violence, its a national scourge and too many of our children have died, been injured or are at risk due to gun violence in their community. Its easy to see why the kneejerk reaction is to ban all guns. I think the unintended consequences of such actions are could potentially be as bad as the gun violence its intended to stop. My opinion and fear.
Still the demand for gun restrictions goes away with a drastic reduction in gun violence victims so why doesn’t the NRA come up with plans to reduce gun violence? Why don’t responsible gun owners realize the issue is a call for help and stop focusing on their ‘rights’ and demonizing the victims who are trying to prevent other families from suffering the same devastation they did? I know, shortsightedness and a lack of responsibility for their brother’s welfare. If they didnt pull the trigger whats the problem they seem to be saying.
The solution may lay in working together to find a solution. I’m thinking that “hell kitty” and pink guns might not be the way to go. Decorate yourself, your house, your car but please lets leave guns looking like guns and keep toy guns out of the car. I’d hate to have your pink gun result in some poor cop shooting some poor driver because their kids left a gun on the passenger seat.
Allow us to have shall issue CCW’s and you will see crime rates go down. when criminals don’t know who is armed they are much more careful. It’s the truth, go look at the crime stats.
Yeah, that gets a litte wild west for the police though. Although the ability to legally carry a gun would be nice, or a gun and a badge now that would be good for settling golfing disputes. Where’s Corona when you need him?
Carl, That “Squirt Gun” you refer to, is a P90 45 caliber Ruger. Guess you don’t know alot about guns?
Factually incorrect:
“Think about it in terms of abortion. When it was outlawed, what happened? Let’s just say you did well if you had bought stock in metal coat hangers.”
she has a nice ass
SS, That is definitely not a P90 45 caliber Ruger. Guess you don’t know a lot about guns?