Intimidation memo from Senior Mission Viejo Director

As we were in northern CA for a few days last week my inbox has been overflowing with new material including the following internal email from Keith Rattay, Director of Public Works in the city of Mission Viejo.

The following is “his email sent May 16, 2008 11:04 AM to Group-PS-Animal shelter; Group-PS-Building Maintenance; Group-PS-Corp Yard; Paul Catsimanes” (assistant to the city manager).

Subject: Council interaction

“Through your busy day each of you have the opportunity to interact with council members. please make sure that all interaction with a council member is communicated to your immediate supervisor either before the need arises or immediately after. The intent is not (to) limit direct comunication but to keep supervisors and myself aware of the interaction so that if the message is inconsistent with our department goals and objectives the managers are aware. Thanks for you cooperation.”

Below the text is the new city logo, the name Mission Viejo, and

1988.20th Anniversary.2008

Juice readers what does this memo say to you?

While I may not always agree with the five members of our city council, they were elected by us to serve this community. In performing that task city staff should not feel threatened in any way while we press for transparency in our city. Nor should these department employees reveal any information shared with council members trying to gather information to better carry out their duties that may not reflect the “party line” of upper staff.

About Larry Gilbert