Ron Winship, producer of the Cutting Edge-atalk show, has just sent me this scoop. With all of the coverage of dimpled ballots and other inconsistencies in the 2000Florida presidential election results, perhaps you need to see this video which raises questions on whether or not your vote will be counted and if your vote will actually be reported out. After all the week of April 1st is a slow news week.
Wow, elderly Republicans know about The Onion? Thanks for the video Larry & Ron, it is darkly funny.
But I’m guessing your point in putting it up was to lampoon voters’ concerns with election integrity as overblown?
No. I don’t agree. It’s bad enough when we struggle to find good candidates to run for elected office only to engage in disputes over the voting process, integrity and outcome. I can report that I was an observer in the highly politicized 1st District recount and personally witnessed a paper ballot with multiple names selected
at the Santa Ana office of the Registrar of Voters. Life would be so much easier if everyone read the instructions.