"A Clinton Legacy"

For Juice readers who follow the Clinton’s this is a must see program. Larry Gilbert

For Immediate Release

February 21, 2008

Goldie Film Award recipient and preeminent Independent News programming
for the Web; Cutting Edge – a talk show proudly announces the exhibition
of their latest program entitled: “A Clinton Legacy!” with novelist and talk show host; retired Air Force Lt. Col., Robert “Buzz” Patterson, former top secret security aide to President Bill Clinton and responsible for carrying the “Nuclear Football” from 1996 – 1998.US Air force Lt. Col Patterson is a talk show personality and the author of two New York Times best selling books.  “Dereliction of Duty” provided “eyewitness account of how Bill Clinton compromised American’s national security” and “Reckless Disregard” which covers “how liberal Democrats undermine our military and endanger our soldiers.”  His recently released
third book is entitled “War Crimes” and exposes “the lefts campaign to destroy our military and desire lose our war on terror.”

After appearing as the guest speaker at the February 16th “Principles over Politics” breakfast meeting in Newport Beach, Lt. Col. Patterson graciously sat down for a stimulating hour interview with Cutting Edge – a talk show,  to review his many experiences in the Clinton White House, as well as other adventures.

This program covers “Buzz’s” experiences while living in the White House
as one of five close aides to President and Mrs. Clinton from 1996 to 1998.
Patterson shares first hand accounts of being on the golf course with the President Clinton, while NSA Chief Sandy Berger begged three times for him to approve stopping Saddam Hussein from killing the Kurds – that we had pledged our support to! Clinton was either too busy, or not wanting to respond and answer these requests as he was watching[; Tiger Woods!

We invite you to view this one hour program..cost and commercial free… at any
time of your choosing, by simply visiting  our web site
www.cuttingedge-atalkshow.com with free access 24/7.

There are no registration requirements or invasive information requests.
While you visit our site don’t forget to go to review our Archive link where
you will find a wide array of other enlightening cost free interviews.

As we strive to provide excellence in programming, your feedback and
comments are encouraged.

Larry Gilbert, Investigative Reporter and Publicity Director,
Cutting edge-a talk show   email  lgpwr@aol.com

To view the program you may need to download a “free” Real Player. 
Or you can also view the program with Windows/AOL media player
with an expanded screen.

About Larry Gilbert