I had a great time last night in downtown Fullerton, as the Grover Cleveland Social Club convened at the Springfield Banquet and Conference Center at 501 N. Harbor. I was invited by Steven Greenhut, the noted libertarian editorial writer at the O.C. Register. (Thanks Steven!)
There were so many great minds there that I cannot possibly name them all. Greenhut’s former colleague John Seiler was there (he has his own blog now). So were two O.C. Supervisors: Chris Norby and John Moorlach. Supervisor Janet Nguyen was invited but did not show. (She missed out on a good time!). Tustin Councilman Jim Palmer was there; so was Orange Mayor Carolyn Cavecche, who sang a song about Grover Cleveland (and lucky for her no one brought a video camera). I also ran into former Cypress Councilman Mike McGill. And I met Fullerton Council Member Pam Keller, who is a Democrat. She is also a sparkling conversationalist and a favorite of the voters in Fullerton.
Keller was not the only Democrat there. State Senator Lou Correa showed up too. He is a regular member – and as Greenhut put it, he is a supporter of property rights, unlike many of the Republicans in the area (such as Santa Ana Councilman Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante, who supports the onerous Renaissance Plan).
Allan Bartlett was there too, from the Powder Blue Report Blog. He was joined by several other supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul. Assemblyman Chuck DeVore showed up too – we were all talking about his recent attack on Paul. Apparently DeVore is shilling for Fred Thompson, who is dying on the vine. Bartlett told me that Paul will likely run in the general as a Libertarian candidate. If so I will probably vote for him in the general. There is no way I can support Hillary Clinton or any of the GOP candidates. Not after watching them in action over the last few months.
I should also note that Register editorial writer Tibor Machan was the guest speaker last night. He gave a stirring talk about police officers – and whether they should be enforcing ridiculous laws that do not protect us, but rather take away our rights.
Here is what Greenhut has said previously about Grover Cleveland and his Social Club:
Cleveland was probably the last great president. The one-time Buffalo mayor and New York governor stuck by his principles, even in the face of opposition from powerful interest groups. He was honorable and self-effacing. If a bill did not conform to the Constitution, he vetoed it. He was more than willing to lose the next election than to compromise his core beliefs, which were consistent with those of the founders. He rebuked special interests, refused to waste tax dollars and kept the country out of war. He believed in states’ rights and stood up to powerful unions. He was a Democrat who crossed partisan lines, gaining strong support from reform-minded Republican mugwumps. Cleveland epitomized the best traditions in law enforcement — in 1870 he was elected sheriff of Erie County, N.Y., and, as one report puts it , “carried out at least two hangings of condemned criminals, refusing to delegate such unpleasant work to others.”
Members of our social club (and invitees) have diverse views, and come from different parties. We want to debate things, not preach to the choir. But, in general, we believe in limited, open government and in non-interventionism in foreign affairs. We believe that both major parties are flip sides of the same big-government, empire-building coin. We believe that elected officials should stand up for the public against special interests, and that they should have character and integrity, rather than be driven by polls, focus groups and by their own ambition. Any politician unwilling to lose an election because of taking an unpopular position is not worthy of Grover Cleveland’s or our support!
Mostly, we believe in good beer, fine cigars, tasty barbecue and boisterous conversation! This is, after all, a social club that will NOT endorse politicians, help political parties, make contributions nor do anything more than meet, drink and be merry. (Memberships will be available at no charge, although some future events will have a nominal cost to cover food, cigars and beer.)
“Bartlett told me that Paul will likely run in the general as a Libertarian candidate. If so I will probably vote for him in the general.”
You fancy yourself as the great protector of the immigrant community, as Che leading the revolution?
How can you justify a vote for Ron Paul considering his Minutemanesque view on immigration and immigrants?
Are you now joining the Libertarian cause because Greenhut paid you some attention?
Poster 1,
Paul’s view on immigration is much more nuanced than you would lead us to believe. And, as I have stated before, I am voting for Richardson in the primary.
In the general, there is NO WAY I will vote for Hillary. And her husband was no friend to immigrants. Check the record for yourself.
Nor would I ever vote for Romney or McCain. And Thompson appears to be finished, as does Giuliani, who is a threat to our overall rights.
Awwww…Art feels like Cinderella at the ball. Except Cinderella just left her slipper, and did not become a shameless namedropper wannabe
Anon #3.
Do I smell some sour grapes?
Tell me who you are and I will see if I can get you an invite for the next meeting.
No sour grapes at all. I would never attend events like that. I just thought Art’s post gushed more like a teenage girl’s diary than a political blog. It was almost touching in an odd sort of way.
Dear Diary, “There were so many great minds there that I cannot possibly name them all”. ….
Just for the record, Ron Paul is running hard for the Republican nomination right now. If he somehow doesn’t get the GOP nod, it is my gut feeling that he will run as a third party candidate. I’m not a good prognosticator of these things though.
Libertarianism seems great on its surface, but there’s just one glaring problem with it in these times…
Ordinary joes need protection from a little thing called corporatism, or corporate power…something a strong government hand can help with (but is doing a piss poor job at).
Please let me know about future events, sounds like my kind of folks. I t might also be good to meet Steven after my last exchange with him on Sunday.
I agree–the get together of like minded folks last night demonstrates that ethics transcend party poop.
I also agree with Tibor –“Lex Malla, Lex Nulla”
I appreciated being there with you–great show.
Joe Holtzman
Mission Viejo
Art…you meation RINO Republican Santa Ana councilman Carlos Bustamonte who is against property rights…the clock is ticking and no one appears to be running against him…how about a fresh Carlos post to help find out who is looking at the seat…if they don’t get going pronto it will be too late. Michele Martinez worked it for a year..
Art…I think an interesting post would be to list the Presidential candidates and which O.C. elected officials have endorsed them.
You are a little old for a love patch on your chin. Next thing you know, you’ll be hanging out at Crosby’s and riding a skateboard.