Solorio to hold education meeting today, while parents and teachers are at work

Editor’s Note: I ran this article a couple of weeks ago and am bringing it back, with edits, as it refers to a meeting that is taking place today.

Assemblyman Jose Solorio is having a Town Hall Meeting about education today, Nov. 14, at the Santa Ana Council Chambers…and get this, the meeting will take place from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Just who does Solorio expect will show up to such a meeting, during the work day? Surely not working parents.

“Assemblyman Jose Solorio, D-Santa Ana, organized the meeting with an eye toward the upcoming legislative session, when education will almost certainly be a central focus. But he said he also hopes community members come away from the meeting inspired to get involved on a local level,” according to the O.C. Register.

What community members Jose? Most folks will be at work!

The town hall meeting is taking place in the wake of last night’s SAUSD school board meeting, where the main topic was budget cuts. “Santa Ana’s school district has proposed $17 million in budget cuts this week because of declining enrollment, another measure of the dwindling student population in Southern California coastal counties,” according to the L.A Times.

Those budget cuts are going to hurt. “Although no decision has been made, “ultimately, the kids will lose. You have larger classes and less materials,” said John Palacio, a school board member.”

“You are cutting these schools down to nothing, and it makes it hard for them to operate,” Therese Mims, one of the 10 parents on a 63-member committee that proposed the budget cuts, said.

According to Solorio’s press release, “The Town Hall will include a panel discussion with educators, administrators and community leaders regarding the recent studies on California’s educational system and ways to finance, reform and improve local schools. Results of the recent “Getting Down to Facts” studies can be viewed at this link.”

According to the “Getting Down to Facts” website, “The focus of the research will be on enduring and pressing questions in education policy, particularly those related to finance and governance; human resources such as the skills, recruitment and retention of effective teachers and administrators; the reduction of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic achievement disparities; and the needs of immigrant students and English Language learners. “

All that sounds well and good, but take a look at the panelists – they include Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who asked Councilman David Benavides to pull a resolution in support of the Dream Act from a recent Council meeting. The same Mayor Pulido who has repeatedly endorsed SAUSD Trustee Rosie Avila, who recently slammed immigrants in a Register editorial letter. And Pulido has likewise appointed Minuteman Lupe Moreno to the Santa Ana Public Library Advisor Board. Now we are supposed to believe that Pulido cares about “the needs of immigrant students?” Yeah right!

The panelists also include SAUSD Superintendent Jane Russo. That should be good. The research in question found that school administrators in California are overburdened with regulations. They don’t spend enough time on curriculum and education matters. According to the research report, “California

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.