It is hard to believe that the “Friends of Monsignor John Urell” could be so incredibly stupid, but Gustavo Arellano, over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog, has once more updated the evolving story of the Urell Amigos and their website.
Here’s an excerpt from Arellano’s article:
Yesterday, Newport Beach attorney John Manly–who has sued Catholic dioceses across the world for their pedo-protecting ways–fired another letter to the Friends and its most prominent members, Rancho Santiago Community College District board president John Hanna and OC Blog boss Matt “Jubal” Cunningham. In a previous letter, Manly demanded that the group take down Urell’s unredacted deposition because it revealed the names of six sex-abuse survivors without their permission. This time around, Manly was angrier.
Manly was upset because the Friends had posted an unredacted copy of the Memorandum of Understanding that solidified Bishop Tod D. Brown’s $6.685 million settlement between his diocese and four molestation victims of Orange diocese teachers. “You had no right to discover the identity of or client, and you had no right to see an un-redacted version of the Memorandum of Understanding,” Manly wrote to Hanna and and Cunningham. “So, where did you get it?”
More embarrassing for the Friends, though, Manly discovered that the Memorandum they posted wasn’t redacted, as they had claimed to Manly in a previous e-mail. “My office printed a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding posted on your website,” Manly wrote. “Contrary to your assertions, while the victim’s name is redacted as displayed on the site, when printed, her name is un-redacted and there for all the world to see and know.” D’oh! Manly’s threatening to take the Friends to court so he can discover who’s leaking unredacted legal papers to them.
The Urell amigos include Red County/OC Blog editor Matt “Jubal” Cunningham and Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee John Hanna. Both men are now in a world of hurt due to their support for Urell, who is purported to have covered up for molester priests, allowing them to hurt even more children. Urell has since fled to Canada to avoid completing a deposition.
I just took a look at the Urell Amigos website. Arellano is right. There is barely anything there! In fact they even took down their link to the Red County/OC Blog website. That is too bad – I am sure Matt was getting seriously flamed over this. The arrogant “Jubal” had it coming, IMHO.
Jubal hasn’t mentioned it on his blog…wonder why???
Both these guys just got taken apart on John & Ken in their 6 p.m. segment. There can’t be any excuse or justification for this and I’ll bet this isn’t the last of it as Manly is obviously and justfiably aggressive. The J&K broadcast can be replayed from the KFI website once the segments get posted on Sometimes this takes a day or two.
This cuts it for OC Blog — first, he’s using the platform to flak for SunCal, now he’s publishing stuff that he might get sued for. That’s what happens when you protect perverts and child rapists.
Blog on Art — you da man now.
Art, you need to get over your Jubal-envy. It’s as obvious as the mustache on your face.
Anon at 6:59 p.m.: if you think Art is “da man” then no wonder you take J&K’s show as gospel. Those guys are interested in ratings, not facts. There’s probably another side to this, but I doubt J&K is the place to get it.
Poster 3,
Honestly, why would I ever be envious of Matt? I have a great career, an award-winning blog, a great family, and I have never sided with those who cover up for molesters. My life is great.
Matt on the other hand is not going to enjoy getting manhandled in court by Attorney Manly…
His blog is boring, IMHO, and full of self-congratulating press releases and news links. Yawn!
I am going to have a very good night’s sleep now…while Matt tosses and turns and frets about his Urell screw-up.
P.S. When we hit the AP wire, it was a good thing. Matt’s current PR is a BAD THING. That’s blog Karma for you…
Your so full of crap, Art. For a guy who isn’t envious, you sure devote a lot of time to flaming Jubal.
His blog is bigger than yours and it has more influence. And this isn’t going to change that.And that drives you nuts. Just admit it. You’ll feel better.
In the meantime, contain your glee. Your acting like a teenage girl.
Poster 5,
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this blog has been ranking higher than Red-faced County of late…this blog was named OC Weekly’s “best local blog in OC” and this blog has had tons of great PR of late…and higher readership to boot!
Red-faced County has become an after-thought. And what sort of influence do those Reeps have in the very BLUE State of California? What a joke! At least our blog has a balanced team of writers from both major parties. Red-faced County can’t say that!
Your last comment BTW is just creepy. Did Urell write that one for you?
Since you have mentioned the OCWeekly best local blog thing about a 100 times, let me ask you this.
Were you so proud you let your children read the Weekly to see what sort of publication issued the award?
Were you quick to send a few copies to the relatives to share in your joy.
I think not.
BTW #5 is spot on.
You know it, your readers know it,
your new best friend Gustavo knows it, for once be truthful, admit it and move on.
Anon #7: What kind of publication is the Weekly? Depends on the person reading it. If you want the county’s best news, food, and music coverage, it’s for you. If you’re a pervert obsessed with sex ads, knock yourself out. Your insinuations definitely put you in the latter category, so enjoy our trannies!
Here, here, well spoken Gustavo! #7 seems like the Larry Craig type of critic of the Weekly. I can hear his foot tapping all the way through the computer…
Looks like Mrs. Jubal will have to go back to work to pay the legal for the upcoming lawsuit.
The wonderful Matthew Cunningham was/is also a big supporter of Mike Carona. That should say it all. I’ve met him too…not really impressed! Funny patch of hair on his chin!
Truth be told Art has a competion in his mind with Jubal.
Art, you go to church I assume…what if the pastor that you have spent years with, perhaps even he has help counsel your family, and baptized your kids….was being accused of things by people who do not know him? I would hope that you would at least talk to him personally and find out the truth BUT I have seen you back stab some of your most loyal bloggers and friends as of late here so who knows, maybe you are just in it for yourself. I for one, do not know the whole story and will not criticize Jubals right to his own opinions.
You could not be more wrong. I don’t consider Matt or his blog to be competition. You are comparing apples to oranges.
The Orange Juice! is not even remotely like Red County. We are a multi-faceted, politically and culturally diverse blog. Red County is essentially a place to go to read GOP candidates’ press releases and news links. It is nothing more than an extension of the OC GOP machine. Quite frankly, it is rather boring.
As for Urell, if he were my pastor I would move heaven and earth to have him defrocked, friend or not. I take child molestation seriously. It is just about the worst crime imaginable. That Urell covered up for molesters is rather obvious to all but the misguided “Urell Amigos.”
I don’t make it a habit to backstab my friends. In truth, there are very few people I consider to be my friends. I KNOW a lot of people, and am friendly with hundreds, but I rarely become very close to anyone.
You really don’t know me Flowerszzz, so your conjecture is useless though you are welcome to keep it up. It will avail you not.
What Matt did in defending Urell was as indefensible as what Urell did in covering up for molesters.
I agree with John Manly. Matt needs to explain how he got his fingers on private information that only the Catholic Church was supposed to have. I hope Manly sues the Hell out of Matt and his fellow “Urell Amigos.” It is the least they have coming to them.
A commenter on OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog nailed it…the Urell Amigos are less about Urell and more about protecting their Church’s coffers. How sad. Pathetic really.
Art this blog is more considered the tabloid of the OC blogs…which is fine. I read because I am always interested in what truth will be stretched here and what your anonymous “parajito” aka your other personalities, will tell you next. You have lost upwards of 5 bloggers in the past few months…why is that? Then you say you WILL NOT accept anonymous bloggers but of course make an exception for an Van Tran basher. No you are not molesting children, however you incessant name bashing and mud smearing, all on the word of a “parajito” does not make your character any better or any better of a person my dear.
BTW, I call BS when you say you are not considering yourself in competition…as you constantly post like you are.
Gustavo – the first 40 pages – give or take – are always awesome to read! In fact one time MANY years ago The Weekly wrote about me…I still have the srticle…funny as hell, factual…eh not really but that was before your time. 🙂
That is the argument Matt always makes. But we break news more often than he does. Unless you call thereprinting press releases “news.”
Do we at times push the envelope? Of course. It makes us a blog worth reading.
As for losing bloggers, Red County has lost their fair share. I know of at least one anon conservative blogger who had to quit because one of Matt’s friends, who is also a blogger, did not like something he wrote. Matt’s friend threatened to tell everyone that he was a blogger. It would have cost him his career. Matt refused to do anything about this. What a nice guy.
Then there is the case of Quang Pham. He left us and chose to write for Red County. Before long he angered Matt’s boss and then he was gone. He isn’t blogging anywhere now. Officially he quit to go work somewhere. Officially.
Yes we have lost a few bloggers. We are better for having done so.
Our hallmark, if anything, is my willingness to experiment with this blog. The results are…a blog that is unique and unpredictable. And award winning.
Listen, if you hate me and this blog so much, why do you read it…and why do you even want to post here? You even said you wanted to submit a thread…but why would I want to put up something a detractor submits? Red is a loyal, independent reader who has been nothing but supportive of this blog. I sure can’t say that about you!
Lastly, I do not consider myself in competition with Matt. We are not fighting over the same readers. His blog is what it is…an extension of the OC GOP machine. If you find that interesting, good for you. We are up to something entirely different.
We would have to be some kind of right wing blog to be in competition with Matt. For example, the Flash Report could be said to be in competition with him. They both appeal to the very same readers.
I do find it funny that Matt thinks his blog is the cat’s meow. But honestly, that blog has become utterly predictable and boring. It is not what it used to be. This latest fiasco with Urell could be the last nail in its coffin…
Art I never said I hated you….you just piss me off quite often because it seems you write first and think later. Some examples:
The illegal gal you exposed working at your favorite SA restaurant. Posted the name of the Restaurant et al. I mean come on! You have said many a rotten thing about John Hanna who is a great guy!, you posted personal crap about someones ( I think her name was Jennifer) family. You pretty much smashed Ryan and let everyone know his secrets here, which in a grown up world should have been done elsewhere…I could go on and on.
I think you are wrong about your readers being different then OC BLog…the majority of readers read both. Is OC Blog boring…well somedays when it’s just the news posted – but actually I quite like reading the days headlines quick and easy. ALSO, there are many topics that come up over there that do not here…like the El Toro Airport crap that Len Kranser always posts. And we can always get the real Janet Nguyen stories over there as you refuse to post anything negative on your gal. And the Anaheim/Disney stuff is always fun to read and debate about. Liberal OC is good to read as well…and I like reading the differing viewpoints of ALL the blogs. And piping in my opinion – the one of sanity lol.
I brought up the issue of blogging here because you were so adamant that no anonymous bloggers could blog here. I am not a dummy, no one can possibly remain anonymous forever and there are some around that know who I am…so eventually I am sure it will get out. But in reality I am not all that important anyway. But what I got from what you just wrote is that you will now allow anonymous blogging if they bash those you dont like and if they only agree with what you do and say. Sounds like exactly what you just accused Jubal of. Hmmmm.
I excel at pissing people off! LOL
In order, the lady in question is still at the restaurant in question. She says they got a lot of business from my article.
I have not said anything rotten about John Hanna. I have just called it like it is. He participated in blowing a ton of taxpayer money on the Carona Sheriff Training Center, instead of spending it at Santa Ana College, on a math and science building. His bad. And he blew it with the stupid “Urell Amigos” fiasco.
As for Red County, the fact is we get almost ZERO referrals from them. You can check out Sitemeter and see for yourself. We have built our own audience…and according to Matt they don’t go to his site from ours either. Is there some crossover? Sure, but not as much as you think. The numbers just don’t bear it out.
It is a falsehood by the way that we don’t post negative things about Janet Nguyen. At least THREE of our writers have done so. Please don’t be disingenuous.
As for the Anaheim stuff, Matt has a HUGE conflict of interest as a Suncal lobbyist. But I guess that doesn’t matter to you.
As for the anon blogging, I think I have been rather clear about it. We won’t allow anon bloggers on our team, with the exception of Little Saigon Insider, who has some real fears about backlash from the Trannies, who have too much power in Little Saigon. And I am open to posting threads from my readers, but at this point I don’t know why I should give you a platform when you so continue to malign me and this blog.
Why don’t you ask your amigo Matt to let you have a whack at blogging? You appear to be infatuated with him and his boring blog, so it should be a good fit.
LOL art I completely disagree with Jubal on the Anaheim/Disney issue. IMO, NONE of that housing will be affordable and at this current market is there even a market for new housing period?
As for the blogging, I may just consider that…they need a woman on their blog and one with some attitude. I am not infatuated with Jubal LMAO, Are we close friends…no…like you I know LOTS of people but only have a few that are close. BUT that does not mean that I should not stand up for someone that is a good person.
As for the conflict you think he has….you as well had one with Nguyen.
As for the linking back and forth….I go back and forth but I have both bookmarked so it I do not link form yours to theirs or vs versa. I suspect many do the same once your little my blog is better then your blog rival started earlier this year.