The "Urell Amigos" stumble again!

It is hard to believe that the “Friends of Monsignor John Urell” could be so incredibly stupid, but Gustavo Arellano, over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog, has once more updated the evolving story of the Urell Amigos and their website.

Here’s an excerpt from Arellano’s article:

Yesterday, Newport Beach attorney John Manly–who has sued Catholic dioceses across the world for their pedo-protecting ways–fired another letter to the Friends and its most prominent members, Rancho Santiago Community College District board president John Hanna and OC Blog boss Matt “Jubal” Cunningham. In a previous letter, Manly demanded that the group take down Urell’s unredacted deposition because it revealed the names of six sex-abuse survivors without their permission. This time around, Manly was angrier.

Manly was upset because the Friends had posted an unredacted copy of the Memorandum of Understanding that solidified Bishop Tod D. Brown’s $6.685 million settlement between his diocese and four molestation victims of Orange diocese teachers. “You had no right to discover the identity of or client, and you had no right to see an un-redacted version of the Memorandum of Understanding,” Manly wrote to Hanna and and Cunningham. “So, where did you get it?”

More embarrassing for the Friends, though, Manly discovered that the Memorandum they posted wasn’t redacted, as they had claimed to Manly in a previous e-mail. “My office printed a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding posted on your website,” Manly wrote. “Contrary to your assertions, while the victim’s name is redacted as displayed on the site, when printed, her name is un-redacted and there for all the world to see and know.” D’oh! Manly’s threatening to take the Friends to court so he can discover who’s leaking unredacted legal papers to them.

The Urell amigos include Red County/OC Blog editor Matt “Jubal” Cunningham and Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee John Hanna. Both men are now in a world of hurt due to their support for Urell, who is purported to have covered up for molester priests, allowing them to hurt even more children. Urell has since fled to Canada to avoid completing a deposition.

I just took a look at the Urell Amigos website. Arellano is right. There is barely anything there! In fact they even took down their link to the Red County/OC Blog website. That is too bad – I am sure Matt was getting seriously flamed over this. The arrogant “Jubal” had it coming, IMHO.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.