Largest Statewide Hispanic Business Organization in the Nation Supports Eminent Domain Reform

As Senator McClintock, Supervisor Norby and I have been saying for the past decade, eminent domain “takings” impact the poor and minorities more than the affluent property owners in this country. To protect “real property” rights, when owners are forced to sell against their wishes, is a battle that we cannot afford to lose. We are pleased to post this latest major endorsement on behalf of the joint efforts of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the CA Farm Bureau Federation and the CA Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights. As of today we have in excess of 800,000 signatures for this Initiative.

Press Release Oct 25, 2007

Largest Statewide Hispanic Business Organization in the Nation Supports Eminent Domain Reform

Sacramento, CA – Today, Californians for Property Rights Protection announced that the largest statewide Hispanic business organization in the nation, the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, has endorsed the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act (CPOFPA), an eminent domain ballot measure slated to appear on the June 2008 ballot.

“California’s eminent domain laws need to be reformed to protect all private property,” said Manuel Cosme, Jr. CHCC Legislative Committee Chairperson. “This eminent domain reform ballot measure provides small business owners comprehensive legal protections against unfair eminent domain practices.”

In June of this year, the Institute for Justice (IJ), the non-profit organization that litigated the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo vs. New London case, released a study entitled “Victimizing the Vulnerable” that found that ethnic and racial minorities were disproportionately impacted by eminent domain abuse. Among the American cities studied, more than a dozen are located in California.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo decision, California is not among the more than 40 states that have reformed their eminent domain laws. IJ considers California “one of the biggest abusers of eminent domain in the country,” and small business owners to be among its most frequent victims.

“Our members have worked hard to achieve their piece of the American Dream,” said Manuel Cosme, Jr. “Hispanic business owners deserve private property protections. The Howard Jarvis initiative is the only measure that will appear on the June ballot that protects our members from eminent domain abuse.”

The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce’s (CHCC) primary goal is to represent the interests of over 600,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in the State of California. With a network of over 60 Hispanic chamber and business associations throughout the state, the CHCC is the premier and largest regional Hispanic business organization in the nation that promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs.
The California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act is sponsored by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights. Having secured the financing required to qualify the measure, the Act will appear on the June 2008 ballot. For information on how to acquire petitions or campaign information, visit

Media Contacts:
Marko Mlikotin, Californians for Property Rights Protection, 916.444.8781
James Duran, Spokesperson, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, 408.540.0071

Larry Gilbert, Property Rights Initiative Surrogate Speaker

About Larry Gilbert