AB 1471 Mike Feuer, Firearm Micro Stamping, passes in Assembly 43-29

Early this afternoon, after a lively discourse from members on both sides of the aisle who invoked the Second Amendment, and our Bill of Rights, the CA Assembly voted 43 AYE to 29 NO in passing Assembly Member Mike Feuer’s AB 1471.

This Bill, also known as Micro Stamping, is supported by numerous chiefs of police yet at the same time we learned that the Attorney General and other government agencies opposed it, including Orange County sheriff Mike Carona.

In his closing statement, prior to the vote being taken, Member Feuer said that “this technology was tested with a gun fired 2,400 times.”

On the other side of the aisle Member Doug LaMalfa, representing Butte County, stated that “this bill is practically useless.” He went on to add that we “continue to chip away at the Second Amendment.”
After Member Kevin DeLeon from LA stated that the “Second Amendment is old and it’s tired,” Chuck Devore of Irv. repeated Kevin’s ill advised statement and made a strong argument on behalf of the Bill of Rights that should not be trampled on.In his support of the Bill Sandre Swanson of Oakland reported that they had 148 homicides in the city of Oakland last year. That tells me they have a much bigger problem than can be fixed with this “tool” as expressed earlier by Member Lloyd Levine.

Without reprinting the entire Bill text, that you can easily find on line, here is a very brief summary.

SUMMARY: Requires specified semiautomatic pistols to be
equipped with microscopic identifying markings which are
transferred to each cartridge case when the firearm is fired.

While this Bill has yet to cross the finish line what’s your thought’s on the usefullness of this “tool?”

About Larry Gilbert