Congratulations to my friends at the Liberal OC blog, as they came in #1 in the latest BNN political blog rankings. The Orange Juice! moved up one slot to #3, just below Red County/OC Blog, which ranked #2.
The Flash Report rounded out the top 4, making it a clean sweep for Orange County blogs, with the exception of #5, which went to the L.A. based FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog.
Other O.C. based blogs that ranked in BNN’s Top 20 included Orange Punch at #6, Total Buzz at #10 and John Seiler’s blog at #17.
The uproar that has emerged in the wake of the stunning appointment of anti-Mexican Harald Martin to the Anaheim Union High School District made our initial story about this fiasco a top read this week.
Here are our current hottest stories (data from Google Analytics, since June 25):
- SAUSD corruption coming out with Mijares gone (1,824 page views)
- Claudia Alvarez rips sanctuary for immigrants (342 page views)
- Anti-Mexican appointed to Anaheim school board (332 page views)
- Alvarez goes off again (330 page views)
- Lupe Moreno in her own words (314 page views)
- Henry Nicholas III faces drug and stock option charges (323 page views)
- Pulido sticks with Minuteman Lupe Moreno (291 page views)
- Recall Solorio (280 page views)
- SAUSD hypocrisy regarding high school certificates of completion (276 page views)
- Sheriff Carona spends a bundle on a new truck (215 page views)
I suspect that our numbers will continue to improve with our new URL, It is easy to remember and folks won’t have to look elsewhere for our link.
I also expect that the developing story about the appointment of Harald Martin to the AUHSD board will push our numbers up all week long. According to Claudio Gallegos, copies of my initial article were distributed at a college event he went to today. He said it has also been linked on My Space.
Here are all the Harald Martin stories we have posted so far:
- Anti-Mexican appointed to Anaheim school board
- The people uprise against Martin
- Secret origin of The Mexican is revealed
- Something about Martin
- Harald Martin:Thanks for proving my point
- The people of Anaheim speak!
- Petitions now available to dump Martin from AUHSD Board of Education
Thank you to our readers and our writers for all the continued support!
Check this one Art:,0,4264511,full.story?coll=la-home-center
Victor Taracena looks remarcibly like Sal Tinajero. See:,1,
Does the data translate to 1,834 SAUSD (corruption thread) page views for a period of 30 days?
If so, that’s a daily average of 61 page views.
SAUSD administrators decision to ban this blog on SAUSD computers is a huge win-win for the OJ and OC residents.
Keep the heat turned up SAUSD.
Thanks, Art! Oh yes, and OJ rocks, too! NO ONE covers Santa Ana issues like you guys do. : )
I am a big fan of OJblog. I have seen readership increase over the past year and look forward to getting a daily read, as apparently many others do, too.
Congratulations on making this blog welcoming and sticking to the issues that affect Santa Ana residents and the people who work there.
It’s getting to the point that SAUSD can’t make a sneaky move without the risk of it getting read about on this blog. Excellent work, Art. That change in business-as-usual perception at the school district is worth a great deal got change that is vital to clean out the corrupt leadership.
I encourage all staff and parents to pass this website address around. It’s a must-read for anyone who cares about SA as a city and community.
OJ was the first to break this news regarding SAUSD’s Doreen Lohnes. It’s excerpted from a blog that’s chronicled on the internet. Simply Goggle *Doreen Lohens* and it will pop up. The excerpt begins after the asterik demarcation.
La Voz Says:
7/27/2007 8:21 PM
Doreen Lohnes, Ass’t Supt., Special Ed, comes to SAUSD directly from indicted Supt. Fleming’s office of Capo Unified School District.
While at CUSD Lohnes screwed with the lives of decent people. Are we going to let her run rough shod on SAUSD special ed students?
An appeal to CUSD parents, teachers and staff is underway to gather more information on Lohnes.
SOS to the Borellis … APPEAL.
Read this account of Ms. Lohnes’ activities ….
***** ***** ******* *******
“A certain volunteer to the district was working with Doreen Lohnes in Dr. Fleming’s office. The volunteer mentioned a story coming from a female teacher at AN who felt she may have been a victim of sexual harassment coming from the principal.
Ms. Lohnes suggested that the volunteer secure the teacher’s name and phone number and she would call her on the QT in an informal manner to ascertain if her experience was in deed sexual harassment. The teacher agreed, so the volunteer passed along the name and phone number.
When Ms. Lohnes called the teacher she stated that she was making an official call and asked if the teacher had filed a civil action. The teacher became frightened because the discourse was direct and presented in an official capacity.
When the volunteer was advised that the teacher had been intimidated and that she eventually claimed that she may not have been offended my the principal’s remarks, a call to Ms. Lohnes confirmed the capitualtion.
After hearing the discourse between the teacher and the principal, the volunteer asked Ms. Lohnes how could the district not reprimand, censure or remove the principal for making such disgusting sexually explicit remarks in front of a female and with a male AP in attendance.
Shortly after, the volunteer had cause to meet with the principal and the meeting opened with the principal stating, “What’s this about me and sexual harrassment coming down from the district?” The volunteer realized that the district had not only admonished the principal for his actions but had told him the volunteer was the one who carried the message.
This was a blatant case of a breach of trust and retribution. Several days later the volunteer resigined from all activities as a volunteer to the school and district.”
More on Doreen Lohnes of SAUSD.
Anonymous Says:
7/28/2007 11:51 AM
Doreen Lohnes was Chief Compliance Officer/PTA Liaison for CSUD in 2004 according to a search.
However, there are some facinating documents in the David Smollar Deposition during the CUSD investigations. (He was the communications department head who resigned because of unethical behavior by the district- so he had a great deal of knowledge of what the district was doing).
Here is the collection of documents that helps one understand a corrupt and irresponsible board of education and dishonest superintendent.
The gamut covers a Mole inside the recall effort, written and spoken lies, a hit list, enemies list and a consortium of school districts that colluded to prevent special education students from getting needed services.
Here is a relevant section that references special education – a topic that Dr. Lackey, sped advocate, repeatedly visited at the board meetings- which includes references to Doreen Lohnes. Apparently she was very much part of the top administrators in that district.
From Pages 39, 40, 41, 42
Dr. Lackey, in
8 particular during that period, was very critical of the
9 district’s special ed executive director, Susan Roice,
10 who was number two under Doreen Lohnes, who was the
11 assistant superintendent, I think — I think that was her
12 title, but she was in charge of special ed, Susan Roice,
13 I think, was the operations …..
Dr. Lackey was very
14 critical because the husband of Susan Roice, a man I
15 think, if I’m not mistaken, his name is Robert Roice,
16 worked as a consultant in our special ed division or
17 department, and Dr. Lackey was very, very critical of
18 that, because he thought it was a conflict of interest
19 with Susan Roice being the exec director. But he also —
20 there was another point he was also making. Oh, also
21 because Robert Roice, he said, was doing attorney-like
22 functions or had an attorney-like role in special ed
23 hearings and he was not an attorney. And this went on, I
24 mean, you know, month after month. ……
18 And I was given by Doreen Lohnes, who I
19 assume — and it’s an assumption, but I — who got it
20 from Susan Roice, but I was given a copy of a court case
21 that I think originated against the Poway Unified School
22 District, and they were sued — Poway was sued by some
23 special ed advocates, and Robert Roice was at issue, and
24 the issue in that case was that, basically, Robert Roice
25 was practicing law without — you know, without proper procedure or whatever, the rules and regulations of
2 special ed. The case went against the special ed
3 advocates, it went for the city of — or the Poway School
4 District, and I think it was certified by whatever the —
did you spend a great deal of time responding
16 to requests by Dr. Lackey?
17 A Yes, Dr. Lackey — actually, for a while during
18 the ’04-’05, Doreen Lohnes was replaced in special ed by
19 Susan McGill, temporary assignment, and for a period
20 there things seemed to calm down. I think Dr. Lackey
21 even got up at one board meeting and actually praised
22 Susan McGill for the way she was handling the special ed,
I guess this was sometime in late 25 ’04-’05 the district joined a consortium along with other
1 school districts of some authority where they’re pooling
2 their money to be able to fight special ed advocates and
3 IEPs more strongly or whatever. I forget what it’s
4 called, but that seemed to just tick off Ron Lackey
5 immensely, and subsequently every board meeting he was
6 there.