Wisckol beats a dead horse

It would appear that O.C. Register Martin Wisckol knows how to beat a dead horse. His Buzz column today opens with yet another attack on O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen:

County Supervisor Janet Nguyen may create her share of turmoil, but last week she brought together three of the county’s prominent political blogs in an unprecedented display of unity.

As promised in this space a week ago, the Register’s Total Buzz political blog launched a daily count-up of the days Nguyen was delinquent in legally mandated disclosure of three big campaign contributors. Quickly joining in the daily count-up was the Red County and Liberal OC blogs, as well as the left-leaning Calitics statewide blog.

Mike Lawson at the Liberal OC even came up with a cool “We’ve waited (number here) days” graphic, which the four blogs agreed to make the Official Logo of the Janet Nguyen Count-up.

It was left, right and center, joined in perfect harmony. As if Janet had bought the blog world a Coke.

But the mounting attention on her delinquency probably didn’t contribute light-heartedness to the mood in her own office. After four days of the count-up, the disclosures were finally delivered

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.