Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Today’s editorial: A tax hike in search of a purpose
Santa Ana uses a self-serving resident poll to justify higher taxes to benefit the police.
An Orange County Register editorial
The city of Santa Ana is determined to raise taxes on its residents and has adopted one of the more dishonest tactics to gin up support for such an increase. Officials are using a taxpayer-funded public-opinion survey to prove that the public really does want to give more of its hard-earned cash to a city government that is more than too happy to spend more of it.
As the Register reported, the city hired a Sacramento-based polling firm in March in the hopes that residents would tell pollsters that they want higher taxes to pay to fix Santa Ana’s poorly maintained, pothole-filled roads. To the officials’ dismay, residents overwhelmingly opposed the idea of paying higher taxes for roadwork. But officials saw an opportunity in another question, in which residents said they would give “high priority” to higher taxes to deal with gang prevention.
And so the tax-hiking folks at City Hall spotted an opportunity. Aha, they said, residents are clamoring to pay more taxes to boost the police department’s budget. Yet already more than half the city budget goes to the department. As Councilman Carlos Bustamante told the Register, crime has gone down over the past two decades even though the number of police officers per capita has declined as population has increased. “That tells you throwing money at the problem doesn’t always fix the problem,” he said.
Mr. Bustamante is right. His point is reinforced when one considers that this is a tax increase in search of a purpose. Had the city really believed that there is a desperate need for more police, then it would have commissioned a poll that focused on police needs. Instead, it commissioned the poll based on its presumption that roadwork was the prime need. Apparently, city officials will raise taxes for any and all purposes, which is easier than doing what 84 percent of respondents told the city-hired pollsters: that “spending tax money efficiently” is a high priority.
The whole business of polling residents about tax hikes is dubious. There is no deep desire by officials in any city that uses such techniques to glean the priorities of residents. The goal is to push residents toward embracing higher taxes. The questions are geared to elicit the proper response. One never finds questions of this sort: “Should city officials consider lowering the outrageous salaries of public employees to make up for the budget shortfall?” Or “Do you believe the roads are in such bad shape and gang crime is on the rise because officials are doing a poor job running the government agencies that are supposed to deal with these serious issues?”
Nope. The goal of such polling is to create a phony public groundswell for the easiest and preferred course by government officials, which is tax raising. Santa Ana residents ought to at least be wise to the scam.
What do you think will enhance living in Santa Ana? Another tax increase or a city government that is committed to cutting the fat, learning how to budget and paying for prioritized improvements within its means?
The city looks like its run by clueless children. Maybe I’m just too sensitive about all big government’s mistakes lately, but really, when is Santa Ana going to grow up and get some capable leadership?
#1. The City will grow up when the residents stop electing Mayor No Berries, and Councilmembers who aren’t committed to running for higher office as soon as they get elected to council. ELECT CANDIDATES COMMITTED TO THE CITY, NOT TO THEIR DREAMS OF ASSEMBLY OR COUNTY SUPERVISOR OFFICES.
Nice editorial but it’s too bad the Register has lost it’s edge when reporting on the salery hikes being proposed. In the old days the O.C. Register would have really gove after a city like S.A. trying to raise already high manager types going for more cash but instead, they are trying to get a desk for a reporter INSIDE city hall? I want the old fearless Register back!
The City has handled this whole issue like a bunch of rank amateur’s. Whomever is giving them advice needs to be replaced. They have handed the Register, and everyone else, all the ammo for that Editorial; what will follow on blogs, and in next year’s campaigns.
Having Council members who leak stuff to blogs isn’t helping either! It just makes it easier for them to play both sides of the issue, so they can try to look good.
Morning Coffee
Instead of a raise, how about a rent free home in one of the lofts in the artist village?
Double bonus, because they could walk to work, they would not need the auto allowance either.
This has Catherine Standiford written all over it! She raised fears in La Palma about cutting the police force to get tax measure passed.
Ream brought her here before La Palma could dump her. Now she is trying to repeat her tactics. Santa Ana voters should force the city into cutting administration costs and fixing roads and hiring police officers!
the mayor just gave claudia a certificate two weeks ago thanking her for finding the cash to hire the 10 new cops and the new sargeant.what gives?
You and most of the bloggers in OJ are Santa Ana commissioners.
What have you, and them, done to reduce the budget and increase safety?… Huh?
Have you all supported EPIC boondoggle?…. Is Mr. Gordon commissioner on EPIC?….. Huh?
Art, before you point your finger at others, point it at yourself first!
Dear Community:
I urge you to attend our upcoming proposed budget community meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 2007. Our staff should be sending out a flier shortly and posting it online.
Proposed FY 2007-08 Budget Community Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 6:30 PM
Southwest Senior Center(McFadden/Center)
For more information please contact 714-647-6900.
Please pass the word along.
Michele Martinez
Council Member
City of Santa Ana
Morning Coffee –
Where’s your proof that council members are leaking stuff to blogs?
Since employee salaries are paid from the General Fund, Dave “Pelon” Ream and the council should all agree that NO EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE deserves a pay raise and any money that would have been given to them now needs to be REDIRECTED TO THE SANTA ANA POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR MORE OFFICERS.
No. 8 – Standiford is highly regarded among municipal administrators, first proving herself as an Assistant City Manager in Garden Grove before the La Palma position. I would hope that just because she is now on the crew of the Titanic her strong track record will not be tarnished. Has she done something wrong that prompts your criticism?
“The Titanic” #12?
Unless you are sarcastic, probably just plain stupid, you should know that the Titanic, the unsinkable boondoggle, sunk.
So will the EPIC boondoggle with Admiral Standiford in command.
The EPIC Boondoggle?
Isn’t that how they are now referring to Michelle Martinez’s gang committee?
#10- ( Sean?)
I’ve been told by 3 good sources that certain items have shown up on this blog that could only have come from Council members. They involve information supplied to Council members only,or only discussed in closed sessions. The identity of the person, or persons, supplying this information has not been proved, but it’s not difficult to narrow it down to one or two people.
I am not the only one who has recognized this info was, or should have been confidential. I am also not the only one who found it interesting how quickly it showed up here after it was made available to some, or all, of the Council members.
Morning Coffee
Hey morning coffee,
If your “three good sources”, ie dave ream, catherine standiford and jill arthur, are willing to leak info to you, what makes you think that they don’t leak said info to these bloggers as well?
if your “three good sources” talk to you about secret goings on, what makes you think they are not the source of the leaks in an attempt to discredit others.
Morning Coffee,
Sorry but I am not #10. I am intigued though. If this is confidential information how did you find out about it? Which councilmember is making this information available to you and why are they sharing it with you?
If in fact a council member is leaking information, it is only a matter of time before that person is exposed. Loose Lips Sink Ships.
# 12
Lets see, Standiford’s record…
– Garden Grove, Budget crisis, crumbling infrastructure, inept administration. Today’s problems started under Standiford/Importuna’s watch!
– La Palma, Strong community support, but she cut all community activities. Everything that mattered to citizens she tried to outsource. Then she pushed tax to pay for police (sound familiar!). She then left city with 2 years of defecit spending!
– Santa Ana, double-digit raise, ten months later asking for 13% raise. All while city crumbles around her. Citizens are not safe and employee’s are not happy. And now she’s driving a new tax on the very taxpayers who pay her salary!
Don’t see how the mess she’s created in Santa Ana could tarnish such a great resume!
#15 Morning Coffee,
Can you point out confidential information that has been reported on this blog? And unless you are a councilmember or senior support staff you should not have knowledge of confidential discussions.
And by the way for bloggers, only legal “confidential” discussions are:
Pending Litigation, Contract Negotiations, or personal performance review. Discussions which may embarass officials elected or highly paid are not protected by confidentiality clause(s).
Morning Coffee,
You have made the claim “that certain items have shown up on this blog that could only have come from Council members. They involve information supplied to Council members only,or only discussed in closed sessions”.
Would you be so kind as to expand upon this statement? Would you cite case and point for us?
Also, why do you believe it is okay for you to be given inside information but not others?
Please enlighten me and the others.
I am not going to elaborate beyond this because to do so would get some folks in hot water.
The crux of this issue is- there were comments and issues posted here that contained information only available to Council members and some employees who had gotten together some data on some of these things.
The employees never had access to final documents, or comments made in closed session. Some of those comments/issues have surfaced here in slightly different forms. I only found out about this stuff after-the-fact. Once it was out here, it wasn’t confidential anymore.
Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee,
Let me set the record straight – I hardly ever talk to any council members. I get most of my news from other community activists, from my co-bloggers, from the media, from attending meetings, etc.
It is ironic that you are complaining about leaks while the city insiders are themselves leaking to you.
Perhaps if the City of Santa Ana had a Public Information Office there would not be a need for leaks.
I thought the city’s responsibilities have to do with running the city in the resident’s best interests.Why should any imformation be confidential.In particular what is written in this blog thread? This blog is about the hiring of a public relations co. for polling residents.What is so confidential?The strategy is perceived as ill advised.I guess that is the problem Morning Coffee has with the imformation in this blog.His post #4 is very clear. He/she is upset that the City and their advisors were “amatuers” on how the polling co. issue was managed.He/she then has a problem with some one leaking out the imformation.The intent of the polling doesn’t bother Morning Coffee – the imformation discussed about the polling strategy does.Keeping government secretive is the idea Coffee wants to present I suppose.
Morning Coffee likes kicking it up.
I’d like to know who is pulling his/her puppet strings.
Wow. Elected officials may be using confidential information as a tool to davance their own agendas and self-importance? Amazing, who wudda thunk it —. I always prefer the approach of leaving the confidential memo or report in the copy machine for others to stumble upon —