SB33 "will prohibit drivers under the age of 18 from using a wireless telephone or other mobile service device while operating a motor vehicle."

By a vote of 8-2 SB 33 passed out of a Senate Committee and now heads to the Senate Committee on Appropriations. As a reminder, as of July 1, 2008 no person, regardless of age, can operate a motor vehicle while using a hand -held wireless telephone.

If passed into law, SB 33 will penalize teenagers based on “data that indicates that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teen fatalities, accounting for 44 percent of teen deaths in the U.S. CHP data reflects that cell phone use is most frequently identified distraction in accidents caused by driver distraction.”

True story. As I drove into the Rancho Santa Margarita library parking lot today a middle aged lady with an older van loaded with kids, had a cell phone crammed in the crick of her neck as she attempted to back out of a parking space. She was so anxious to make that call she struggled to multi-task, to speak and drive simultaneously. She easily could have caused an accident. My point is that there are many drivers, of any age, who are at risk by using hand-held cell phones to carry on a “vital” discussion or to send text messages.

What’s your thoughts about “red lining” over 250,000 16 and 17 year old CA. licensed drivers?

How many people have you passed on the freeway fixing their makeup, changing the radio station, reading a paper or drinking a cup of coffee as they motor down the road. These are also distractions for which there are no laws.

From a public safety perspective I can support the new law that applies to everyone but have a problem in targeting the teenager drivers.

Let’s analyze CHP accident reports AFTER the hands-free phone law has some history and actual data rather than jumping the gun.

About Larry Gilbert