Earlier today I commented on the issue of whether Newport Beach City Council candidate Barbara Venezia is disqualified from holding office due to a financial interest in Rainbow Disposal, a trash hauler for the City of Newport Beach. My initial reaction was that this was obviously a smear by paid consultants. While it could be that this issue is being driven by opponents of Venezia (I don
Jamie Valencia beat Jaramillo by 53 votes. No dope for you!
I’ll consider this post an apology for rashly accusing me of a smear.
According to the OC register, the Newport Beach city attorney has already decided not to pursue any conflict of interest action.
Not only do they have no standing to file, but there is no legitimate conflict.
This is all cheap smear tactics and huffing in the wind. I guess the other candidate and attorney Mark Bucher don’t feel they can win any other way.
According to the OC Register, the Newport Beach city attorney has already declined to pursue any conflict of interest filing.
In addition to the fact they have no legal standing to file, it does not meet the legal threshold.
Daigle and Bucher must not feel they can win this election legitimately or they wouldn’t attempt such a stunt.
To paraphrase Robert Duval, I love the stench of politics in the fall…
Dear Readers,
Before you decide, you had better read the Daily Pilot. They know everything.
Where is Cunninghams and Bucher’s outrage when it comes to Daigle’s rediculous behavior at Carona Del Mar High School. And they continue to claim that the Minutement types are not racist, just look at the stereotype Daigle used the second a Mexican even spoke to her. She immediately resorted to the “deporting” threat implying that just because he is Mexican he is illegal. Where is Matt and Mark’s honor and consistency and honesty. So much for being devout Christians and Catholics.
The City attorney made it clear to me months ago that she could not give me an official opinion on the matter since I was not a seated council person. It would be great if she could have.
By the way if you look at the bottom of my web site it clearly says “This site is property of BV ON TV INC. 2006 . Any use of content or photos must have written permission from BVONTV Inc.”
I have gotten permission to use the photos that photographers have taken, but you have not, and though the photos are very nice, I would appreciate you respecting the permission aspect of the site.
No problem Barbara. Hope you like the new pictures.
“I’ll consider this post an apology for rashly accusing me of a smear.”
That’s no apology. That’s just a another request for clarification of a possible conflict of interests that the Newport City has addressed.
However, there was foolish mistake made by some “fool” who wanted to smear somone passing off 1995 information as being more current.
Get a load of Daigle squishy property rights comments on her website, ” A proposal that would allow thousands of new housing units just across Newport Beach’s border…I believe we should sue Irvine…”
These are property owners that aren’t from the her city yet she speaks like they are beholden to her. She writes, “We will apply the same diligent standards to our plan in the Irvine Business Complex that are being applied throughout our city.” The term “same diligent standards” are code words used by pro-eminent domain politicos…Watch out!!
We hear she hates people who look like Mexicans. We read she does not respect property rights. I’m thinking if your a property owner who looks Mexican you’re toast.
You are charasmatic, intellegent and easy on the eyes. You have my vote.
Here is some advice for your web site: (1) show more close up photos of yourself because you are an attractive woman and looks get votes; (2) provide a little more substantive public policy commentary b/c that gets vote too.
In any event, you have my vote. Hopefully, Art will post when your fundraisers are being held. Thanks.