A Rush to judgment
I had a long conversation this evening with Tim Rush and shortly after our phone call ended, I logged onto this blog and noted that my co-blogger, Claudio Gallegos, had beat me to the punch, in addressing the Times article about Rush that has become the talk of Santa Ana. There is far more to this story than the Times reporter, Jennifer Delson, and Gallegos alluded to in their respective takes, so here is the rest of the story.
To understand Rush you have to know the whole story. He has spent a dozen years making up for a mistake that cost him dearly. Like Ted Moreno, the Santa Ana City Councilmember who was caught up in a sting, Rush ended up in prison, for a brief time, after being charged with embezzlement. Rush paid dearly for his mistake. He lost his real estate license, his wife, and his standing in the community. He went bankrupt as well – but he never gave up. He served his time and then his friends stepped up and helped him get back on his feet.
For Rush, the simple act of buying a home was a milestone – it symbolized the progress he has made in his life. However, Rush quickly found that there was no parking available in his new neighborhood, Wilshire Square. He asked his neighbors what the deal was and eventually he found that one of them was selling cars and parking them all over the neighborhood while waiting to sell them. As Delson reported, that miscreant finally got caught, thanks to Rush. Now there is more parking for everyone – even those who do not understand Rush.
There are in fact a great many people who misunderstand him. One of them, Sean Mill, has in fact attacked him repeatedly – on the Santa Ana Citizens Yahoogroup, in the blogosphere, and even by calling his current boss and trying to get him fired. The attacks are not fair. Rush paid his debt to society. He has been an upstanding citizen throughout the last dozen years. He has been honored by neighborhood associations and other civic groups. And now he even owns a home again, with the help of a good friend, and he is on the verge of regaining his real estate license. Mill does not appreciate any of that – he is an old friend of Moreno, whom Rush opposed, and is fixated to this day on revenge.
Rush on the other hand just wants to enjoy his home and his neighborhood. He never wanted to be the story, but the Delson article has changed that in a big way. He has told his story on the John and Ken Show, on KFI AM radio, and on Bill Handel’s show, on the same station. Tammy Bruce called him recently and he will be doing her radio show too. He has a story to tell and while his enemies call his complaints petty, the fact is anyone might be annoyed by these examples, as cited in the Delson article:
- Rush called about four inoperable vehicles in a backyard abutting his yard.
- Rush objected to graffiti on the walls of a garage that he could see from his back porch.
- He called animal control officials more than a dozen times about a barking dog.
- He told code enforcement officials that a neighbor had illegally built a driveway in the front yard.
- More than two dozen times, he reported to police loud music playing at 8 a.m. on Sundays at a house three doors away.
Rush’s detractors do not address these complaints; instead they call him a racist. That is cowardly. Anyone can call someone an expletive, but it takes guts and brains to debate someone on the merits of an issue. Too many of his detractors are lacking in both qualities. The fact remains that Rush has had the brass to stand up to those who selfishly do what they want, even when they inconvenience others. I don’t think that makes him a racist.
What about his Latino neighbors? One of them told Delson that Rush “wants to change Santa Ana. He bought a house here. That doesn’t give him the right to boss people around and tell them how to live.” That may be true, but his neighbors likewise do not have the right to conduct illegal businesses out of their houses; tag their properties with graffiti; maintain ill-tempered dogs that bark at all hours; play loud music all night long, etc. Until they learn to live like civilized people, Rush will keep calling City Hall.
In a kinder, simpler world these folks would get together and work out their differences. But Delson writes that they even question Rush’s right to fly the American flag over his house – and that just isn’t right. The last time I looked, Santa Ana was part of the United States, and that is our flag. It is a symbol of the freedom that has made our nation a dominant force in the world. It is also a reminder that freedom is not free. Thousands of our fellow Americans have given their lives so that we may live freely. Living freely however does not give us the right to abuse our neighbors’ well-being.
There are some who are trying to portray this issue along political lines. Rush is a Republican, but I did not even know that. I had to ask him what party he belongs to. What he is doing is not a part of a GOP agenda. He is just trying to enjoy his home and his neighborhood. His neighbors may not appreciate that, but many of them left other countries to come here. They left to find opportunity, but also to enjoy the quality of life that is afforded to us here in the U.S. So why sully our country by breaking our laws and acting like anti-social slobs?
What Rush is doing may seem over the top, but until we live in his shoes, we cannot and should not reach that conclusion. He readily admits his mistakes, but now he is just trying to enjoy his hard fought recovery. I hope he finds a measure of peace. And I would ask his detractors to refrain from casting stones upon him. Instead, go to his neighborhood and see for yourself.
Too many homes are dangerously overcrowded and barking pit bulls and blaring music keeps everyone up at night. It is no way to live, but Rush is making the best of it. He has already been to the bottom – and I know he won’t stop until he gets to the top again. You have to admire that. It is quintisentially American to persevere against all odds. In fact I told Rush tonight that his story sounded like a movie plot. I won’t be surprised if this tale ends up on the big screen.
I hope Rush does not take umbrage at me for sharing his story with my readers. Mill has outed him for scurrilous reasons. I, on the other hand, feel that it is worth noting that Rush is himself imperfect – but he is trying to live a good life now. His motivation is the greater good, while Mill is moved by hatred and revenge. I suppose Hollywood will like that. You can’t sell a movie if it doesn’t have a good villain…
Art perhaps before you wrote this you should have checked your facts. I did not call Tim Rush’s boss, I called the State of California Department of Real Estate and the Prudential Realty corporate offices and let them know that a convicted felon with a revoked license was training agents at Prudential Mulhearn Realty. The only contact I had with Tim’s boss, Bruce Mulhearn, came when he called my home this morning in an attempt to intimidate me. Both the state and Prudential were shocked to hear that someone like Rush was involved in training real estate agents. The state has assured me that there will be a full investigation into the actions of Rush in regards to his employment at Mulhearn Realtors.
Another fact that you got wrong is your claim that Tim Rush owns a home in Santa Ana. Tim Rush does not own the home at 1225 S. Broadway and the tax bill, grant deed and trust deed verify that. Perhaps you should have done you homework before you began writing you fluff piece for Tim. The home that Tim lives in is owned by his boss Bruce Mulhearn, not Tim Rush. So Tim is a renter, not a homeowner. Check your facts.
You wanna know why Tim doesn’t own the property? Because he has so many liens and judgements against him for not paying his taxes that he would have to take care of before he could own any property. So you see besides being a convicted felon he is also a liar and a tax cheat. Do your homework Art and you’ll see I am correct.
My actions surrounding Tim Rush have nothing to do with Ted Moreno. If you would have done your homework you would know this, but again you have failed to do it.
It looks like you’ve hitched your wagon to yet another winner Art. Congrats!
As the days go by I watch so much of this City succumb to the cancer that is this Mexican invasion. If that isn’t bad enough I have to listen to a moron Like Luis,a Nativo devotee, who rabidly defends anything and everything Mexican. And now just recently jumping on the bandwagon is Art Lomelli. Art lives in lily white Orange Park Acres, which is about as genrtified as it gets.He has the nerve to lecture and chastise those of us living in near ghetto conditions when we identify the problems and the perpetrators.
As much as I hate to even mention Nativos name I have to wonder why the “new” wannabe Latino leader types Art, Luis,Michele, and others, seem have copied his style. Think about it. They all staunchly defend any behavior in their community no matter how odious, as OK because it’s their right or their culture or some other excuse.In doing so it keeps the neighborhoods noisey, trashy, overcrowded,etc. Instead of encouraging and teaching how to raise the level of comfort and livibility in these areas these new spokespeople seem to work at keeping their people down.
Welcome to the Juice.
Here is the question I am sure many are wondering: why are you attacking Rush after he has lived a clean life for a dozen years? How long does he have to keep paying for his mistake? Would you be happy if others treated Ted Moreno this way?
Rush paid his dues to society. You had no business calling the state or berating his boss. Let the man be. If you dislike his actions in the community, debate those actions – don’t drag this guy through the mud just to salve your own ego. That is just not right.
By the way, read my post again. I acknowledged that he needed help to buy his house. So what? He is still paying back his bills and restoring his credit and good name. These things take time. Your actions won’t make that any easier for him.
I am not choosing sides Sean. I just think that your war against Rush is wrong. Your response to my post serves only to underscore my position. Move on brother…surely we can agree that our energies would be better spent taking out Pulido and Mijares?
I’m just happy that we’re no longer discussing Kim Ward, Claudia Alvarez fans, Claudia’s enemies, Chris Leo’s personal life, Armando’s name change, and assorted other topics from last cycle.
Let’s all move on!
responce to 12:07 post, The intention is not to defend Bad behavior , but rather to point out unfair attributes to the Hispanic community.T here has to be a counter balance to people like you that find everything Mexican offensive ,as noted by your statement that the Mexican invasion is a cancer on the city . How more transparant can your attitude to this community be? Art Lomeli
Art Lomeili says it is not about defending bad behavior, but he is wrong.
Every one of those things Tim Rush helped his neighborhood with were forbidden by city ordinances on the books. He spoke with his neighbors and they refused to resolve the issues.
That’s bad behavior.
People like Art L. and Luis that try and make this a race/ethnic issue are part of what’s wrong with this city.
Race issues aside, certain behaviors are not permitted.
Injecting race and saying it’s a racial/ethnis/cultural/Mexican thing is just pathetic. These are just excuses used by people have no other legitimate reasoning to describe this bad behavior.
As one of Tim’s neighbors, I can tell you that the article misstated this fact:
We do appreciate and support what he is doing to improve the quality of life for everyone in this neighborhood.
jemgoiYou bet I’m transparent, I want to be crystal clear on this issue. I, along with countless others have exactly the same thought. As I stated at 12:07 it is time for Latino leaders to stop making excuses and trying to explain away as cultural differences every single issue that has turned much of this once beautiful city into a dirty, noisey, overcrowed ghetto.
You’ve got an excuse for EVERYTHING
Why don’t spend some of your defense time on a campaign teaching your people the basics of living in nice place. You know those really difficult and complex concepts like, don’t shit in your own nest. How many times have we watched one of your people drop or throw out their window anything, anywhere? I beg you to justify that. How about the obnoxious custom of any time day or night rolling down the car windows and BLASTING out their eardrums with bad music and worse speakers. We realize that those men somehow think there is a correlation between the volume of their music and their machismo. What an annoying misconception, why don’t some time on that. I go could on and on but the bottom line is every time you justify or excuse behaviors that degrade neighborhoods, and all quality of life issues you keep adding fuel to the fires of hate. Stop making excuses, set your sights higher that some bordertown trashheap
As usual you miss the mark. How is it that you can state “Rush paid his debt to society”? If you have the facts indicating he did so, please provide them. This scumbag does not pay his taxes; taxes that the City desperately needs.
Additionally, please point out any Latino or non-Latino neighbors that tag their own home with graffitti?
I could go on, but you are just too easy of a target, Art.
“Anonymous 6/22/2006 7:47 AM”
“Why don’t spend some of your defense time on a campaign teaching your people . . . “
“How many times have we watched one of your people . . . “
Good to see David Duke is alive and well. David why don’t you post your hate mongering at kkk.com, you ignorant racist pig. Hang out with “your people” – you know the ones with the white sheets and burning crosses. Or are you wearing brown shirts and swastikas this time of year? (Those sheets must get awfully warm – don’t want to overheat your brain cell)
If you want to make a valid point addressing problems with tagging, or littering, fine. Don’t pollute it with your racist assertions that it is a “latino” issue. You f****** ignoramous.
signed – a pissed off white guy tired of racism (on both sides of the fence)
Interesting posts!!
The issue unfortunately does stem from cultural differences. Anyway one would like to cut it up, it is completely apparent on both sides, and it is unfortunate.
Art stated, Tim is doing a good job because he called code enforcement for numerous items, but did he have to do it 300 times. Does Graffitii really affect ones quality of life??
How about the cars in someone own backyard??
What makes things worst is this, his neigbor built a driveway without asking for a permit, how does this affect Tim Rush’s quality of life??? Chances are one can not see this violation unless you have an anal neigbor focusing on it. I am not saying it is right, but I am saying it is ridiculous to make phone calls and be so annoyed to the point you have to report this.
If my neigbor chose to re-do his drive way, who the hell cares if it is done up to code?
The point is Tim is not a hero, nor anything close to it. He is an elitist , believing he has the power over others and it is wrong.
The mere fact he tells people he hates Mexicans, should be evidence alone, bit some choose not to insulted by that.
Someone also pointed out his neigborhood ans we should live in his shoes…does Wilshire Square come to mind when one thinks of gangs, violations, bad neighborhoods??? So spare us the garbage about where you live. Some of us truly live in gang infested neighborhoods.
Every time I see you post I cringe because I know non-sense will follow.
I do agree with your many of your points, but you always include a hefty doese of ignorance. The following statements speak to this:
“does graffitti really affect one’s quality of life”
“unpermitted driveway” does not affect quality of life
I’m Mexican and I hate graffitti. I also don’t want my neighbor paving over his front yard with cement. Not only is it an eyesore that provides parking for more cars, it brings the values of the surrounding homes down.
When I decided not to buy certain homes, one of the factors was how the neighbors maintained their home. I didn’t want to leave near an ugly unkept home because I know it impacted my quality of life and my housing values. No one wants to look at a crap heap all day.
Think before you post.
I am sorry, Luis – I read your post over and over, and I do not see how this is a cultural issue – in fact, much of your reasoning would indicate it is NOT a cultural issue. Are you saying it is a mexican/latino cultural thing to have Graffiti in your neighborhood? Tons of broken down cars in someone’s own back (or front) yard??
Building without asking for a permit? C’mon – give us all a break – I know you are too intelligent to really believe that. If not, travel below the mason-dixon line. As for graffiti – it sucks, and is an abomination, and is vandalism of personal and private property.
If this guy Tim Rush really says he hates Mexicans, then he is just as much a racist, bigoted asshole as the Mexican or Latino who says he hates “Anglos” or whites – or any other ethnic or racial group you wish to plug in.
Actually, racmism connotes power over others and Mexicans lack that over whites in Santa Ana. So, I agree that Mexicans can be prejudice and bigots, but not racist.
The term “racism” is defined by Webster’s as :
a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
The term is usually applied to the dominant group in a society, because it is that group which has the means to oppress others, but readily applies to any individual or group(s), regardless of social status or dominance.
So, I disagree with you, although I accept your statement of connotation. In everyday usage, the connotation of a word is contrasted with its primary, literal meaning (also sometimes called a denotation); with what the word precisely, actually, or really means. The connotation is anything else that might be suggested by the word, such as implied value judgments or feelings.
However, as noted above, connotation is not the actual meaning of a word, ut rather a subjective implied value judgement of the meaning.
INteresting that you, a so-called property rights conservative will celebrate a man who constantly tries to control what his neighbors can do with their property. That is what it boils down to.
When they clog public streets like the illegal car dealership, then he has a right to act. But to call because code enforcement because he doesn’t like what his neighbor is doing with his driveway, that is outright controlling. But such is the mentality of the White Republican menace in Santa Ana. They claim they are for less government yet use the government to control their neighbors. What will you do Art if someone doesn’t like what you are doing with your property and tries to shut you down.
Property rights are under attack, ironically from Republicans who want their neighborhood to look a certain way. You are either for property rights or against them. Don’t flip flop like John Kerry.
Let me clarify then for you.
Graffiti does not affect your quality of life. It does not keep you from parking in your neighborhood, it does not keep you from enjoying a nice dinner while watching TV. Is it an eye sore, of course it is. Would the city be better without it? Of course, but it does not lower the quality of your life. The article seems to imply the owner of the home did the act himself, perhaps he just didnt have the funds/time to paint over it.
Similarly, paving their driveway, is not your business Arturo. It may not be to your tastes but nevertheless, it is the property of the owner.
Eyesores to you can be a thing of beauty to someone else, you should learn to respect different tastes. What is next, are you going to complain someone painted there house neon yellow, because it is an eyesore to you?
It is about respect, and we all need to practice more of that particularly Mr. Rush.
Anon 9:10AM
To many of us it is not a cultural issue, perhaps it is not to you either, however, I have reason to believe it is a cultural issue for Tim Rush. On many occasions, as has been stated in earlier posts, Mr. Rush has been found to saying some pretty bad stuff. There are others like him in the city, which is whom I speak about.
I have called Code Enforcement once or twice when a neighbor has decided to throw a party on a friday night which went on til 4am. I will stand with anyone who has these types of complaints, but I believe there is more to it than that.
Hey Art,
great job getting the “whole story” by talking to one party to the issue.
I take it you are not a home owner.
To say that graffitti does not effect your quality of life is simply wrong. It’s an eyesore, you see it daily, it pisses you off and therefore it impacts your quality of life. Why is it that most council memebers or aldermen in large cities don overalls and paint out graffitti or seek larger appropriations to fight graffitti? Think hard. That’s right because people don’t like it because it decreases their quality of life.
The City has a Code precisely so that there is some semblance of order and so that homes are safe and do not become eyesores. Did you know if you let your weeds grow to high, the City can cut them and charge you for its work? The City can regulate the height of your fence. It regulates what you can do on your property. The Code essentially legislates civility and respect among neighbors. Consequently, if you want to pave over your front yard with cement and create an eye sore, the City can regulate that too. And, boy, am I glad about that. I paid $700K for my house and I don’t want my next door neighbor bringing down my values be illegally paving over his entire yard and making it an eyesore.
The best way to keep a city down is to rant about all its ills. Maybe the answer is to boast all that is good.
Why can’t Santa Ana change its image? Who is really killing Santa Ana?
The city’s stigma will never change until the citizens alter their p.o.v.
I’m sure Tim means will but the LA Times article did nothing to up his property value. All it did was keep alive that false perception that Santa Ana is a dumping ground.
Napolean Bonaparte said, “Imagination rules the world”
regarding the graffiti issue, art implies in his diatribe that the homeowners themselves “tagged” thier homes.
how are we to take the man seriously?
i once had a neighbor leave a note on my car attacking me for not cleaning up graffiti on my fence that had been there for 2 days. the fact that i may need to go to work during the week to pay for the paint i will use to repaint the fence on the weekend never occured to me. neither did the concept of knocking on my door and showing a little compassion about the fact that it is my fence that was tagged and asking me about.
that neighbor, like mr. rush, seems to only want to create greater divides between himself and his neighbors.
reach out people. take it up with your neighbors. you may find that they’ll be much more helpful than if you call the city or leave nasty notes.
I can not believe that people are arguing over whether the City’s codes should be enforced. I am also in disbelief that some people are using racism as an excuse that the City’s codes should not be enforced. The City’s codes are not racist and definitely not as restrictive as some other cities. Is there any code in Santa Ana that restricts your house colors to only shades of beige?
If any of you are familiar with the Broken Windows theory, you would agree that the City’s codes need to be enforced to provide for a civil and livable Santa Ana.
With all of that said, I do believe that Mr. Rush could have proceeded in a less abrasive way. If some of these violations are based on a lack of understanding of the City’s codes, then, either he or through a note, could have educated his neighbor on the violation that his neighbors were committing.
As much as the City’s codes are there to provide the framework for the city’s residents to co-exist in a civil and respectful manner, the codes are not the absolute solution. People need to be civil and respectful, regardless of the level of code enforcement, or else Santa Ana will never be able to pick itself up, dust off, and shine as it should.
Not to change the subject entirely, but we’d like to invite anyone who wants to tackle temporary sign blight to join our group:
We’re taking a different approach to cleaning up a serious blight problem in many OC cities. We invite you to join us. Thanks!
Tim Rush and his other racist friends need to move out of Santa Ana if they don’t like the culture or living conditions. I applaud Dr. Lomeli, Luis and Sean Hill.
My issue is not with code enforcement. The rules established within the by laws of the city of Santa Ana should be enforced by the city and do serve to set a standard for the city. No one is disputing that. It is convenient to make a connection between being against the city code and begin against Tim Rush.
The codes are not the enemy of neighborhoods, Tim is.
It is not Tim’s responsibility to be the code enforcer, even if he feels he should. More importantly, it appears Tim singles out a group of people and reports only them. Do you believe he would report a friend he has living in another neigborhood, say French Park? I believe the answer to be no.
Your comments only dig you deeper into a hole.
Tim has every right to call code enforcment as do you or anyone else.
I was the first in my family to graduate from college, and a couple of weekends ago we had a party at my parents home to celebrate. We had a Mariachi band and everything. And Tim Rush called the cops on it at 8:00 PM. We weren’t going to be too late, at least until midnight. We even attempted to knock on his door to tell him there was going to be a party and he would no answer it. He reportedly told a neighbor that Mexicans should not be allowed to party, our music is bad and he just wants things his way.
Tim, why did you ruin such a joyous moment in my family? You are not a good man!
Your killing me Luis,
On another posting you tell us how denying services to illegal aliens is a slap in the face to our Constitution.
Then you jump into the deny services to Tim fray.
Are you telling us all that illegal aliens have more rights in the Estados Unidos under our Constitution than Tim?
I’m said you had to attend USC. For the cost of a USC education, you could have paid tuition and any of the UCs, received a far superior education and had money left over to by a Prius.
Tim needs to move to the South where he belongs. Santa Ana is a great city with great people. I have no problems living in Santa Ana and if I did I would move out. I appreciate the culture this is why I moved to this City. If you were to take a survey in Santa Ana about who enjoys living in this town. the majority of the people would say they like it. Only those few like Tim who cannot afford to live in Irvine would say it’s a ghetto. If you feel that way move out. We don’t need you, negative energy in our town.
I think you are confusing me with another post. I have never stated we should deny Tim the services of the city. Check the post.
response to posts 7:30 am and 7:47 am – Nobody on this blog has condoned code violations or negative behavior. The behavior both of you refer to is not particular to the Mexican community . Littering and loud music are in every neighborhood including my neighborhood , we deal with it without marginilizing and stigmitizing anyone. Most of the behavior that offends the both of you is a consequence of survival within limited resources. Under the same circumstances you would be part of the problem, based on how you see the world . Your anger and transparency ignores the symptoms of this social problem and you instead concentrate on code enforcement as a means of attacking the Hispanic Community , without offering real solutions . But , then that is not your agenda . Your real issue is with the majority culture surrounding you , not code enforcement. You see, people as I don’t explain everything away as cultural . You just wish to misinterpret those individuals that are against your agenda . Art Lomeli
If Rush is renting from Bruce Mulhearn, and he’s truly reformed, as Art proclaims, then let’s hope Rush doesn’t stiff Bruce for rent, like he did to our good neighbors in Washington Square.
I, along with a few girlfriends, have attended Wilshire Square home tours and teas and we’ve enjoyed each event. That’s why when we read the article in Tuesday’s Times we were bowled over to learn that this neigborhood has their very own Nazi neighbor.
To an outsider, the reporter’s description of Rush is cartoonish …. he sits on his porch drinking Johnnie Walker Black Label drinks and smoking cigars. Does Mr. Rush realize he was portrayed as an overindulgent, arrogant white guy who is disconnected from his neighborhood?
Mr. Rush performed a disservice to his neighborhood and the City he professes to care for; the lure and attraction of Wilshire Square has been tarnished and I have no desire to ever return. Communities, such as Ladera Ranch, were engineered for people like Mr. Rush.
I believe Rush’s neighbors summed it up best; he’s the neighborhood lonely grouch.
First let me tell you you that my exposing Tim Rush’s crimes, lies and tax cheating has very little to do with Ted Moreno. In fact my disliking of Tim Rush began before I even knew Ted Moreno. Tim is a vile racist who once told me that he would happily support me for city council if and when I was able to get a law passed making it mandatory for all Mexican woman to use “Norplant”. Norplant is a drug that is implanted in a woman’s arm and it prevents them from becoming pregnant.
You keep saying that he has paid his debt to society, but he hasn’t. Tim did his jail time for his felonious activity, but he has not paid his debt to society. If he had paid his debt there would not be so many liens and judgements against him for not paying his taxes. So Art he hasn’t paid his debt as you claim.
Art you keep trying to compare Tim’s case to that of Ted Moreno, they have nothing in common. Tim stole from his clients, who did Ted steal from? Tim pocketed the loot for personal greed. Ted did financially benefit personally from his actions.
Art you keep saying that Tim bought a house with the help of his friend. The truth is Art, Tim’s friend bought a house and Tim is his tenant. If Tim bought the house with his friends, his name would appear on the deed as holding title in one way or another. However, Tim’s name is nowhere to be found on that deed, only the name of Bruce Mulhearn appears.
You say that Tim is making good on the money he owes but it will take some time to do that. How long will that be? He has tax liens against him dating back to July of 1991. That’s fifteen years Art. How long is it going to take?
You make the claim that I am doing this to save my own ego, how do you figure that? I am doing this because Tim Rush is a felonious liar and tax cheat, not to mention a vile racist. I am doing this to expose the true Tim Rush to the light of day.
First let me tell you you that my exposing Tim Rush’s crimes, lies and tax cheating has very little to do with Ted Moreno. In fact my disliking of Tim Rush began before I even knew Ted Moreno. Tim is a vile racist who once told me that he would happily support me for city council if and when I was able to get a law passed making it mandatory for all Mexican woman to use “Norplant”. Norplant is a drug that is implanted in a woman’s arm and it prevents them from becoming pregnant.
You keep saying that he has paid his debt to society, but he hasn’t. Tim did his jail time for his felonious activity, but he has not paid his debt to society. If he had paid his debt there would not be so many liens and judgements against him for not paying his taxes. So Art he hasn’t paid his debt as you claim.
Art you keep trying to compare Tim’s case to that of Ted Moreno, they have nothing in common. Tim stole from his clients, who did Ted steal from? Tim pocketed the loot for personal greed. Ted did financially benefit personally from his actions.
Art you keep saying that Tim bought a house with the help of his friend. The truth is Art, Tim’s friend bought a house and Tim is his tenant. If Tim bought the house with his friends, his name would appear on the deed as holding title in one way or another. However, Tim’s name is nowhere to be found on that deed, only the name of Bruce Mulhearn appears.
You say that Tim is making good on the money he owes but it will take some time to do that. How long will that be? He has tax liens against him dating back to July of 1991. That’s fifteen years Art. How long is it going to take?
You make the claim that I am doing this to save my own ego, how do you figure that? I am doing this because Tim Rush is a felonious liar and tax cheat, not to mention a vile racist. I am doing this to expose the true Tim Rush to the light of day.
I wish we had somebody like Rush, rap sheet and all, in Fullerton. I just dont have the time for 300 phone calls to get code enforcement to shut the neighbors dogs up or to stop the stealing of shopping carts. I gave up after three years.
Bit by bit, the city is deteriorating, which hurts the lifestyles of lawful Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike.
Is it really illegal to put graffiti on your own property?
Shutting up dogs and stealing shooping carts are your issues? This is stressing you out ? This is wasting away the city bit by bit ? Man , get a life .
Yo SeAn
DuDe, u rock! RuSh-boY is slacK.
ThiS baD BoY renTs a rooM to the CarPentEr. I rent a RooM 2 a guY anD I haVe to BuY a sTinkn’ Biz liCense eVerY yeAr. DoEs thiS TaX evaDeR haVe a buSineSS licenSe?
keeP the HooD fRee of DudeS like RuSh-boY. I’Ve goT the WorD ouT.
Thank you all for your comments on this important issue. For the record, I have never heard Tim Rush say anything racist; if he did I would not stand for it.
On balance I think we can all agree that there are problems in Rush’s neighborhood, but perhaps he needs to dial it back a bit. That’s his call to make however.
As for Mill’s continued attack on Rush, it is dismaying. I can understand Mill’s logic to a certain extent, but I would rather see him debate Rush on the issue at hand, as opposed to trying to destroy his life.
Lastly, there are a lot of Mexican Americans in Santa Ana who are a credit to this city. We should not malign all of them just because of a few bad apples. But those bad apples should be straightened out…
I am quite sure that Tim neither has a license nor does he report the income and pay taxes on the rent he collects. Besides, Tim doesn’t own the house so how can he rent rooms out?
Are you sure this “carpenter” pays his rent in cash? Maybe he does handywork for Tim or pays his rent in other ways.
The neighbors say Tim is kinda lonely and in need of some affection. Just askin’.
I am shocked at the level of ignorance re the laws and codes of this city by this group of “experts”. A private home may have (1) renter with no permit or license required.
Stop the Invasion, visit http://www.grassfire.org
You’re kidding right … Rush is a crook, no straighter than Moreno … and rehab, there’s such a thing, but he has to contend with his past decisions … to defend this vato is insane … neighbors around him say he’s just an ASS …
This website’s message is that illigal immigration is a national security of the highest order and also poses a long term threat to the American way of life. This seems to come fromm the Ano. message that claimed the Mexican invasion to be a cancer on the city . that post’s message makes sense relative to this mind set. How does illigal immigration affect these two points differently than legal immigration if at all ? Or is the message really we don’t want the Hispanic culture mixing and possibly becoming dominant over the European east coast based culture? Art Lomeli
I am reffering to http://www.grassfire.org Art Lomeli
Dear Anon 11:18,
I wonder if taxes are paid on the income resulting from said payment of rent. We know if Tim has anything to say about it they aren’t.
Art Lomeli –
Your 11:12 pm post reminds me of Paul Rodriquez’s comment … they like our salsa, but they don’t like us (Mexicans). I think that sums it up, and that’s why I’m more inclined to believe Mr. Rush’s motives are not as pure as he professes them to be.
I tend to believe that he and his merry band of code enforcement enthusiasts are fearful and or concerned about the following data. This data is from the Census Bureau, Claritas 2004 and Strata Research.
People delude themselves about racism, but numbers do not lie.
979,000 Hispanics account for $11 billion of total OC buying power – that’s nearly 20% of OC’s total buying power.
OC Hispanic Median Income is $45,551. That’s 31% higher than that of Hispanics in the U.S.; 5% higher than the median income of the entire U.S. population; and 26% higher than the median income of Hispanics in Los Angeles.
Projected population: 13% growth by 2009; four times the rate of the non-Hispanic OC population.
42% are homeowners.
Calling code enforcement 300 times will not change these facts; rallying like-minded people to rail against fellow neighbors will not these facts. Kris Day, aptly quoted in the article, said ..” In the end, it’s not about code enforcement. It’s about negotiating the priorities of people who come from different places.”
The article clearly portrayed Mr. Rush as a man who is not interetsed in negotiating. Community is being redefined and he clings to the memories and glow of the past. Well, the times they are a changing.
Post 6:19 pm , I think your assesment of the imformation you have accumilated is right. I believe this fear towards the data you prented is the driving force behind all the anti- Hispanic movements around the country . Arguments beign used against this community are just to mask the real fear and concern as you put it. In Santa Ana the mask is code enforcement . Thanks for the data . Art Lomeli