Anti-Boycott and Pro American Rally Planned
The Rev. Wiley Drake, who recently made news by leaving the GOP, has announced an Anti-Boycott and Pro American Rally, to take place on Sunday, April 30th 2006, at 11:00 a.m. Drake will be preaching on Sunday about the upcoming Latino immigrant boycott that is set for May 1.
The rally will take place at First Southern Baptist Church, located at 6801 Western Ave., in Buena Park. For more information, call Drake at 714-865-8132.
This could get tense if the two sides meet Monday in front of City Hall. Will our fearless city council members be there?
This just in….The Santa Ana city council will participating in the events Monday…they will be sitting on the fence between the city hall parking lot and Santa Ana blvd…..
Monday could be the beginnig of the end of the “artists village” in Santa Ana. If some of our yutes start making trouble near those million dollar lofts, you will be able to buy them next week for pennys on the dollar. One day of rioting and those people will say Adios! Sad excuse for an arts movement anyway. Better to just accept the Oliveras Street theme and enjoy it!
Will the last artist leaving downtown please turn out the lights and let Don Cribb know it’s over?
Newsflash … 99% of the original Artist’s Village loft owners have already vacated.
The yutes have nothing to do with the city’s lack of vision. That distinction belongs to the voters who continually elect council members and a mayor that have no vision for the city.
Don’t use tomorrow’s boycott as an excuse for the Village’s demise.
Don’s preoccupied with the Scientologists invading Santa Ana.