Rally in LA tomorrow for Torrico’s AB 656 (oil severance fee to fund higher education)

This is one of the most sensible bills to come around in a long time – Alberto Torrico’s AB 656 would fund our higher education – which as you’ve noticed is going through a major funding crisis – through an oil severance fee.  We are the only oil-producing state in the nation that doesn’t have one! (And this at a time of record profits for the big oil companies.)

I already know what some of you are going to argue – “the fee will just be passed on to consumers at the pump.”  Hogwash!  (Although that’s what the oil companies will tell you.)  Never forget that oil is a worldwide industry and market.  The fact that Big Oil will have to pay a certain percentage for the relatively small amount they extract from California will add at most a tiny fraction of a penny to prices – all over the globe.  And meanwhile we’ll be funding our UC and CSU systems to the tune of at least an extra 2 billion a year, ensuring a future for our young people and an endless  supply of educated Californians for this century.

This especially makes good sense seeing that it’s probably inevitable there will soon be offshore drilling greenlit off the California coast.  Fortunately the technology is much safer than it was in the oil spill days of the 70s;  the main objection these days come from wealthy coastal dwellers who object to the possible “eyesore” – but these platforms will be fifty miles off.  With this windfall coming to Big Oil at our expense, the LEAST they can do is fund our Californian kids’ education, don’t you think?  YES ON AB 656!

Details on the rally over the flip: 

Our campaign is heating up. With 75,000 grassroots supporters and over 11,000 fans on Facebook, it’s time to send our message to Big Oil – pay your Fair Share for Fair Tuition. And now, we need your help.

Tuition costs are skyrocketing. And we can no longer sit back and watch these budget cuts cripple California’s higher education. It’s time to take action to save our students and faculty, our colleges and universities.

You’re invited to join the movement on Tuesday, April 6, when we will rally for AB 656 in Los Angeles.

When: Tuesday, April 6, 11 a.m.

Where: Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park
25820 Vermont Avenue, Harbor City, CA 90710

If you’d like to take a leadership role in the movement for Tuesday, please contact my campaign manager, Rudy Gonzalves, at Rudy@AlbertoTorrico.com or 818-201-8455.


**Facts About AB 656:**

* AB 656 would impose a 12.5% oil severance fee to raise up to $2 billion a year for California’s higher education.
* California is the only major oil-producing state in the country without an oil severance tax.
* AB 656 would finally create a permanent, stable funding source for California higher education.

If you’re not able to join us on Tuesday, I hope you will join the movement by signing our petition to raise $2 billion a year for higher education here: http://www.albertotorrico.com/Fair-Share-for-Fair-Tuition

Join the movement on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FairTuition

Learn more about my campaign for Attorney General: http://www.AlbertoTorrico.com

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.