Frances’ lawsuit seems like a loser. If her council member colleagues were privileged to censure her, that immunity should transfer…
The Steels' latest attack on Derek Tran is that he's not QUITE as fluent in Vietnamese (his childhood language) as…
it was proved in the court of law daniel was wrongfully killed. Grow up before you decide to make any…
Actually I thought Eric made a good point. It was hard for a corruption fighter like Jose Moreno, as it's…
You know if Do was convicted of stealing public funds in his homeland, it would likely be the end of…
Well, you and Greg agree on that, but Norberto was very threatening recently when we used a couple of his…
You obviously don’t understand intellectual property law. If you are using the photo for news reporting, the picture is subject…
Great, Stones-from-a-glass-house fight! I don't think Do's in the mood to be co-operative with anyone, but I am trying to…
I don't think anyone does, although I found someone on Facebook who WORKS with Mando (and says "he shouldn't be…
National Healthcare Archive
Healthcare 101!
Posted on February 27, 2010 | 1 CommentAnthem Blue Cross, Wellpoint, Democrats, Republicans, The Poor, The Rich, the Retired, The Young….those with Pre-Existing Issues, those that are not legal immigrants, Those that could care less…..Those that will […] -
ObammyCare Doomy or Gloomy?
Posted on November 23, 2009 | 2 CommentsHealth and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelious held a Reporter Conference Call today to announce a State by State Report on Health Insurance Reform. The product is entitled: Health Insurance […] -
National Health Care – Mandatory or Voluntary?
Posted on July 21, 2009 | No CommentsThe desire to offer a reasonable, affordable and necessary National Healthcare program in the United States….begins with the argument as to how many people are currently affected. There will be several blocks […] -
How about a National Insurance Lotto?
Posted on June 16, 2009 | No CommentsInsurance Providers were up on Capital Hill today trying to explain why they used “Recision Techniques” every chance they got. For those that don’t know……but may have to find out […] -
Welcome to Russian Heathcare!
Posted on June 10, 2009 | 3 CommentsThe Russians believe in UFO’s….the Russians believe in the American Model of the Mafia for running their businesses….the Russians believe in Socialized Medicine! In the 1960’s, in the United States….before […] -
Provide Healthcare without new taxes!
Posted on May 12, 2009 | 4 CommentsThe concept that every time someone says “Healthcare”….the bird comes down and gives the Federal Government $100 dollars….is ludicrous. Why is it that whether you are talking Healthcare with Insurance […] -
Universal Affordable Healthcare…what’s that?
Posted on May 10, 2009 | 12 CommentsGovernment promises all kinds of things. They give out Pell Grants for students, they give out Social Security Payments, they give out Medicare and even food stamps. Cost overruns are […]
I kind of agree. I don't know if it's a loser or justified or if she'll win, but I wouldn't-a…