So you've saying that you've got her in a position that would facilitate rape. Personally, I wouldn't brag about that.…
Greg, In case you missed it Alex Odeh (a Palestinian American Christian) was murdered in this county not too far…
That doesn’t make me look bad Greg. But carry on. I’ve got her over a barrel anyways. She just may…
True. Re dilatory tactic. This judge seems no nonsense/
That ... or it's a dilatory tactic. I'll be surprised if the Judge allows it -- at least without a…
Melahat update. She requested to substitute her attorney for a new one on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Still no sentencing…
"poor little Zionist Jewish princess" [Ed. Note: Taking out the offensive parts hasn't worked; maybe taking out all but the…
Let’s get one thing straight: Tammy Kim did not agree to withdraw her name from the ballot as some outfits…
Greenhut has to do better than this. No endorsement is better than a rotten one. But this is about relevance…
John Paul Ledesma Archive
MV councilman Leckness lies about endorsements on his web site
Posted on September 6, 2010 | 43 CommentsOne of my concerns is that we have an election for city council in Mission Viejo in a few weeks in which there are amateurs trying to spin their credentials […] -
Time to say goodbye
Posted on July 27, 2010 | 14 CommentsGuest article on Mission Viejo from “Voters United” Time To Say Goodbye “Yes, it’s time to say goodbye to our incumbent city council members who have demonstrated that they, like […] -
It’s already November in Mission Viejo
Posted on July 7, 2010 | 18 CommentsAccording to Monday’s comments and a vote from Mission Viejo mayor Kelley the Nov. General election is now underway. After fighting if favor of retaining access to lifetime health […] -
Transparency in selecting Mission Viejo’s trash hauler
Posted on June 2, 2010 | 17 CommentsFive residents of Mission Viejo will cast an important vote before June 8th. I refer to the five members of our city council. We hired the consultant firm of Sloan […] -
Update. Mission Viejo’s 10 year refuse removal contract
Posted on May 18, 2010 | 1 CommentWithout providing consultants Sloan Vazquez’s detailed timelines, related to our RFP for the collection of our trash, recyclables and green waste, let me simply provide coverage of the May […] -
Carpetbagger Harry Sidhu picks up an April Fool’s Day endorsement
Posted on April 1, 2010 | No CommentsApparently carpetbagger Harry Sidhu and the OC Tax PAC are joining us in some April Fool’s Day pranks. Here is their “press release” announcing the endorsement of Sidhu for the 4th […] -
Litany of lobbyists, RINOs and hacks endorse Magic Carpetbagger Harry Sidhu
Posted on March 15, 2010 | 8 CommentsDon’t forget – Janet Nguyen and Bill Campbell supported carpetbagger Linda Ackerman too! The two worst Orange County Supervisors, Janet Nguyen and Bill Campbell, are holding a fundraiser for their […] -
Talking Trash
Posted on March 10, 2010 | 3 CommentsAfter wasting a full hour watching New York Congressman Eric Massa on the Glenn Beck show yesterday there were two points he shared which, when combined with other data, leads […] -
Mission Viejo councilman Ury speaks with a forked tongue
Posted on March 2, 2010 | 7 CommentsWhile we have just concluded a lengthy, but successful, recall election in Mission Viejo, there is another election on the horizon for our city. I refer to the Right to […] -
Health Care debate Mission Viejo style
Posted on December 3, 2009 | 22 CommentsImpeccable timing. As the US Senate debates National Health Care the Mission Viejo city council will be addressing this very same topic on Monday evening. One minor difference. Councilman Lance […] -
Who will be selected mayor of Mission Viejo for 2010?
Posted on December 2, 2009 | 6 CommentsAs the recall of Lance MacLean election heats up it will be interesting to see who the Mission Viejo city council will select to replace Frank Ury on Monday evening. […] -
3 Stooges arrived in Mission Viejo last Fri. Part 1 of 2
Posted on November 22, 2009 | 17 CommentsMission Viejo recall council candidate Dave Leckness Good afternoon folks. The election to recall Mission Viejo Councilman Lance MacLean is starting off like a “3 stooges” comedy routine. On Thursday Nov […] -
Mission Viejo councilman MacLean loses his kool over recall
Posted on October 5, 2009 | 70 CommentsTonight was a tough meeting for Mission Viejo councilman Lance MacLean. About two and a half hours into the council meeting the City Clerk gave her report on the results […]
Get Alex Odeh's good name out of your filthy asshole mouth. Some of the same JDL types who went after…