H. W.’s my little brown ones reprise. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-08-17-mn-655-story.html
Kwanza is cultural and racial misappropriation. Name one African country where it’s celebrated. Kwanzaa is Angolan currency or spelled Cuanza…
The pink turd deserves Bob. They can race to the bottom.
Bob, Bob, Bob. This angry MAGA gasbag has completely taken over the Liberal OC's comments section, though we pretty much…
ACLU and immigration attorneys voice concern. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-responds-to-house-passage-of-h-r-29-the-laken-riley-act https://www.latintimes.com/immigration-lawyers-raise-concerns-about-laken-riley-act-could-disproportionately-affect-571694 Azerbaijani foreign agent at odds with fellow Texas Democrats over bill. https://riograndeguardian.com/cuellar-gonzalez-at-odds-with-fellow-texas-congressional-democrats-over-laken-riley-act/
He was referring to me I think. But no you come across reasonable and grounded.
Yeah I thought you might-a been. Have I been sounding like I'm "frothing at the mouth" or "having a temper…
I was referring to Min, Levin and Tran. Eh.
*I* didn't say "coward," but Eric may have been reacting to the person posting anonymously. Which we do allow. Meanwhile…
housing Archive
OC Treasurer/Tax Collector Chriss Street comments at Rush Limbaugh Fan Club
Posted on March 13, 2010 | 2 CommentsA short while ago I returned from attending the OC Rush Limbaugh Fan Club breakfast meeting that was held at the Casta Del Sol Golf Course in Mission Viejo. After […] -
Senator Lou Correa to host the O.C. Mobile Home Conference on Friday
Posted on November 2, 2009 | 1 CommentAttention Mobilehome Residents: Senator Lou Correa, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Manufactured Homes and Communities, invites all mobilehome owners and renters to attend the Orange County Mobilehome Conference Friday, November […] -
CSUF faculty’s housing project lays a big egg
Posted on January 23, 2009 | No CommentsWhat do you call a government project that destroys an historic building, creates an eyesore, accomplishes none of its goals, can’t pay for itself, and requires no accountability on the […] -
Bustamante’s appointment part of a plot to dismantle the FEHC
Posted on January 14, 2008 | No CommentsIt turns out that Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante’s nomination by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to the California Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC) is part of a gambit by […]
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…