Thanks for the tip, I'll add it to the story, and it sounds like GG Dems actually have a majority.…
Also gotta mention that Democrats flipped 2 seats in Garden Grove, giving them a 4D-2R-1NPP plurality
Yep, as I suspected it was the Weed Cartel washing their money through their employees' union. And this makes a…
Might want to look at Kitty's massive funding infusion at the last possible second. Really stinks of skunk.
Yeah - this if you missed it was a woman called Mina ridiculing William Go for district shopping... but Matt…
100% depends on who paid his last bill.
Apparently Mike Levin is called as well - 4% over Big Oil Gunderson.
Come live in the south for a few years, then we'll talk.
In case anyone missed today's news buried in this story... Dave Min has declared victory over Scott Baugh. (Let the…
California Pension Reform Archive
Pension Intrigue – Reform Advocates Victimized?
Posted on February 20, 2012 | 22 CommentsOver the last few years I have read many writings and studies about public sector pensions and the perceived unfairness and unaffordabilty of them. The frequency and intensity of these […] -
Reckless Spending Initiative Just Perpetuates California’s Dysfunction
Posted on November 23, 2011 | 23 CommentsBy Martha Montelongo . . The big “news” from Sacramento this week is that the state budget is in trouble again. According to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, the state […]
I absolutely favor arming all Blacks in the South, including with grenades. And tanks! Happy now? P.S. I did live…