H. W.’s my little brown ones reprise. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-08-17-mn-655-story.html
Kwanza is cultural and racial misappropriation. Name one African country where it’s celebrated. Kwanzaa is Angolan currency or spelled Cuanza…
The pink turd deserves Bob. They can race to the bottom.
Bob, Bob, Bob. This angry MAGA gasbag has completely taken over the Liberal OC's comments section, though we pretty much…
ACLU and immigration attorneys voice concern. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-responds-to-house-passage-of-h-r-29-the-laken-riley-act https://www.latintimes.com/immigration-lawyers-raise-concerns-about-laken-riley-act-could-disproportionately-affect-571694 Azerbaijani foreign agent at odds with fellow Texas Democrats over bill. https://riograndeguardian.com/cuellar-gonzalez-at-odds-with-fellow-texas-congressional-democrats-over-laken-riley-act/
He was referring to me I think. But no you come across reasonable and grounded.
Yeah I thought you might-a been. Have I been sounding like I'm "frothing at the mouth" or "having a temper…
I was referring to Min, Levin and Tran. Eh.
*I* didn't say "coward," but Eric may have been reacting to the person posting anonymously. Which we do allow. Meanwhile…
Deborah Pauly Archive
Taboo Jubal: Does Cunningham have a new Strip Club client? (Also, Pauly, homeless shelters & property rights!)
Posted on September 13, 2015 | 21 CommentsWho can forget the cognitive dissonance this whole county felt a couple years ago when it was revealed that Matt “Jubal” Cunningham, the righteous “Christian conservative” defender of “traditional marriage” […] -
Harkey Hall of Shame continued: The Endorsers-of-Diane Wing.
Posted on August 12, 2015 | 19 Comments. . . You may or may not remember that my last piece about the criminal power couple Dan and Diane Harkey wasn’t quite completed, through no fault of my […] -
Now Deborah Pauly wants to be… a libertarian?
Posted on February 26, 2014 | 21 CommentsVilla Park’s Deborah Pauly is attempting quite the transformation. She is abandoning social conservatives and embracing the promising mantle of a libertarian. Reasonable enough given her history. The problem: Ms. […] -
Ramadan Mubarek, U.S. Muslims! (Sorry about all of the McCarthyism)
Posted on July 19, 2012 | 10 Comments. Tonight brings the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, notable in part to those not of the faith for the custom of fasting (no food or water) […] -
Deborah Pauly probably running against Todd Spitzer and Mark Bucher for 3rd Supe Seat
Posted on October 17, 2011 | 41 Comments. . . BUCHER – PAULY – SPITZER. Well, this race should be colorful! You know how close I am with Deborah Pauly, the notorious Villa Park Councilwoman and Vice-chair […] -
Controversy Comes to Villa Park
Posted on April 7, 2011 | 14 Comments. . . . . . Michael McMahon was walking his dog when he first heard the chants. He watched as hundreds protested in front of the Villa Park City […]
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…