Rancho Santa Margarita Mayor Carol Gamble’s handling of the perjury investigation surrounding her false certification of signatures on her candidate nomination form is a glaring example of entitlement and disdain for legal standards. Falsely attesting under oath that she gathered and witnessed all the signatures herself is not a minor administrative error—it’s a serious violation of the law. Perjury undermines the democratic process, yet Gamble’s dismissive attitude suggests she believes the rules simply don’t apply to her.
She has publicly downplayed the allegations, claiming she would have easily gathered the necessary signatures as the sitting mayor, rendering any legal technicalities irrelevant. This arrogance is not only an affront to the law but also an insult to the trust that citizens place in their elected officials. Gamble’s message is clear: her position as mayor, and her re-election prospects, are secure, regardless of whether she followed the law.
What makes this situation even more disturbing is Gamble’s close relationship with Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, a political ally of over 20 years. Gamble has been quick to emphasize their connection, seemingly using it as a shield against consequences. Despite more than seven individuals filing complaints with the DA’s office, there has been no real progress in the investigation. In fact, Spitzer’s office has done more than drag its feet—it has, SO FAR, actively mishandled the case.
In an unprecedented and reckless move, Spitzer’s office sent a group email to all the complainants, disclosing their personal identifying information. This gross breach of privacy puts the individuals at risk of retaliation from Rancho Santa Margarita’s City Hall, a place notorious for its retaliatory tactics against anyone who threatens the political status quo. This careless exposure of complainants would be a violation of the Califomia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in any other context, with serious legal ramifications for private entities. Yet, Spitzer’s office, conveniently exempt from CCPA regulations, appears unconcerned with the safety and privacy of those brave enough to come forward.
This mishandling of the investigation raises serious questions about whether Spitzer’s office is truly impartial or if it’s working to protect Gamble from facing any real consequences. Gamble’s friendship with Spitzer seems to be paying off, allowing her to sidestep accountability. The crux of the issue isn’t just Gamble’s individual wrongdoing, but the broader corruption and erosion of trust in the institutions meant to uphold the law. If Spitzer is shielding his political ally from consequences, what does that say about the integrity of the legal system in Orange County?
Gamble’s long tenure as a councilmember and her entrenched position in Rancho Santa Margarita’s political machinery have only emboldened her. She acts as though the rules don’t apply to her, that she can break the law without repercussions because of her close ties to those in power. Whether it’s her past relationships with city officials or her decades-long friendship with Spitzer, the message is clear: political connections trump legal accountability.
At its core, perjury is a serious crime, one that strikes at the heart of public trust in the democratic process. Gamble’s flippant attitude toward the allegations against her, and her confidence that she’ll be re-elected regardless of any investigation, is a disturbing reflection of a broken system. While her friends in high places, particularly DA Spitzer, seem all too willing to let her slide by without consequences, this should not be tolerated.
No one should be above the law. The citizens of Rancho Santa Margarita—and of Orange County—deserve transparency and justice. Given the questionable handling of this case and the potential for political favoritism, it is imperative that this matter be reviewed by a higher legal authority, such as the California Attorney General’s office or an independent investigative body, to ensure a fair and impartial process. The integrity of the legal system must be restored, and those responsible for upholding the law should not be allowed to manipulate it for personal or political gain.
At least she’s a real candidate.
Yah, a really corrupt candidate!?!??!!? What does your comment even mean. What are you trying to imply.
He means in contrast to Fullerton’s Markowitz, whom Todd just busted for the same thing, except PLUS Markowitz is an unknown, pretend Trumpy Republican put into the race by Democrats to bleed votes away from a Republican candidate. But that’s not what he got busted for.. so far.
There are a lot of other reasons not to vote for Carol Gamble besides her laziness and lying about her signatures. For example she led the charge to end the Boys and Girls Club Contract and replace that with a stupid, expensive, unnecessary “Rancho Santa Margarita Museum.” And that she’s voted to illegally not pay Michelle Johnson, the districting attorney, the $35k she is owed, which is going to cost RSM a lot more than $35k. And that she’s the most reliable wingwoman for RSM’s real boss-for-life Tony Beall.
Most of these things are mentioned on the website of her excellent opponent Keri Lynn Baert, whom people in that district should vote for. But meanwhile Todd should charge and arrest Carol like he did Markowitz – they did exactly the same thing.
Mountain out of molehill.
-> Let’s see our current Prez blackmailed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor yet the Dems impeached Trump for looking into it, claiming Trump is the one who blackmailed. Crooked Crooks.
-> Then 51 current and ex US Intelligence officials published a letter claiming the laptop with evidence of crimes was a Russian dis-info operation, criminally and fraudulently interfering in an election. We know now the laptop is real. No ramifications. Crooked Crooks.
– Why do I bring these up? Because you are perfectly fine with these major transgessions yet you blow a gasket over this minor infraction within our City.
– don’t know why the Boys and Girls Club in RSM was not renewed but I did previously notice they were kinda Woke with a recommended reading list supporting the idea that mentally ill men can become women by just thinking about it. This concept is in support of current US HHS efforts to advance the practice of removing kids from parents who fail to “Affirm” their kids’ gender identities.
– What is wrong with a museum??? There is a lot of history in this area, and you would deny out City’s ability to display it so that our residents can instead become slaves to your Woke leftist agenda?
-> You and your mob will not be happy until every well-run City is a garbage heap like so many Democrat-run Cities.
I think we may have Carol herself on the line.
You’re funny! So we should ignore all problems in local politics (even though this is a local politics blog) because… DONALD TRUMP WAS FRAMED FOR EVERYTHING HE DID!
I see at least two problems here…
I’d say that whatever news source you’re relying on is slowly melting your anonymous brain, except that it doesn’t seem all that slow.
I’m not sure that every last word in what you’ve written is untrue, but on my first read through I didn’t notice a single exception.
No wonder you’re not putting your name on the content, even in your conservative city. Vewy scawy, innit?
Actually, Anon, that story about Biden trying to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired is completely bogus. Biden went to Ukraine to get the prosecutors to be more professional and less corrupt before the US would release any aid to them. At the time, one commenter noted how awkward it might be for Biden to make this demand when his son Hunter was a director of a Ukrainian gas company owned by a Russian allied Ukrainian minister. The story got turned around by the simpletons in Trump world, who will believe anything spoon fed to them by Fox or Trump himself, into what you have alleged. Years later, of course, it was Trump himself who threatened to hold up congressionally approved funds from Ukraine unless that country dug up dirt on Joe Biden for him. I’ll give Trump this much credit, he knew that Biden was likely to be the Democratic nominee in 2020 while others had written him off.
Only cowards voice their opinions under “anonymous “. My son went to the club for many years. He is a great student, very respectful and just a kind and wonderful human being. The club played a big role in that. So if that is what being “woke” entails, then the whole world should be more woke.
You obviously have no idea what the club is like and what goes on in it. You are literally ignorant on this subject and talking out of your ass. I am part of the group that fought to save the RSM club. And the group was a diverse group of people that included both Democrats and Republicans and people from all walks of life. The club is a bipartisan organization that helps all children. And none of the parents EVER voiced a concern that the club was turning their children “woke”.
But shameless, racist, small minded Trumpsters like you have politicized child care, essentially our children and their future. You don’t like the club? Don’t send your children there. That doesn’t give city officials the right to take the club away from people who NEED and want the club in our cities.
The tax payers have spoken. Over a hundred of us showed up to council meetings to plea, beg and finally show our outrage when city council ignored us, belittled us just because we dared to push back on a decision that was secretly made behind closed doors. We had almost 600 people sign a petition to save the club. They didn’t care. They gave the club a one year extension and set unreasonable and unrealistic conditions the club needs to meet. But they are a joke. They are purposely trying to set the club up for failure so they can say “See, we gave them a chance but they failed”. Ridiculous ploy we can all see through.
So shame on you, for spreading baseless rumors about issues you clearly know nothing about and have made zero research into.
Yes, exactly! Anthony Beall openly called the Boys & Girls Club “subsidized daycare”! Then his buddy, the mayor of Aliso Viejo, also started a hate campaign against the club. The city of Aliso Viejo had to put out a statement saying that they, as a city, had no issues with the club and that the opinion of one of their councilmembers (who was unnamed, of course) did not represent their opinions as a whole.
Can you believe that?! City officials have openly declared war on an organization that is nationally recognized for helping children be better prepared for their futures and helps working parents with child care!
Oh yeah the Aliso Viejo anti-kid Councilman in question was Mike Munzing, a real clown. We reported on that twice:
me https://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2024/06/true-amazing-tales-of-aliso-viejo-the-ocs-youngest-city/
and South OC Paine https://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2024/08/south-county-gop-gestapo-mike-munzing-targets-the-boys-girls-club/
Relax, ‘pard.
This is a prime example of why we should have election DAY, per the Constitution.
Where in the Constitution does it say that voting must be restricted to a single day?
Really stunning, given that Spitzer’s office charged a Fullerton candidate with the same offense, and even sent out a lengthy press release about it.
Since when is justice blind?
If they tried all the perjurers, there would be no administration of justice cuz there wouldn’t be any courtrooms to try other cases.
Pretty conspicuous in light of what happened to Markowitz
Update: There is no joy in RSM’s Mudville today:
Credit to Todd, who did do something here. Except, Carol is “suspending her campaign?” At this point she could still be elected, not sure we’re out of the Gamble woods.
How do you like her “it was just an innocent error that I didn’t have time to correct” when this is like the 4th time she’s run for office.
Latest installment of “The Orange Juice Blog shapes the world.” And special kudos to Shawn Gordon and the still-pseudonymous South OC Paine!
She’s trying to dance around it verbally, but alea jacta est.
Voice of oc is reporting do has agreed to a plea deal and is resigning from BoS.
Yep everyone’s reporting that. I think it actually happened. Do is history.
This is great timing as I’m finishing my piece “Janet Nguyen is WORSE than Andrew Do.”
I am particularly troubled by this week’s press release in which our current Mayor admitted to filing an “inaccurate statement” with our city clerk and Orange County Voter’s Registration.
This isn’t a simple mistake—it raises serious questions about the ethics and integrity of our leadership, and it’s a sign that we must be vigilant in holding our elected officials accountable at all times. We have allowed this to happen, and now reap the consequences as well.
Let’s move forward with hope and determination for an honest and concerned leadership in Rancho Santa Margarita. I humbly ask for your confidence and vote in me. Vote Myrta Rivera 2024 For Mayor of RSM
Has she been charged? Fullerton’s Markowitz pled guilty to a. Elections code violation and got time served and a month’s community service. Why should one candidate be charged and not the other? That’s selective enforcement of the law.
I am an RSM resident. If elected, would you defend the club?
I think you meant that for Myrta, who’s running for Mayor against Tony Beall?
Clever Tony has managed to get himself two opponents this year, so I doubt he’ll lose.
When will you guys post about the Ring video of Lee Fink going crazy on an old docent at a home tour, shoving the old guy and threatening to punch his lights out? Or does he get a pass cuz he’s a Democrat?
Oooh, silence is complicity – if we don’t cover Lee shoving an old docent, it is as if we shoved the old docent OURSELVES!
It seems to me like this is being covered just fine by Matt Cunningham, in fact he’s developed an entire body of work on the subject:
The Register has covered it, too:
And here’s the video:
Is that good enough? Or should I also trespass on Dan Chmielewski’s territory and report breathlessly that Fullerton’s Fred Jung and Irvine’s Tammy Kim may or may not be having an affair?
We regret that the Orange Juice Blog is your only news source. (Except if that were true you’d know that we frequently call out Democrat misdeeds.)
Ooh! Father loudly defends young daughter from what he believes to be false accusations of property damage! How … normal?
What I think about this — other than shoving someone is rarely a good look — is the credibility of those involved, which I don’t have the means to assess. (And this is the first I’ve heard of or seen it.)
I’m less suspicious about what the old man was saying then about the womsn at the end swooping in and accusing him of low level child neglec. That seemed awfully well scripted to me. (And if she knew who he was, why fidn’t she bring it up when they were inside, rather than in front of a convenienly placed camer —of which I’m guessing the woman at least was aware. A set-up? Maybe, maybe not. But I’d also like to see whatever preceded this on the ring camera, to see whether any context might be available in terms of prior interactions.
Also, since I’m not subjecting myself to the Cunningblogs, when did this happen? Is this something that came up recently, or has it be stored away for a decade to release as an October surprise in the days just before Lee’s run for Council? IF IT IS the latter, and he’d done things to ameliorate what may have been an anger management problem — or maybe this just came at a difficult moment in his life, or maybe he knew these people to be political enemies of his who had bothered him before — then it seems to say more about the people who have lying in wait with this than about who Lee us in 2024.
Vern, is there any of this sort of context to share?
Oh, I just read the slugs on the Cunningblog pieces. Matt could not be more full of crap if he high dived into a sewer with his mouth open (which seems like something he might do weekly, just to keep in practice.) I suspect that there is a prior history here, as well as perhaps a correct prediction that Lee would react badly to someone unjustly criticizing his daughter. Does the ring camera show her near the coral? Real shame if that part was erased!
If a Republican candidate hit a Democrat with a bat after the latter had made a questionable accusation about the former’s young daughter, Matt would be the first and pound his chest about the disgusting provocation of dragging someone’s innocent young daughter into politics. So his dudgeon can be safely ignored. I would read about apology Lee reportedly made, but I absolutely cannot trust a word about what Jerbal “reported” about it. I’m willing to believe more when it’s better sourced. (And no, the Register just before an election is better, but not better enough.)
Are []? You []?! Like []and [] the [] eye [] and [] of [] it [] for [] as [] burnt teddy bear.
Go bother Chumley.
I’ll tell you what, Republicans and big-money groups are trying harder and spending more money to beat Lee Fink than any other Councilman in OC, because they hate him for good reason – he’s defeated their cheating right and left. (The usually useless Dan has the story: https://theliberaloc.com/2024/10/25/ies-targeting-tustins-lee-fink-with-unprecedented-amounts-of-money/)
Seiler at the Register is probably right that Lee needs anger management, but he sure keeps our endorsement!
That story sounds like it has a place here too, Vern! I’m working on a short bit on an illegal text I just received attacking Dave Min, then it’s back to work!
I think that we don’t have the context, you anonymous chickenshit. I’m editing your prior content to where it comports with the site policy that people who are preventing anyone from holding them accountable for their comments do not get to slag others. For all we know, you could be Matt Cunningham or Tim Shaw.
BREAKING: Gamble agrees to plead guilty to violating election law:
Her campaign is already suspended, and she’s already agreed to immediately resign if God forbid she wins. “Rancho Santa Margarita could need to hold a special election to fill the District 3 seat if she is elected, according to the DA.” Cautious emphasis on “could.” Knowing Tony Beall’s gang, they’ll probably try to appoint a new puppet instead. So to avoid either an expensive special election or an appointed puppet, we hope RSM district 3 voters will vote this week for the fine, honest candidate Keri Lynn Baert, who tells me she was fully expecting to win anyway.
Among other things, Keri supports term limits in RSM, which they desperately need. Read more about Keri – https://baert4rsm.com/
Could they appoint Gamble? She quits, satisfies her plea deal and then gets appointed, because it after all, it was just a paperwork SNAFU.