Carol Gamble thinks Spitzer won’t charge her with Perjury – is she right?

Rancho Santa Margarita Mayor Carol Gamble’s handling of the perjury investigation surrounding her false certification of signatures on her candidate nomination form is a glaring example of entitlement and disdain for legal standards. Falsely attesting under oath that she gathered and witnessed all the signatures herself is not a minor administrative error—it’s a serious violation of the law. Perjury undermines the democratic process, yet Gamble’s dismissive attitude suggests she believes the rules simply don’t apply to her.

She has publicly downplayed the allegations, claiming she would have easily gathered the necessary signatures as the sitting mayor, rendering any legal technicalities irrelevant. This arrogance is not only an affront to the law but also an insult to the trust that citizens place in their elected officials. Gamble’s message is clear: her position as mayor, and her re-election prospects, are secure, regardless of whether she followed the law.

What makes this situation even more disturbing is Gamble’s close relationship with Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, a political ally of over 20 years. Gamble has been quick to emphasize their connection, seemingly using it as a shield against consequences. Despite more than seven individuals filing complaints with the DA’s office, there has been no real progress in the investigation. In fact, Spitzer’s office has done more than drag its feet—it has, SO FAR, actively mishandled the case.

In an unprecedented and reckless move, Spitzer’s office sent a group email to all the complainants, disclosing their personal identifying information. This gross breach of privacy puts the individuals at risk of retaliation from Rancho Santa Margarita’s City Hall, a place notorious for its retaliatory tactics against anyone who threatens the political status quo. This careless exposure of complainants would be a violation of the Califomia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in any other context, with serious legal ramifications for private entities. Yet, Spitzer’s office, conveniently exempt from CCPA regulations, appears unconcerned with the safety and privacy of those brave enough to come forward.

This mishandling of the investigation raises serious questions about whether Spitzer’s office is truly impartial or if it’s working to protect Gamble from facing any real consequences. Gamble’s friendship with Spitzer seems to be paying off, allowing her to sidestep accountability. The crux of the issue isn’t just Gamble’s individual wrongdoing, but the broader corruption and erosion of trust in the institutions meant to uphold the law. If Spitzer is shielding his political ally from consequences, what does that say about the integrity of the legal system in Orange County?

Gamble’s long tenure as a councilmember and her entrenched position in Rancho Santa Margarita’s political machinery have only emboldened her. She acts as though the rules don’t apply to her, that she can break the law without repercussions because of her close ties to those in power. Whether it’s her past relationships with city officials or her decades-long friendship with Spitzer, the message is clear: political connections trump legal accountability.

At its core, perjury is a serious crime, one that strikes at the heart of public trust in the democratic process. Gamble’s flippant attitude toward the allegations against her, and her confidence that she’ll be re-elected regardless of any investigation, is a disturbing reflection of a broken system. While her friends in high places, particularly DA Spitzer, seem all too willing to let her slide by without consequences, this should not be tolerated.

No one should be above the law. The citizens of Rancho Santa Margarita—and of Orange County—deserve transparency and justice. Given the questionable handling of this case and the potential for political favoritism, it is imperative that this matter be reviewed by a higher legal authority, such as the California Attorney General’s office or an independent investigative body, to ensure a fair and impartial process. The integrity of the legal system must be restored, and those responsible for upholding the law should not be allowed to manipulate it for personal or political gain.

About South OC Paine

South OC Paine, anonymous FOR NOW, is an anti-establishment, reformist Republican in southern Orange County who is currently on mission to bring more race diversity into the GOP.