Avelino on his State Audit into Anaheim Corruption: UPDATE w/ Anaheim Dem. Club VIDEO!

You may remember that one of many consequences of Sidhu-Ament-gate was a state audit requested by Assemblyman Avelino Valencia, released earlier this year. Below is the statement Avelino sent to Council last month (to be read at the February 13 meeting.) I think it is worthwhile. Avelino will be speaking on this and other matters at the next Anaheim Democrats Club meeting Thursday night, you should maybe come! (More info further below.)


To Anaheim City Council, February 13, 2024
RE: Release of Audit Report 2023-133 – City of Anaheim

Dear Anaheim City Council Members:

The audit I requested of the City of Anaheim (City) unveiled a prolonged lack of oversight and accountability of assessment funds. I am deeply troubled by these findings as this neglect has allowed contractual agreements to be exploited by bad actors, taking advantage of our City’s hard-earned tax dollars.

The unallowable use of tourism district assessment funds by Visit Anaheim and the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce undermines the trust that the residents of Anaheim have placed in the City to monitor tourism contracts. Furthermore, the Chamber’s misuse of public dollars to engage in lobbying and to support candidates through a Political Action Committee is a direct threat to the very fabric of our democracy.

Proactive steps by the City to invoke new ethics reforms show our residents a commitment to change. Furthermore, I support the City’s action plan to implement all of the recommendations made by the State Auditor which will ensure better contract management and oversight practices, and will prevent the abuse of taxpayer dollars in the future. In addition, future contracts between the City and outside entities should contain nepotism clauses requiring at least a disclosure when a family member of a sitting member of the council stands to financially benefit from a contract. This change will enable the Council to make informed decisions and ensure the disbursement of public dollars is merit-based.

Finally, I encourage a reform of the assessment fund distributions. The amount of unspent assessment funds has continuously increased since its inception. Excess funds could be used to bolster city services, expand our green space, and finance housing projects. Our residents deserve transparency, accountability, and the commitment to reinvestment in our communities.

In Service,

Assemblymember, 68th District.


If you haven’t made it to an Anaheim Democrats Club meeting yet, you’ve been missing not only a lot of great food, but a lot of great information and camaraderie. You don’t have to be a Democrat to join us, as long as you agree with our constant fight against corruption and injustice, and with our belief in “Government OF, BY and FOR the People.” And also, great food.

This Thursday Assemblyman Avelino will be our speaker, not only on the corruption audit but also on Anaheim’s twin crises of education funding and affordable housing. Superintendent Mike Matsuda may also come if he can get away from a school commitment on time. And of course we’ll also discussing how to either stop, slow down, or at least MITIGATE this whole Disneyland Forward desmadre. And planning for our big June 9 fundraiser at Sharon Quirk-Silva‘s home, a fundraiser for Congressional candidate Derek Tran and Arizona Senate candidate Ruben Gallego, a couple of progressive veterans who’re running against the abysmal Michelle Steel and KARI LAKE.

And also delicious food, and possibly some singing. This is Thursday night April 4, 7 to 9 pm, at the Unitarian Church, 511 South Harbor. (It’s always the first Thursday night of each month.) They sometimes call this Club “the conscience of the OC Democrats.” See you there?

UPDATE: Avelino at the Anaheim Democrats Club

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.