March 10, 2022
Contact: Derek Humphrey
(951) 805-4167
Assemblymember Tom Daly Decides Not To Run For Another Term In State Assembly
Anaheim, CA – Tom Daly announced today that he will not seek a 6th term in the California State Assembly. Daly, who was elected in 2012 and subsequently re-elected four times, represents a district that includes Santa Ana and portions of Anaheim, Orange, and Garden Grove.
In announcing his decision, Daly released the following statement: “After much consideration, I’ve decided not to seek a sixth term in the State Assembly. It’s been a deep honor serving the residents and businesses of Anaheim, Orange, Santa Ana and Garden Grove. This is my tenth year.
Previously, I was elected as a School Board member, City Council member, Mayor and County Clerk-Recorder. I’ve been an elected official continuously since 1986, in four separate levels of government.
For the residents and businesses of the Assembly district, I’ve done my best to solve problems and deliver results. This includes leading efforts to make State government more accountable to the people; obtaining funding for local parks projects; and sponsoring new laws which expedite the delivery of transportation projects. I’m particularly proud of my early involvement in the successful endeavor to create a “Rainy Day Fund” in California’s annual budget.
As an Assemblymember, I’ve had the privilege of working with two Governors – Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom – and three Speakers of the Assembly. In my personal experience, all have been extraordinarily hard-working and idealistic, as well as genuine patriots of the Golden State.
I’ll continue pushing for practical results for my constituents through the end of my current term, which ends in November.
I’m enormously grateful to my staff, in both Orange County and the Capitol, who’ve worked tirelessly helping our district’s residents and businesses navigate State government.
And I’m grateful to my wife, Debbie, and our children, for their constant support and encouragement.”
This post had been repurposed as a long-awaited new Weekend Open Thread. Talk about that, or whatever else you’d like, within reasonable bounds of discretion and decorum.
And … the Voice says that Avelino’s running. (So’s Tardif. Watching the Voice take Tardif seriously is disorienting.)
I remember again that when the Supervisor lines were drawn, Matt C complained (at least it sounded like a complaint) that Tom Daly was drawn out of District 2. This was a little confusing as he still had a term or two left in assembly.
In retrospect now, it seems like he has planned for a while to leave the assembly, and to run for Supervisor, and Matt must have heard rumors about this.
Daly got away with misappropriating money from Fund 12D for years when he was County Clerk. He should have gone to jail for buying that tear down building to put his OC Sports Hall of Fame in. Cost us millions for a property that was virtually worthless.
And it was his brilliant idea to give lazy worthless Jordan Brandman (what was it) $35K to pretend to write a report, to free up time in 2012 for Jordan to make his first Council run.
After he hired the useless tuber to occupy a full-time job at our expense. I’d actually forgotten about that.
And I recall he paid that Brett Barbre slug 50K to “investigate” the feasibility of that sports HoF by sending him to Boston to watch a game at Fenway. And then Barbre KICKED HIM BACK a $1000 campaign contribution! When it came out that there was no report from Barbre, Daly’s response was that he was paying for results, not paperwork. Well, we got neither.
Joanne, this comment here is an example of why having Zenger here is worth the occasional spot of grief.
Did you lose something? Yes you did! You lost the hour between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. on Sunday, March 13. Update your timepieces and replace your smoke alarm batteries! This has been a public service announcement.
I would like to thank Assemblyman Tom Daly for his many years of public service to the residents of Orange County, his District & our State. Central Orange County will have a new representative in the state legislature – I look forward to bringing forward a fresh voice for all residents of the District.
This open seat gives residents of the 68th an opportunity at a new direction for California. While my opponent will change, the policies of the majority party will not change and are failing. On behalf of our families and businesses in the district, I am ready to offer new solutions to the biggest issues facing our communities.
Mike Tardif, Candidate for CA AD68
What a load of crap. If you knew an iota of the illegal and incompetent shit Daly did, and got away with, you’d be ashamed to have written that nice stuff.
He’d be “ashamed”? I highly doubt that.
for WOT – an update on stuff we think is recyclable that is really thrown out-
Missed any mention of Daly – an oversight ?
Uh, go ahead and submit that WOT draft to Vern….
I’ve been distracted enough not to notice (my “completed” case has had some life in it yet), but does anyone yet know what adventure Daly is off to next? My guess is: Newsom Administration.
If you remember, Cunningham accidentally signaled a few months ago that he had Supervisorial plans this year that were stymied by whatever meanies drew the new maps.
And I don’t think Phil was suggesting the next WOT, but just clarifying that his comment was intended for this WOT.
(Shhh… don’t get in the way of my trying to outsource WOT work!)