OFFICES IN EXTENSION (eligible incumbent is not running)
Not a campaign ad, just one of a series of running jokes along this theme.
68th Assembly District (Incumbent Tom Daly retiring)
In AD-68, retiring incumbent Tom Daly’s District Director, Avelino Valencia — who is the Ambassador of the Building Trades to the Anaheim City Council, making him one of the Six Horsemen of Municipal Bankruptcy — is running to show that obsequious obeisance to Mayor Harry Sidhu is no obstacle to success in the Democratic Party, Avelino Valencia, seems to have done all that’s necessary to file for office, but is not yet listed as qualified for the ballot. This is either likely to change or certain to be hilarious.
Bulmaro “Boomer” Vicente, now a primary object of filthy anonymous bigotry in our Trash Folder, has qualified (but has no candidate statement.) (He may not realize that electronic candidate statements are cheap and are useful to send to newspapers for endorsements and voters in emails. But he may still able to get one placed by 5:00 today. OK, Boomer?)
Republicans James Wallace and Mike “Officially only one ‘F’ at the end” Tardif have both respectively qualified. Wallace, who has run before, may split the Republican vote enough (of which Avelino, like Daly, will also get his share) enough to keep Tardif out of the runoff, suggesting that double Republicans in a highly Democratic district suggest that an Avelino vs. Bulmaro runoff is certainly a possibility. Tardif’s praise of Daly on this site (presumably for not being much of a Democrat) suggests that he hopes to eat into Avelino’s numbers in return. If Avelino doesn’t qualify Boomer-Junior race would be fun.
Superior Court Judicial Office 30 (incumbent Judge Frank Ospino sadly and recently deceased)
As Vern has been chronicling quite a number of aspiring judges have file for this race, but none of them have as yet qualified for the ballot, which I take to be some wrinkle in the operation of the system rather than an epidemic of sloth. I expect that this will be sorted out later today. The main applicants appear to be Commissioner Michele Bell and Yorba Linda and Republican stalwart Peggy Huang, but Alma Hernandez, Andrea Mader, Kira Rubin, and Benjamin Stauffer might take issue with that — as might whoever else might file before 5:00 today.
Last I talked to Boomer (couple nights ago) he was working on his candidate statement. Did I mention that in the 48 hours after Daly dropped out, he got $10K in donations? (People really had the impression that he had driven Daly out of the race.) So he can totally afford it.
I’ll pester him today.
Avelino qualified yesterday.
And in Office 30 Kira Rubin has vanished, leaving FIVE contenders for Ospino’s august seat.
I assume that if someone jumped into either of these races at the last minute today, we might not know till the morning.
*Meanwhile, our SCOTUS nominee Judge Jackson is looking good! Say a prayer that she can hold Clarence Thomas’s feet to the fire…….forever!