What IS going on? It sure looks like the Floyd murder pushed everyone to some kind of tipping point, and it’s beautiful to see. Multiple protests every day, in nearly every OC city, and mostly young people. And each day the protests are more organized, more peaceful, and bigger.
Though we’re triggered by televised national outrages and the nation’s historic oppression of Black people, let’s always remember our local victims, in Anaheim, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Tustin, and more. And we need to articulate specific local demands – for example the firing of killer cops (starting with repeat offenders like Anaheim’s Nick Bennalack, Kelly Philips, Dan Hurtado and Kevin Flanagan.)
AND a ban, as San Diego just passed, on neck chokeholds like the carotid hold that killed Vincent Valenzuela.
Well, how are our historically unaccountable police forces handling this unprecedented situation? After being encouraged by our tinpot President to “not be nice” to us “terrorists” and to “dominate?” While sharing the overtime wealth with daily “Code Checkmate Charlies” that bring in other local cities’ forces? Let’s see…
Valerie in Fullerton
One of the first Floyd protests in this County was up at Kelly’s Corner in Fullerton on Saturday May 30 – named after Kelly Thomas who was beaten and suffocated to death on film there by six Fullerton cops nearly nine years ago, cops outrageously found innocent by an OC jury. There were about 150 of us, and twice we left Kelly’s Corner to march down Commonwealth to the intersection of Highland where the police station is.

First 3 pics by Jane Rands, Fullerton Observer
Blocking traffic for a while was part of the protest. One westbound car tried to hit some of us, and a young guy driving his truck eastward ploughed through us slowly, but all the other traffic politely took a detour, most of the drivers honking in support.
After a bit of us chanting and kneeling, Fullerton’s finest, joined by Brea’s finest and La Habra’s finest (Checkmate Charlie) began lining up, in riot gear, in every direction facing us. My wife Donna went up to each of the cops facing south on Highland and said, “STOP KILLING PEOPLE.” I saw a couple of them nod silently.
After a while, the cops started announcing an illegal assembly and ordering us to disperse, while slowly driving their big SWAT vehicle toward us like they were gonna run us over. The cops advanced with them. And eventually we all slowly, truculently, got up and moved, choosing not to get arrested.

Valerie just before her arrest
EXCEPT NOT 24-year old VALERIE! In the spirit of our Civil Rights forbears, in the spirit of Dr King and thousands of other heroes, she chose to lie there in the street, passively resisting. The issues she was protesting were just too important.
Three Fullerton cops grabbed her, pulling her in different directions, with one grinding his knee into the back of her leg. Yanking her across the street, they booked her for “failure to disperse.” Bruised up and shaken, she was cited and released, and went home to her parents’ place, where she awaits her arraignment.

“Taking a knee”… on Valerie.
Then late Sunday night, the Fullerton PD put out a press release with her mug shot, announcing her unusual name and city of residence. WITHIN HALF AN HOUR a car drove up to her parents’ place, threw cherry bombs at the front door, and sped off.
Two observations: The reactionaries bitch about the supposed violence and destruction of our protests. But this is what happens to you when you try nonviolent, passive resistance.
Also. I’d like to contrast the BRAVERY of Valerie with the COWARDICE of the CHICKENSHIT TERRORISTS who threw bombs at her and her parents’ house, as punishment for her daring to lie down for the oppressed.
Valerie, we salute you!
Here’s Lou Noble’s video of the event; Valerie’s arrest starts around 9 minutes.
“Animals” in Santa Ana!
Racist Douchebags in Huntington Beach!
Anaheim Remembers!
White Supremacist Sheriff in Costa Mesa!
Getting Run Over in Newport!
Too many protests coming up to menton ’em all, so I’ll just post the one I’m helping organize…
TOMORROW AT 5! An old tradition returns! This time let’s demand the firing of all Anaheim’s killer cops, and an end to the carotid and other chokeholds – that’d be a start. Bring your signs and your stories, we’ve got the music!
Too many protests coming up to menton ’em all, so I’ll just post the one I’m helping organize…
TOMORROW AT 5! An old tradition returns! This time let’s demand the firing of all Anaheim’s killer cops, and an end to the carotid and other chokeholds – that’d be a start. Bring your signs and your stories, we’ve got the music!
Valerie is the best. I am very proud of her. I organised quite a view charitable events in Fullerton over the years and Valerie volunteered for all of them. What Fullerton PD did to her is shameful.
And those punk cowards (assuming that wasn’t also cops.)
Great protest that presents the problem that a percentage of police officers will over react, use excessive force, and kill unnecessarily.
One corrective measure to reduce the number of cops that kill would be to hire military combat veterans who no longer have the thrill of killing.
George Floyd was a drug addict who could not support his family. He is the wrong person to make into a hero.
Protesters have not “made George Floyd a hero.” Police “made him a martyr.” (If you prefer, a victim.)
Would it be better if this had happened with Sandra Bland? Maybe. But it didn’t, partially because of the lack of gruesome video about her death.
As for your dismissing him as you do, go re-read the Beatitudes.
This country is out of control, we need to let the law take care of it.The world is laughing at us we should no better. Lots of our young people have no Respect for anything, because they have gotten a free ride because of mom and dads in this land of ours.
They have not worked and so there is lots of free time to raise hell.The police handled it well
What lawyer is representing Valerie? Public defender?
In LA County, several groups stepped forward, including some long time participants, but I don’t know the folks doing that work here.
Valerie, thank you for standing up or in your case lying down to protest the criminal behavior of people who are supposed to protect and serve the community. Cops have been getting away with murder for decades and it needs to stop. Now! I am so proud of the younger generation for challenging the status quo, and taking to the streets.
A lot of People think that all this protests are only about George Floyd, but George Floyd was the fuse that exploded around this nation and the world of a police state that has been out of control, let us not forget the thousands of killings by the police state, abolish the police union and start the CPR (Citizens Police Reform) for accountability.
That’s about right, some of us are still looking for the BALANCE between backing the national George Floyd / BLM / struggle against 400 years of racism; and the local history of police victims and need for reform. Some of these protests have gone too far in one way or the other. Well mostly in the BLM way.