Generally when I don’t post any pieces for a few days, my enemies hope for the worst. Well, hope on, fools! This is one of the main things I’ve been working on. (And lotsa stories AND songs in the hopper…)
“… he [Dana?] slipped into the first shadows trying to hide a shame which was in the public domain and which everyone commented upon on the street, it gave birth to an anonymous song which the whole country knew except him, even the parrots sang it in the courtyards … wild parrots learned it from tame parrots, budgies and mockingbirds learned it from them and they carried it off in flocks beyond his measureless realm of gloom, and in all the skies of the nation one could hear at dusk that unanimous voice of fleeting multitudes who sang … an endless song to which everybody even the parrots added verses to mock the security services of the state who tried to capture it, military patrols in full battle dress broke down courtyard doors and shot down the subversive parrots on their perches, they threw whole bushels of parakeets alive to the dogs, a state of siege was declared in an attempt to extirpate the enemy song so that no one would discover what everybody knew…..”
– Gabriel García Marquez, Autumn of the Patriarch
*This is so funny……we have to remember that Dana was a Newsman….pumping out the
DJT “Fake News” before he was elected over 20 years ago. He and our dear friend B-1 Bob and Sallie Dornan….who we still love bunches came aboard about the same time. Bob was also a News Commentator. We had Gil and Anita Ferguson coming into the CA State Assembly – a past Irvine Company Exec and also Bill Dannemeyer, our hero came to the Congress and all was well in Mudville or as they say today “The OC”. Heck, we even had “Blue Dog Democrats in the CA Legislature” along with the Republican “Cave Men”. Were those some days or what? Then the dreaded Loretta Sanchez and her quieter sister Linda came along. Loretta had to pay the piper to get rid of our dear Bob and Sallie…..but …..what can you do? Today, Dana is the last of the dying breed. It’s over Dana…..you were there back in the “Good Old Days of being the Loyal Opposition”. Today, you have been dirtied up by your connections with the Russians, the Taliban and other things which are not worth discussing. We love you Dana and Rhonda….we really do….but when Ed Royce and Darrell Issa see the writing on the wall……you really should take note. Time to “Turn out the Lights, the Party’s Over – cause all good things must end!” Today, we have a Democratic Building Contractor and real Businessman who is coming to take you away! But hey, it’s time…really it is.
You have your whole life ahead of you ….with a great pension and some incredible Lobbying Opportunities…..two years of Consulting of course first….but hey – the Lincoln
Club folks owe you big time and they should take good care of you and Rhonda and the kids. You don’t need to think darkly…..and Tom Hagen is not coming to visit you as Frank Pantageli…..Life goes on! Will there be life after Trumplandia? Of course! If you invite us for another get together at Gary Monahan’s….we will be there in a shot!
Congratulations however to Harley Rouda. We are hopeful that he will answer our e-mails and do a great job in the Congress. We are also hopeful that Hans runs again, because he is definitely a great one….that got screwed over hard by the power brokers and they owe him. Anyway, what do they say: “Put another log on the fire!” or better yet: “Everything’s Changed”….by Lonestar. Just dial it up Dana and Rhonda….it is truly a great song about the future of America!
The most awesome part of this to me is the group of local activists as the choir. Dana is truly in danger.