Do you feel that? Do you hear that? The very fabric of the universe is a-quiver with the sheer insanity and inanity of the political rhetoric around homelessness in this county. Supervisor Todd Spitzer claims the homeless people are all crazed drug addicts! And Board Chairman Andrew DO warns that if you give homeless folks a house it will become a “crack den.” I submit that these BOS creatures are on some stronger drugs than have heretofore been witnessed on Earth!
These two political crackheads are so obviously wasted that these statements mean nothing. These sexual misfits long for the touch of a homeless crack addict, and in the twisted ring of politics they will say they hate them – but secretly they want to “love them long time.”
Remember the politicians in Washington that said they were against homosexuality and meanwhile were screwing their young male pages? These Supervisors of Homeless Deaths, these godless infidels who sit on the Dais of Indifference, are heading for a drug-induced crash.
This author has done some deep space research and found that Todd and DO are high on something, perhaps some crazy new drug that allows them to completely ignore reality, manufacture “facts” from the air they breathe, and be newly “shocked! shocked!” every single time they re-learn how many hidden funds are available for the homeless.
Or maybe … do they breathe through gills hidden under their buttoned-up shirts and ties? Ah Haa! – we’ve located the clue to Spitzer & DO’s interdimensional/extraterestrial origins!
Google-search Andrew Do and Todd Spitzer “Aliens.” (Go ahead, I’ll wait.) In this new information age even the extraterestrial/interdimensionals are tied into the internet.
My research strongly suggests that in his early days in the dorm rooms of UCLA and Hastings, Spitzer got regular shipments of drugs imported direct from another dimension – imported illegally from his home planet in that “other” universe. He used these “interdimensional drugs” in college and often shared them with his friends. These “friends” would often mention the out-of-this-world drugs he supplied to the girls and guys of his fraternity “Alpha Centauri.”
Alpha Centauri – yes, the name says it all! We can’t test his blood samples for drugs, though, as he would have to have blood or a heart to pump it with.
I contacted his college roommate, Bigbootie, who promptly confirmed the alien origin of the “Spit” as they called Spitzer. This roommate, also an alien but from Beetlejuice, described his time with the Spit in great detail.
This roommate stated that sometimes Spit would frequently slip in and out of the dimensions in some uncontrolled fall – “Like, dude, he would fall to the floor face first and disappear into the carpet reappearing some time later falling from the ceiling onto his bed grasping a fist full of weird-shaped glowing pills!” Bigbootie detailed these anomalies to this author and added, “and the Spit loved to share!”
After looking up DO’s college roommates – also at Hastings – I contacted his old friend Rug Sucker. He was only too anxious to flip the dollar on Do. (Of course in college they called him “DO not” as the girls and boys always told him “DO not touch me there again.”)
DO (according to his roommate) is from Proxima Centauri B! In deep research it seems that both DO and Spit come originally from planets, this dimension or other that do not believe in the death penalty. In the Twilight Zone series the Zanti Misfits, alien criminals were sent here literally to be killed by our inhumanity. They knew the unstable murderous humans would kill them all and we generally did.
I believe the facts will show, that like the Zanti Misfits, DO and Spit were sent here by other-worldly authorities because they have no death penalty. They sent the worst of the worst here – including DO and Spit – thinking that we would/should recognize them as mutant alien criminals and kill em.
But in the infinite political insanity of OC… we made these beings Supervisors.
To reiterate, it was DO who said “If you give the homeless people houses they will turn them into crack houses.”
Maybe he should have checked the stats on that one because the bulk of ER visits for drug overdoses are in the beach cities like Laguna Niguel and HB. “DO not touch me’s” drugs from Alpha Centauri are obviously affecting his very small brain. Odd, as his head looks the same size as everyone else’s but the space drugs shrink the cerebellum. In his case I think it shrunk his cerebellum/antebellum too (his post-civil war brain – those aliens live a long time.)
In Twilight Zone episodes such as the Zanti Misfits we met aliens that were good and bad but sent from worlds that knew mankind was worse – what did that say about humanity?
In the Outer Limits series we met aliens from other planets and other dimensions that were markedly better than we were in thought and action. In the “The Bellero Shield” episode, the alien from another galaxy was transported to a scientist’s lab. He demonstrated his impenetrable shield controlled with a small button in his hand. The wife seeking this ultimate power shot the alien and trapped herself in the impenetrable shield. In his last dying breath the man from another galaxy tried to save the very woman who shot him.
In these stories the aliens from other dimensions and other planets are better than we are. DO and Spit, on the other hand, seem to represent the worst of humanity, but in their defense we can point to their expatriated, criminal alien natures.
Someone HAS to be on drugs to believe or think anyone believes the BoS was kept in the dark about 190 million dollars by some sinister unnamed staff at the civic center!
From the Voice:
“Also on Tuesday, county officials are expected to challenge Spitzer’s recent claims that county staff hid roughly $185 million in unspent mental health money from county supervisors and hid the fact it could be used for housing.
“The amount of the unspent Mental Health Services Act money has been documented for years in county budgets and annual reports approved by the supervisors, and Voice of OC first wrote about it in 2015.
“Additionally, the annual plans approved by supervisors each year specifically say the mental money can be used for housing. And county mental health director Mary Hale publicly told supervisors in August 2015 the money could be used for housing.”
These clowns will say anything, but really Todd is the most outrageous.
Oh and this gem:
“But more than 30 days later, when the supervisors authorized exploring the three city sites for potential homeless shelters, they declined to say how they would address the safety concerns of residents.
“Instead of starting the process early in the 30-day motel stays, supervisors waited until after the 30 days were ending before they directed county staff to develop an operational plan with such details, which still have not been provided.”
We’re noticing these Emperors’ Nakedness just now, most of us?
Norberto had a great comment a week or so ago.
The problem is, the supervisors hate their day jobs.
It’s true. It shows in their attendance. The Supervisors are hardly ever in their offices. Moorlach was the only one who put in anything like a day’s work in Building 10.
They always claim that they are on the job 24/7, which is nonsense.
And when they are in their offices it’s generally to meet with lobbyists.
Is this real or a parody article?
This is SERIOUS to the needy AND the middle class people who have worked HARD to provide a safe evironment for their families. Many are immigrants, many work hard to get the BEST schools
That the Golden State has to offer.
I understand the concern.
This is a weird dismissive piece offering nothing in terms of a solution.
I tend to doubt that some of the assertions made in this piece are accurate.
And no, I don’t know who Fingal O’F really is. But I think that the absurdity here contrasts with the vicious but plausible sounding attacks coming out of Chez Chumley. I the anonymous character assassins on Lib OC were just accusing me and Vern from being from the various Centurae, I’d laugh at it — that’s what absurdity does. This distinction between funny and vile is surely lost on some of our denser blog owners out there.
The Paddy Boy….does mention some things however which have surfaced in fact. Lisa, Michelle and Shawn have all jumped on board the NIMBY Express! Whoa, when you start talking about Homeless folks in Laguna Niquil…..and Eddie Rose Country…..you have terrible terrible trouble….in River City. The BOS has pulled out all those old Nancy Reagan tapes…”Just say NO!”…… Well, the Federal Judge says, if those areas won’t take them….then the BOS will have to stuff them into someone’s sock. Hey, they are all ready for the Rahm Emanuel Solution. Put ’em all on planes to Florida, Arizona and Hawaii. Embarrassing. Don’t these BOS members realize that the Homeless Problem is a National Issue. Don’t these folks ever get out of town and visit other cities….like SF, San Diego or Santa Cruz? So, the old Irish Leprocahn may have some actual relevant points. Far out man! That land over on Harbor Blvd…..Fairview Sanatorium starts to look better every day…..doesn’t it?
In other news: The Interview on CNN with Karen McDougal was hilarious. Dating a Playboy Bunny seems easier than it was in the 1960’s. Anyway, don’t know what this girl is up to….might be just “cruisin for burgers”…..hoping some rich dude steps up to take her back to Trump Towers. Heck, this interview was amazing. If you haven’t seen it…..it will be a classic. If only Monica Lewinsky had done one of these interviews…maybe the whole world would have been different. Our bet is that DJT paid Karen to do this…”he is such a sweet man”…….”Old worn out suit and shoes….don’t pay no union dues, I smoke old stogies I have found, short but not too big around…..I’m a man of means by no means: King of the Road!” Our apologies to Roger Miller.
*Just thought of the answer to this one: In order to counter the Stormy Daniels
interview for Sunday……
The Bellero Shield ending is great – even though the alien was shot, he still reaches out to help:
“During a demonstration in front of Richard and his father, who do not know that the alien has been shot, Judith raises the shield but is unable to take it down and becomes trapped inside it.[2] Mrs. Dame, desperate to save Judith from death by asphyxiation, goes to the cellar and is startled to find the alien still alive but very weak. The maid begs him “Can you help?” The alien replies, “Can I not?” Just before dying, the alien lowers the shield by using his own glowing blood, the substance that powers the control device. Despite her being rescued, however, Judith insists that she is still trapped by the shield—the imagined shield, perhaps, of her own guilt over killing an alien that thought only of helping her. As the episode ends, she places her hands helplessly on the “shield” that is no longer there. On one hand is a spot: a glowing drop of the murdered alien’s blood that presumably will stain her palm forever.”