Red Zone……is the only way to go!




The NFL has become a real political force in 2017-2018.  Throughout the Regular Season, we were lucky enough to have a cable connection and have access to the NFL Network and the Red Zone.  We were able to watch all the scoring drives, and the touchdowns and most of the points scored in every game being played that Sunday.  There are no commercials, just transfers from one offensive action to another and then perhaps some superb Defensive stands or plays.  Having said that as the Play-Off Season has taken off, now we are forced into watching the games on Commercial Network Stations, with all the dumb repetitive commercials and except for a few exceptions some absolutely ridiculous game commentary.  We do love Al Michaels and Chris Collingsworth at more times than not.

The first two games of the Play-off season were yesterday:  Titans vs Chiefs and Falcons vs Rams.  For those that watched the games we will make just a few comments: (1)  The hit on Travis Kelsi of the Chiefs was targeting and should have resulted in a half the distance to the goals penalty (he received a concussion from the late hit – not to return in the 2nd half) and the Chiefs would have won the game.  At least 10 bad penalty calls went against the Chiefs without merit. (2)  The Rams were instructed to “Throw the game”…..and you could see it in the eyes of Todd Gurly, Jared Goff and McVey…….sad.

What people forget about any Professional or NCAA Sporting Event is:  “That it is all about money!”  “It is all about market share!”  “It is all about the advertisers!” “It is all about Organized Gambling Interests!”  “It has always been described at ‘just for entertainment purposes’ only!”  Yes, Officials do get paid off!  Yes, Coaches and Players do get paid off!  Yes, there are always bigger issues at play that what we see on the field of play!  When President Trump, dumps on NFL Players for taking a knee, you should start to get the clue; that it is more than about so-called patriotic values.  As we watch the NFL Play-offs today and watch more Wild Card Action…..make a mental note about which NFL Markets need a little boost……like those with 1st and 2nd year Quarterbacks in small market areas.  Whatever happens, there will be serious injuries before this Play-Off Series is over.  Career Ending Injuries.  When Carson Palmer (then with Cincinnati) was taken out by someone from the Pittsburgh Steelers in the last game of the Regular Season – that was sad.  Carson was never the same and gratefully fully retired last week after 15 years of being the dutiful “bridesmaid” and never winning a SuperBowl.   We recall that this phenomena is not new.  During the years when the Pittsburgh Steelers were the greatest in NFL History – through the late ’70’s and early ’80’s – the sacrificial goat was then Dan Pastorini and Billy “Whiteshoes” Johnson of the Houston Oilers.

It was sad to watch our Rams yesterday – with their lights out Defense, unable to stop the dreaded Falcon running game during the entire second half of the game.  Oh well, the good news is that the Falcons have to play the Eagles next week.  Since we detest both teams, whoever wins really doesn’t matter to us.  Our heart however does go out to Jack Del Rio of the Oakland Raiders, who is a great coach – but was not allowed to win by whatever greater power.  Bringing in Jon Gruden, as the new Raider Coach is great however, because it gets him off television for a while.  He will love it in Las Vegas!  Maybe now Jack Del Rio can come to the USC Trojans and we can win a National Title.

OK, the Winter Olympics are coming in February and the same evil forces at work there.  Who wins, who loses and who get left out will be as Jim McKay on “Wide Wide World of Sports” used to say:  “Spanning the globe bringing you the constant variety of sport!  With the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat….”  Drama, pay days, theater, politics, money, power and prestige!  Nice combination that gets peoples attention – especially with that 15 year old falls of the balance beam or crashes on the ice skating course.  Remember people…..this is just for entertainment purposes ONLY!    What about Horse Racing, Golf, Hockey or Track and Field?  Same same folks.  Could anyone ever imagine Notre Dame with 0-10 College Football Record?

So, we will predict that the Buffalo Bills beat the dreaded Bortles Jaguars.  We will predict that Cam Newton will lose to Drew Brees in spite of the fact that he is a better athletic and has a better team.  In any case, the Seahawks, the Cowboys and the Texans all should have made the Play-offs and everyone knows it.  Interesting that all three had to lose at the last minute….or within the last two games of the season.

Call us “Sour Grapes”….that’f fine.  Yes, NASCAR is fixed too!  The Auto Manufacturers have far too much at stake to let some “Outlayer”  rip the system with an Independent run.  This is the reason why Carson Palmer said at his retirement conference:  “I feel honored to be allowed to play this game for the last 15 years!”  So when you are watching the Academy Awards next month just remember:  “That’s Entertainment!”

Red Zone……is the only way to go!


About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.