Racist jerks can throw as much mud as they’d like at Farrah Khan, but their aim usually sucks and even if it didn’t the mud won’t stick to her. Who will join me in denouncing Dishonest Dave Gilliard, who also works for Ling Ling Chang, Er Royce, and Young Kim?
We don’t usually run press releases, but I haven’t had the time to ask Farrah Khan for one of my rare interviews, in which I could ask her to rebut the disgusting charges and denounce the degrading tactics from Dishonest Dave Gilliard in his recent 12×15 placemat-sized mailer. (Note: do not use as a placemat; Gilliard may himself have touched the copy mailed to you.) But we got this press release from her campaign, and are happy to run this one!
Developer funded SuperPAC use Trump style attacks on Farrah and her family
Dear Friend,
In a desperate last minute attempt to alter the outcome of the Irvine City Council Elections, developer and conservative funded SuperPAC, California Homeowners Association PAC, has spent more than $49,000 in negative mailers in an attempted smear campaign against my candidacy for Irvine City Council. The mailers mischaracterize events, make misleading allegations, forged my signature on fake documents, falsely claim my family broke the law, used sexist language, and attacked my Islamic faith.
“This a disgusting smear campaign that’s using Donald Trump style sexist attacks on Mrs. Khan by calling her ‘Gross’ and stoking Islamophobic fears by falsely claiming she is a ‘radical muslim’,” said Cassius Rutherford, Khan Campaign Aide. “Mrs. Khan is a mother, business woman and interfaith leader that did nothing to deserve this type of ugly hate mongering personal attacks.”
Attacking my family and my faith are out of bounds, this is not representative of the Irvine I know and love. These negative mailers will not bully me, nor will the community of Irvine stand by quietly as wealthy developers try to rig our local elections.
Can you help us fight back against these false SuperPAC attacks? Please show your support by contributing today. Can you make a $470, $250, or $100 contribution today?
Paid for by Farrah Khan for Irvine Council 2016, FPPC ID #1379227
[Disclosure: my daughter is Farrah’s campaign treasurer, a compliance rather than a policy position. As my daughter’s business always “sells out” its available slots these days, I have no financial interest in Farrah being her client. If it wasn’t her, it would be someone else.
There is one way in which there was a relationship between me and my daughter taking Farrah’s business. Sometimes she asks me, about a prospective client — “is this a good person?” And when she asked me about Farrah Khan, I broke out into a big smile, because I knew that it meant that her business was gaining a good reputation. “Yes,” I said, “she will be a great client and you’ll be glad that you took on her campaign.” And she is.
One other point of disclosure: it has a “Paid for” line there on the bottom, which I’m afraid to take out just in case I’m not supposed to. To be clear, neither I nor OJB receives any kind of payment at all from the Farrah Khan campaign or anyone acting on its behalf. The only repayment I want from Farrah is for her to be as honest, smart, and dedicated a City Council representative as she has been a community activist. And I’ll happily share that boon with the whole City of Irvine, which could use a real peacemaker in its midst right now.]
About Greg Diamond
Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that.
Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too.
He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.)
His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)
Lest the lack of comments give anyone the wrong impression about this post, here’s some data:
It was posted at 1:55 p.m. this afternoon.
In the ten hours and 40 minutes since then, it has been read 440 times — approximately once every 90 seconds.
People are getting interested in Dishonest Dave Gilliard — and between Ling-Ling Chang’s attacks on Josh Newman and these vicious attacks on Farrah Khan, this has been a VERY bad day for him!
Attacking Farrah Khan!!
Linking her to “Radical Islam”,because of her Religion??
This is the all-time low.
Dave ‘Gutless’ Gilliard you Basterd!!
I hate to ask this, but: if the “Irvine News Blog” is supposed to be the conservative antagonist and antithesis to Larry Agran’s “Irvine News and Views” — then why does its Facebook page contain unabridged PR releases for Democratic City Council candidate Melissa Fox?
Seems AWFUL NEIGHBORLY of them to boost the campaign of someone trying to knock off both Christine Shea and Anthony Kuo? Is this some sort of a side deal or something? Did that $46,000 Late IE against Fox ever actually get spent?
This is just TOO weird! Why do this? It makes one wonder: is the whole Irvine City Council campaign just an anti-Khan con? Nah — impossible! (Right?)
Irvine News Blog
November 2 at 9:02pm ·
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jason Mills (714) 576-4303 CALIFORNIA STATE TREASURER JOHN CHIANG URGES IRVINE VOTERS TO VOTE FOR MELISSA FOX FOR IRVINE CITY COUNCIL IRVINE, CA Popular California State Treasurer John Chiang today urged Irvine voters to go to the polls to vote for Melissa Fox for Irvine City Council, adding to Fox’s already impressive list of endorsers, which includes the Orange County Professional Firefighters, Irvine City Councilmembers Beth Krom and Lynn Schott and Irvine Unified School District President Paul A. [ 329 more words ]