[Editor’s Note: I posted this on Facebook early this morning after, to my shock and dismay, I found that I was being exposed to the “Melahat Rafiei for DNC” campaign page for this weekend’s election at the CDP Executive Board meeting in Long Beach. (I posted it on her page first, then copied it and edited it a bit on mine.) I had specifically decided not to go to Long Beach to campaign against her, which I figured would be both painful and unproductive — but if she really wanted me as part of discussion then here I am! This is pretty much verbatim from there. I don’t expect my comment to remain on her page this morning, but the reactions may be fun, as always. – GAD]
I’ve stayed away from doing anything significant to oppose Melahat Rafiei’s campaign for a spot on the DNC — which I supported last time — so far, but seeing a post on her “Melahat Rafiei for DNC” page, on which I have been inexplicably included, pushes me right over the edge. I can’t continue to stay quiet. I can’t figure out why I’m not blocked from her page — an oversight, I presume, perhaps or the hope of provoking something like this from me — but if for some reason I’m to be included in the conversation about her campaign then I guess I will speak up after all.
CDP Executive Board members, please DO NOT support Melahat Rafiei for a position on the DNC. While she is a skilled campaign operative — most consequentially for well-funded Democrats who want to push progressive reformers out of primary races (as health care and reproductive rights opponent Lou Correa did here in OC two weeks ago with liberal lion Joe Dunn — she would reinforce the absolute worst tendencies of the DNC that we’ve seen on exhibit this past year. Her election would be divisive and damaging. She’s a consummate party insider, personally charming and willing to promise the moon, who has worked hard for endorsements from people outside of Orange County. But please look past what endorsers have to do for THEIR own benefit and look at what she has continually done for HERS.
Ask Melahat about her decisive support for her dearest #1 client, corrupt Anaheim Councilman Jordan Brandman, who LITERALLY calls GOP former Californian Assembly Speaker Curt Pringle “Dad.” She has told me and others over the years that Brandman is her top priority — he certainly has the monied interests of the county behind him, which is good for a consultant like Melahat. Without her able and tireless help he would not be positioned to wreak as much damage on the city with his two main Council allies — reckless anti-pension crusader Kris Murray and stone cold anti-Latino racist and fan of summary execution Lucille Kring — to such an astonishing degree. Until you know what Melahat has facilitated in Anaheim, you should not decide to vote for her. It’s a fatal flaw.
If Melahat distances herself from Brandman when talking to you this weekend — not something I’d put past her at all — please take notes of what she said and send them to me. I’d like to print what she says to win a DNC seat when Brandman’s re-election campaign (against a prominent Latino Democrat and as many Latino spoilers as Brandman’s conservative faction can cram into the race) comes up this fall. If Melahat knows that she’s might get caught if she’s two-faced, she’ll be less likely to tell different stories in private. (Good.)
Until I’m mercifully blocked from her site, I’ll use that space and this one to report to those NOT from OC that Brandman is a fifth column, conspiring with former GOP Assembly Speaker Curt Pringle to squeeze all of the financial juice out of Anaheim (and give it away largely to Pringle’s clients) before Latino Democrats soon take over (and find the tap of future needed income cut off for decades.)
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, ask an actual progressive from Anaheim. This has been their fight, and mine, for years now — and Melahat’s favorite client has been one of the absolutely major players on the wrong side — on the rapacious Republican side.
If you vote for Jordan’s chief strategist and supporter Melahat, the public information of what YOU did to reformers in OC will neither be forgotten nor forgiven. I can hardly think of a worse insult to progressives and minorities in Orange County than sending Melahat to the DNC. PLEASE don’t do this. I’ll be happy to answer public questions here and personal questions via FB message (or email me if you have my address.)
[Here’s the first comment I posted, as well:]
This is, as noted above, my “Melahat Hat” from 2012 — when I was running for State Senate District 29 and had the proxy of former Regional Director John Smith on the condition that I vote for Melahat, which I duly did. (I used the proxy to support Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee also, of course. I wanted that on his record!) This was the hear that Jordan Brandman was elected to City Council, and all of the good pro-education work that he had done on the local High School district was undone — because now cronies wanted his vote for expensive projects — profitable to them but disastrous for the citizens of Anaheim. Also notably, this year and last he was one of the two strongest Council opponents of giving Latinos the result they wanted in establishing voting districts — only (and reluctantly) coming around when one of his politically opportunistic allies switched sides.
Melahat gets the “credit” for his actions; if it weren’t for that, choosing her would not be such a slap in the face to Latinos and progressive reformers. Calling your consulting business “progressive” doesn’t make you one; it’s not like that word is licensed.
I really like her smile – reminds me of HRC.
The DNC doesn’t need another termite to add to its nest when the floorboards have been crumbling for years. We don’t need Melahat – someone call pest control.