Mitch O’Connell says NO to any Obama replacement players suggested for Anthony Scalia on the Supreme Court. Hey, maybe the Republicans can still shut down the Government before the November elections. Maybe the full Congress still has time to declare war on ISIS officially before the November elections. Maybe the Congress can start deporting the 11 million immigrants here without formal Federal proceedings before the November elections. Maybe the Congress can determine that Ted Cruz is still a Canadian citizen and can’t serve one more day in the US Congress. Maybe Marco Rubio will get a contract to play for the Miami Heat for the 2017 season.
In International news, maybe Russia will invade Sweden, Denmark and Norway before the November elections in the USA. Maybe all the Syria immigrants can declare themselves real ISIS Members that have been programmed to sneak into mainland Europe. Maybe all the African Nations will send their military to Somalia to end Boko Haram, the Somali Pirates, Al-Shabab and all the others for the last time, before the elections in November.
Maybe all the news channels will stop having Presidential Debates for the Democrats and Republicans. Maybe Lyndon Larouche will make a huge comeback and offer Ross Perot the number 2 on his Independent Presidential run for 2016. Maybe someone will get really sick of listening to the background noise and waving arms of Gloria Borger or stupid glasswear worn by S.E. Cupps. Maybe Wolf Blizter wlll ask John King to go cover Hurricane season instead of determining how many stupid Trump Votes or Bernie Votes are going to impact the next state with three electoral votes. Maybe, Lindsay Vonn will lose a downhill race. Maybe, Tiger Woods will be made into the next Six Million Dollar Man and win the Masters. Maybe Peyton Manning didn’t sit on the face of the female trainer in 1996, get her fired from her job because she reported him and then wrote all about it ….in his Peyton Manning tell all autobiography.
Maybe, the Carolina Panthers just weren’t as good as everyone thought. Maybe, Joe Montana wasn’t as good as Terry Bradshaw and seven other Hall of Fame Quarterbacks……and who cares really? Maybe, Cam Newton got the early phone call from Las Vegas on game day. Maybe life is just “The Matrix” and we keep looking for Keanu Reeves to save our chops before they pull the blanket out from under us. Truly, the boredom is getting pretty deep. Even Donald Trump is getting boring. Hillary is certainly boring. Bernie is trying not to become consistently boring and Marco Rubio is driven to be as redundant as Ted Cruz. Beyonce has put on a few pounds, but still is hot. Ronda Rousey gets to be one of three SI Cover Swimsuit girls this year. Steph Curry is still the hottest thing in NBA Basketball. His teammate Clay Thomphson isn’t far behind. Ronaldo is still the great one on Real Madrid too! Bernie Madoff is still in jail – which is good. Jeff Skillings too! Sirhan Sirhan finally let it be known that one of the FBI agents in the kitchen of the Ambassador actually shot RFK. They still didn’t let Sirhan out this time……his 14th Appeal hearing.
OK, someone is going ask what all these various issues have to do with who will be the next President of the United States. Does anyone really care at this point? Trump, Jeb, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz, Marco, Kasich or even Governor Jim Gilmore. Would it make any difference in a Global Banking System run by the Moguls on Bahnhof Strasse in Zurich! Or maybe, even on the back streets of Allepo, Syria. Lord knows those ISIS folks keep having people buy three quarters of a billion dollars in oil from them every year. The best news so far this year is again under reported: Cliven Bundy has been arrested for Conspiracy and joins his sons, as the last four holdouts have surrendered in the Oregon game perserve. America! And only one guy got killed. Pretty cool FBI, BATF and CIA. Your joint efforts seem to be working rather well. We love your tactics and strategy too. It feels nice to be proud of our country again. We certainly cannot watch Cable News to see any of that. We all have to dig it out on the web, read 100 newspapers and read between the lines. Oh we know, we always had to do that to be informed – but now the message is obvious. Sic of da de-baits? Without a doubt! Let us know if Lyndon and Ross decide to step up and run…..meanwhile, no more arm waving by Hillary. No more twisted looks by Donald. No more Canadian drivel by Cruz. No more redundant redundant Marco-vision. Here’s hoping that John Kasich can utter one four letter word in anger before he leaves the stag.
Sic of da de-baits? Without a doubt!
In the end I think the Pubs will stick their tails between their legs and let Obama have his way with his SCOTUS appointment. Look, they did it with the Omnibus and Cromnibus Bills. They did it with debt ceilings. They’ve yet to challenge ObamaCare. They’ve agreed to fund the sustenance of the illegal migrant populations and the sanctuary cities. So let not your hearts be troubled, dems. Don’t lose any sleep over this latest Kabuki Theater episode. The typical scenario is for Ryan and McConnell to put up some initial resistance. Then both will fold like WalMart pup tents manufactured in China. They’ll git skeered. Why do you think so many have turned to Donald Trump for leadership? Not saying that’s the answer necessarily. But it is what it is.
The POTUS debates are only there to entertain the little people. So view them for their entertainment value. But don’t take them too seriously. If you gain more pleasure by watching a basketball game or by going to the movies – by all means – do so. Do whatever makes you feel good. This is America and it is Year 2016.
Look, the POTUS takes his standing orders from outside the Country. Everything is globally centralized. Do you think Cameron runs England? Trudeau runs Canada? Abe runs Japan? Tsipras runs Greece? Merkel runs Germany? Nieto runs Mexico? Turnbull runs Australia? Do you think the USA calls the shots? Come on. Let’s all think like adults.
We live in a tightly interwoven global financial network. One wrong move by any Nation of financial significance could start the dominoes falling. And once it begins – it’s all she wrote. So all nations are tightly controlled by a group of elites who make the decisions and give the orders. They would tell you that it’s for the common good. But it’s really to make the rich richer and the working stiff poorer. This crosses all cultural lines. And it’s particularly noticable in those nations (ie. USA) where the middle class has been so predominant in prior decades. If you can’t see the shift in wealth – you’re blind. This is all about global control. And the less you have the more the more easily you’re controlled
But enjoy your debates with your relatives, friends, neighbors and on-line acquaintances even though it really doesn’t matter what you think. Life will find its own way in spite of your outlook. But debates are fun! It helps give purpose to our lives. And it keeps your synapses firing. And it’s good for your soul.
*Right you are…..The Washington Merry Go Round by Drew Pearson is truly amazing. Essentially, it was the United States that caused the World Depression when Chase Bank lent Germany Short Term Notes to the Weimar Republic in 1928-29, and quickly called them in when Wall Street speculators used their broker pyramid schemers to blow up our Wall Street…..and we demanded the short term money back from Germany which caused the demise of the Weimar Republic. Everything you wanted to know about how dirty all of it is..and was….Johnson, Kennedy and hundreds more so-called dedicated electeds…….
I always wondered how Germany went from a dirt poor nation whose citizens were literally eating rat meat to stay alive to the leanest, meanest, best-equipped fighting machine that the world has ever known.
No one has ever provided me with a satisfactory answer to that enigma. Not even my high school or college history texts. Oh, I am US born and educated. 🙂
Oh man, do you mean the Nazi Army? The one that did not meet much resistance until the Russian (then Soviet) army stood up to them?
Go read a history book. Most of the industrialized world was fighting the Nazis. Yet the Nazis invaded and conquered several neighboring nations and were winning until Hitler made a stupid strategic blunder and invaded Russia.
But I see you can’t answer my question either. When the German people were eating rat meat and digging up roots in the forests to stay alive and a wheel barrow full of D-Marks couldn’t buy a loaf of bread – where did the Nazis get the money to build one of the fiercest, finest trained and best equipped fighting machines that the USA has faced in our history?
The Weimar Republic “demised” in 1933.
*Ziggy, in answer to your question. After the Chase debacle of pulling the short term note money from Germany…..the lesson was learned after WWII. The money given Germany after WWII – The Marshall Plan cash was free grant money. The Germans, industrialist and Swiss Banking interest made the most of it and created the first Economic Engine in Europe after WWII. West Germany flourished and so did its hard working people. Krupp Steel was back in business in no time, Deutsche and Handel Banks and lots of manufacturing and retail exports. Vibrant. You may wonder why we yanked those short term loans? What we did to the Weimar Republic was criminal. Our connections with the British Banking Sytem in 1928-29 may have had some serious connection with long held bad feelings from WW I. As DZ said, the poor Weimar Republic was able to bearly hang on from 29-33 by a thread. When they finally found out, the world was out of money and they had no place to run – it became the desperation times of “Welcome Adolph!” Back to the WW I Otto Von Bismark solution of “at war or rebuilding”…to keep the economy floating.
El Duce in Italy loved the Adolph solution and Hirohito too. Franco had already created “The probable Cause” in Spain. The Japs had already gone into China and Manchuria. The Italians love the hot deserts of Africa along with the Germans. – the oil too! A million stories in the naked city. No, it was Chase bank that killed our global economy..even back then. Donald Trump is scared to death that he will win the Presidency because he will have to continue the “free Fed Money” we dish out every month to keep the economies of the world on top of the water rather than under. Hillary will be able to do it better…. heck…she’s a Democrat!
It really matters not who the next POTUS is. At this point the heroin addict (world economy) has Stage III-IV liver disease and his eyeballs are turning a pale shade of yellow. At this point could he be saved if we took away his candy (QE, suppressed interest rates) and tried to nurse him back to health (make QE illegal and allow rates to rise to normal levels)? Doubtful. Most of the damage ($19T+) has been done and that’s darn hard to reverse. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. If the next POTUS “stays the course” the addict turns to room temp. If he/she treats the addict with the proper and effective protocol it may be salvagable – but not without substantial pain – which means the POTUS will be a one-termer. There’s your dilemma. Politics meets economics. In the end, math always wins.
*Ziggy, why in the world would you want to reverse the $19 Trillion dollar debt? Then our currency would be worth “too much” and we no one would want or have to trade with us. The guess-ta-mated Global Debt is somewhere around $168 Trillion. This is like Global Warming: If the rest of the world doesn’t do anything – Seattle will be getting the pollution from Mumbai, New Delhl, Beijing and the radiation from Fukishima for the next 10,000 years. Probably, just better to ride it out….and wait till China, India and the rest of the world goes away from fossil fuels by making Solar Powered Turbine Cars mandatory for all transportation and commercial delivery of goods. That will stop the Global Warming – the Global Debt Crisis however will require “the Great Reset”. No more money or currency. Based on Digital International Credits….from your Cell Phone. No more banks, no more lending, no more Capitial projects for 10 years. Sort of like living with the Taliban…. Doesn’t sound exciting. But as with the Weimar Republic – The Old Deutsche Marks were gone one day, the New currency issued and and everyone got 3000 marks. In 30 days there were 300 millionaires in the New German Weimar Republic. Why? Because they already owned things – like property, businesses, homes, cars, trucks and boats. Not to worry about losing that buried Dillinger money you found back in 1932. $10,000 dollars isn’t really that much. The extinct bills however are now worth probably 10 times that. You will still be able to sell your antique clocks and get International Credits…..rather than some phony bills printed by the FED…..as Monopoly Money!
The Great Depression lasted from 1929-39. Germany was hit particularly hard. 40% unemployment. Note that WW2 started in 1939. The question is who financed Germany’s war? The Germans? How was Krupp AG able to manufacture hundreds of planes, Panzer tanks and U-boats with worthless D-Marks? That’s what I would like to know.
War is a proven means to restore a broken world economy. Of course, at a great cost. Some may question whether the cure is worse that the disease. It probably depends upon whether you or your loved ones are the ones compelled to fight it or the ones who profit from it.
*John D. and Rockefellers – Chase Bank and OMG…..another circular argument and whirlpool of wealth? Henry Ford sent the plans for the VW Bug “The People’s Car”. Donald Douglas sent Hitler the plans for the C-47 (for a million dollars of course)……. Hey, life is truly a joke and then you get more of it. The Rothchilds or Bilderbergers? Child’s play! More like Disney: “It’s a small world after all….it’s a small, small, world.!” “Hartfords, Harrimans, Hanfords…hurricanes hardly happen!”