Sic of da de-baits?




2016 republican clown car

Mitch O’Connell says NO to any Obama replacement players suggested for Anthony Scalia on the Supreme Court.  Hey, maybe the Republicans can still shut down the Government before the November elections.  Maybe the full Congress still has time to declare war on ISIS officially before the November elections.  Maybe the Congress can start deporting the 11 million immigrants here without formal Federal proceedings before the November elections.  Maybe the Congress can determine that Ted Cruz is still a Canadian citizen and can’t serve one more day in the US Congress.  Maybe Marco Rubio will get a contract to play for the Miami Heat for the 2017 season.

In International news, maybe Russia will invade Sweden, Denmark and Norway before the November elections in the USA.  Maybe all the Syria immigrants can declare themselves real ISIS Members that have been programmed to sneak into mainland Europe.  Maybe all the African Nations will send their military to Somalia to end Boko Haram, the Somali Pirates, Al-Shabab and all the others for the last time, before the elections in November.

Maybe all the news channels will stop having Presidential Debates for the Democrats and Republicans.  Maybe Lyndon Larouche will make a huge comeback and offer Ross Perot the number 2 on his Independent Presidential run for 2016.  Maybe someone will get really sick of listening to the background noise and waving arms of Gloria Borger or stupid glasswear worn by S.E. Cupps.  Maybe Wolf Blizter wlll ask John King to go cover Hurricane season instead of determining how many stupid Trump Votes or Bernie Votes are going to impact the next state with three electoral votes.  Maybe, Lindsay Vonn will lose a downhill race.  Maybe, Tiger Woods will be made into the next Six Million Dollar Man and win the Masters.  Maybe Peyton Manning didn’t sit on the face of the female trainer in 1996, get her fired from her job because she reported him and then wrote all about it ….in his Peyton Manning tell all autobiography.

Maybe, the Carolina Panthers just weren’t as good as everyone thought.  Maybe, Joe Montana wasn’t as good as Terry Bradshaw and seven other Hall of Fame Quarterbacks……and who cares really?  Maybe, Cam Newton got the early phone call from Las Vegas on game day. Maybe life is just “The Matrix” and we keep looking for Keanu Reeves to save our chops before they pull the blanket out from under us.  Truly, the boredom is getting pretty deep.  Even Donald Trump is getting boring.  Hillary is certainly boring.  Bernie is trying not to become consistently boring and Marco Rubio is driven to be as redundant as Ted Cruz.  Beyonce has put on a few pounds, but still is hot.  Ronda Rousey gets to be one of three SI Cover Swimsuit girls this year.  Steph Curry is still the hottest thing in NBA Basketball.  His teammate Clay Thomphson isn’t far behind.  Ronaldo is still the great one on Real Madrid too!  Bernie Madoff is still in jail – which is good.  Jeff Skillings too!   Sirhan Sirhan finally let it be known that one of the FBI agents in the kitchen of the Ambassador actually shot RFK.  They still didn’t let Sirhan out this time……his 14th Appeal hearing.

OK, someone is going ask what all these various issues have to do with who will be the next President of the United States.  Does anyone really care at this point?  Trump, Jeb, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz, Marco, Kasich or even Governor Jim Gilmore.  Would it make any difference in a Global Banking System run by the Moguls on Bahnhof Strasse in Zurich!  Or maybe, even on the back streets of Allepo, Syria.  Lord knows those ISIS folks keep having people buy three quarters of a billion dollars in oil from them every year.  The best news so far this year is again under reported:  Cliven Bundy has been arrested for Conspiracy and joins his sons, as the last four holdouts have surrendered in the Oregon game perserve.  America!  And only one guy got killed.  Pretty cool FBI, BATF and CIA.  Your joint efforts seem to be working rather well.  We love your tactics and strategy too.  It feels nice to be proud of our country again.  We certainly cannot watch Cable News to see any of that.  We all have to dig it out on the web, read 100 newspapers and read between the lines.  Oh we know, we always had to do that to be informed – but now the message is obvious.  Sic of da de-baits?  Without a doubt!  Let us know if Lyndon and Ross decide to step up and run…..meanwhile, no more arm waving by Hillary.  No more twisted looks by Donald.  No more Canadian drivel by Cruz.  No more redundant redundant Marco-vision.  Here’s hoping that John Kasich can utter one four letter word in anger before he leaves the stag.

Sic of da de-baits?  Without a doubt!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.