Ted Cruz says that his mom was a citizen, who was married to a Cuban and he was born in Calgary, Canada. Ted Cruz says he is a Natural born citizen of the United States. This is the same Ted Cruz who believed that Barack Obama was born in Kenya! Based on that logic, even if the President was born in Kenya…..if his mom was a citizen of the United States, even though his dad was Kenyan – Barack Obama would then be a Natural born citizen of the United States – according to those standards.
Let’s step back and talk about what a Natural Born Citizen of the United States might be. Was Sam Houston a Natural Born Citizen of the United States? Sam was born at Timber Ridge Plantation, Rockbridge County, Virginia on March 2nd, 1793. “Old Dominan” as Virginia is called was granted Statehood into the United States of America on June 25th, 1788. According to this Virginia had been a State for over five years and therefore Sam Houston was indeed a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. That we can call “Settled Law”.
During World War II, anyone born on American soil…..was considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. Many foreign women even came to US Consultants and US Embassies, as well as jumping off ships off the coast of the United States to have their babies on the sacred soil of these United States. John McCain, whose father was an US Navy Admiral was born in a Panama Canal Zone Naval Hospital and is still considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States.
The Trump Birthers have used this logic to inpune the character of President Barack Obama….saying his Kenyan grandmother delivered him in Siyha, Kenya which was not American Soil or even had an Embassy there. The State of Hawaii was admitted as State on August 21st, 1959. In spite of the fact that Barack Obama was born on August 4th, 1961, two years later – Hawaii had been a possession or protectorate of the United States since officially 1897, when Grover Cleveland came to office and passed the Newsland Resolution, making Hawaii, a US Territory. So, the question goes – if you were born in Hawaii prior to August 21st, 1959…….are you considered a Natural Born Citizen of the United States? Question: Could people born in Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Somoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana’s today….be considered US Natural Born Citizens? Probably not, unless they were born on or in a US Military Installation or Federal Enclave…such as the grounds or hospital facilities of an American Embassy or Consulate. How about the backseat of US Army Jeep?
Now it starts to get complicated. In 1901 and 1905 the Supreme Court passed acceptance of the so-called Insular Treaties, which said that any US Territory accorded every citizen the same laws as those of the United States, including citizenship and all other Federal laws. However, they took a look back to 1856 to make many reservations accorded to so-called “Territorial incorporations” for places like Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. Basically, all US Possessions do not have the same rights or privileges. In the case of the Philippines for example: Taken from Spain, at the end of the Spanish-American War. The Philippines became an “Insular Republic”, but the US Administration didn’t like the First Philippine Republic and we went to war again…..basically, tearing the whole country into several different areas. It took World War II, the Japanese Occupation and MacArthur Returning, the end of the war with Japan, the establishment of the UN in 1945 and finally, the US granting The Philippines Independence on July 4th, 1946 before things started to be sorted out. Filipinos who served in the Armed Forces of the United States are still trying to get their earned medals for there service during WWII. Question: If someone was born in the Philippines after 1901 and before 1946….could they be considered Natural Born US citiizens? Probably not! But this is certainly a complex issue for the courts which remains “unsettled law”.
So, what about Ted Cruz? Sorry Ted, you don’t even have a birth certificate that says you were born in East LA. Now, what were you saying about Marco Rubio again?
If Obama had not been born in Hawaii (or elsewhere in the U.S.), he would not have been eligible to run for President, because his mother was not yet 19 and the law required him to have at least one parent who was a citizen who had resided in the U.S. for at least five years after the age of 19.
The main issue for Cruz is: did his mother surrender her American citizenship after they had moved to Canada but prior to his birth? (For example, did she do so to gain access to their medical system.) If she had done so, then he would have had no other claim to U.S. citizenship. (Other more far-fetched possibilities exist, such as that she was not his real mother and his real mother was not a U.S. citizen but a woman whom his father had impregnated, which might explain the nine-day delay in registering his birth and the failure to report it to the U.S. government — but we needn’t discuss those here and now.)
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office showed beyond a reasonable doubt through a forensic digital investigation that BHO’s US birth certificate was computer generated and as phony as a $3 bill. A thorough explanation of this investigation by sworn LE investigators can be found on-line on Youtube.
Watch it before you give your knee-jerk reaction. This is a Sheriff’s Department that does investigations on phony fraudulent purported official documents for a living and submits their evidence to courts of law. Despite this forensic evidence – the FBI refused to get involved. Why? Because it would’ve resulted in too much chaos (in an already chaotic society due to the economic meltdown) to toss a POTUS from the White House for failing to meet the citizenship requirements.
I realize this is a painful revelation – but the forensic investigation conducted and it’s conclusions were quite clear. Anyone with a computer science background would understand the veractity and significance of this. I have spoken with several about it. So don’t judge until you’ve thoroughly watched the video and listened to the detectives who conducted the investigation. You can find it with a google search. The total length of the video is about 1.5 hours. Thank you.
No, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s horseshit operation showed no such thing. You’re too easily convinced.
You’re entitled to your opinion. I asked some intelligent computer science geeks what they thought of the Maricopa County SO’s forensic investigation of BHO’s birth certificate. The feedback I received seemed to support the findings. So I didn’t rely on my own judgment. I went to the experts. If you don’t mind me asking…..what specifically did you question about the forensic evidence uncovered during the MCSO investigation? I understand your angst with Arpaio. Many people dislike him. But forensic investigative facts are forensic investigative facts. And so far I haven’t seen anyone successfully shoot those facts down. I’m trying to remain as objective as humanly possible.
*No one love Sheriff Joe, more than us…..except he has gone off the rails after the Volunteer Border Patrol guys all evaporated. Joe had to dig up re-election cash and could only ride that one “Tent ’em and forget ’em!” horse just so long. We were there from the beginning, interviewing “The orginal Minutemen”…..both of the original founders. Sadly, it was all about money, politics and money for re-elections. Our pal in Tombstone……became the mayor….and tried one to run for Congress. The other guy, living in Irvine
tried to convince people to give him money for a run for Congress, which didn’t turn out so well. We still think Sheriff Joe had the right idea about stopping folks, especially drug and gun runners from coming across the border and detaining such. When the beefed up the border patrol, the border patrol ran off most of the Volunteer, Gun Toting, Citizen Border Patrol folks. Now, back to the Trumpster Birther Nation, TBN’s believe that anyone Black – should go back! Since I saw baby Obama with his
mom, walking the street of Kalakaua Blvd. in Waikiki in 1963…….(was working at Mac’s at Waikiki – a gourmet Liquor store). His mom was cute and I was a shocked West Coast Haole to see a White Woman with a little black baby….back then. Can’t say whether he was born in Kenya, back in August 4th, 1961 – but it should be a simple matter to check to see the mom’s Passport and whether she traveled there and on what dates. Have you check that?
*Removing all doubt…Chris Simcox was our horse to ride in the Minutemen concept. Jim Gilchrist became the divisive and separatist
element…based upon purely political considerations… Supposedly,
Gilchrist was the money man originally which helped fund the concept. Chris was the Philosophical Leader. Like most volunteer organizations, when the money doesn’t come……personalities can get twisted.