Controversial Climate Change expert, Dr Patrick Michaels, will speak at an event benefitting CATER.




A flyer inviting to a Public Discussion of Climate Change Science and Policy to take place on August 20th, at Servite High School Auditorium,  caught my attention (flyers get my curiosity as you may remember the story of the one about the homeless, click here).

This flyer called my attention for several reasons. The paper in which it was printed was not on recycled paper, which nowadays is a basic environmental consideration.  Then the announced speaker is a doctor of the CATO Institute, which for a guy like me coming from a non-conservative tradition, I have been skeptically opening up to their ideas. One of them is their objection to public transportation projects, which provided additional rationale to question wasteful projects like the ARTIC and the  proposed Disney trolley.

So I checked up who this CATO speaker is , Dr Patrick Michaels, and wow! it confirmed my skepticism. His basic premise is that the warming of the planet is not as bad as we think it is. He is an expert in the subject, and his reasons although not accepted by the majority of the scientific community, need to be considered. Any relevant subject needs to be discussed, and Climate Change is a very urgent one. I hope it is not as bad as the evidence indicates, and I am open to hear a viewpoint indicating otherwise.

The problem is that his research and advocacy have been funded by the fossil industry, the main beneficiaries of policies that deny climate change. I’m not going to insert any links, you do the heavy lifting as my pal Gustavo likes to say. So the next question was why CATER would be involved with an academic whose ethics are in contradiction with what I thought CATER stands for. Granted, this doctor is not a “government entity” but there is no doubt his influence on public policies is tremendous, and for me, as negative as Pringle influence in our local government. And again, it is not his position on the subject but his conflict of interests that I thought was odd.

So based on this speaker’s history, I asked my friends from CATER forMark Tabbert a clarification. One of their supporters wanted to organize a fundraising event for them, this person knows this professor and his fame mostly in the conservative camp would draw a crowd. At the time of the flyer was printed no opposing speaker had been found yet.  Mark Tabbert of,  Newport Beach resident, will be presenting an opposing viewpoint — and there may be more than that besides.

CATER needs all the support we can provide, and these type of events are not only good for fundraisers but also to bring a serious, informed discussions on issues that ultimately have city halls implications. I hope they organize discussions on Income Inequality, Planned Parenthood, School-Charters and so on, presenting opposing views. I will not be able to attend this event. My neighborhood is having a meeting with Mr Vanderbilt, Anaheim City Councilmember , on the proposed homeless shelter.

So Deniers and Warmers, have a spirited discussion! Let’s keep Shell digging and drilling , don’t worry, life will go on as we know it , or stop burning and Save the Planet.

To get tickets for this event :

About Ricardo Toro

Anaheim resident for several decades. In addition to political blogging, another area of interest is providing habitats for the Monarch butterfly.