Tell Washington “No Fast Track for TPP!” (Trans-Pacific Partnership.)

The Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)  is back in the news, but probably not on any mainstream news channels you are familiar with. If you want to know what’s really going on in the United States, I suggest tuning into RT News. The cable news networks have become nothing more than scripted news events and cheerleaders for the political group (Dems or Repubs) they like best.

I first wrote about the TPPA back in July 2012 when the representatives of  six hundred corporations showed up in San Diego to iron out the details of this secret treaty. They have been meeting in different cities and countries for several years.  President Obama has since added a “fast track” to the agreement and wants the deal to get done by the end of the month.  Fast Track gives the president the authority to negotiate international agreements that Congress can approve or disapprove but cannot amend or filibuster.

What’s at stake here if this passes? A lot. Any country that signs on will essentially give up their sovereignty rights and hand it over to corporations. Corporations will have even more power over American citizens than they already do. For example, two states have passed laws requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods (it won’t take effect until a total of five states are on board though) but if TPP passes those laws are no longer valid. States can be sued by chemical companies who claim that labeling will hurt their bottom line.  Here is a photo excerpt of the treaty that involves GMOs:

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA),  who serves as Chairman for House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade , made the following statement at a hearing back in May 2012:

The economic importance of the Asia-Pacific region cannot be overstated.  The region accounts for nearly 60 percent of global gross domestic product, and roughly 50 percent of international trade.  Forecasts expect approximately half of the world’s $22 trillion in economic growth over the next five years to be in Asia. 

Recently, as Asian countries have aggressively pursued trade agreements among themselves, that line is being drawn.  By one estimate, 180 of these agreements are currently in force, 20 are awaiting implementation, and 70 are being negotiated.  It’s no coincidence that U.S. share of exports to Asia has declined by over 10 percent in the last decade.  Indeed, the U.S. is party to only three free trade agreements in Asia.

That sounds to me like he will be voting yes.

The labeling of GMOs aren’t the only thing that will be effected; so will labor unions, access to prescription drugs and weakening environmental laws, to name a few. Are you willing to leave this important issue in the hands of your elected officials without your input? We already learned that they don’t read the bills they vote on. Remember when Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to pass the ACA bill — “so they can find out what’s in it?”

Even though there is barely any mention in other mainstream media sources, updates and leaks of the documents have gotten out to the public. A Face Book page has been created that gives extensive information about the trade deal aka world corporate takeover and what you can do to stop it.  You can find it here.

The important thing you can do is call Washington and tell them, “No fast track!.”

Call Washington D.C. 202-225-5611

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at