“Scalded like a stripped assed ape with a hot yawl full of butter”…….seems to be the only catch phrase that comes to mind on this wild news day! The world is funny as a crutch….face it. This stuff has to be theatre and scripted by some fine Hollywood Producers and Directors. You can’t make this stuff up….can you?
OK….How about the IRS going after Tea Party type Organizations? Why is this neither surprising nor offensive. Now if we can only get the IRS to go after Bankers, Drug Cartels and the Bernie Madoff’s of the world….and their off-shore banking accounts. Heck, they have gone after 100’s of Hollywood actors and some great celebrities…including Richard Pryor and Muhammed Ali, Martin Luther King and list goes on and on and on. Football players, Baseball Players, Track and Field folks…..the list is long and even includes Wesley Snipes.
Then, we are going back to Benghazi. Why does this reminds us of the Jody Arias trial. It just keeps going and going and going….like the Energizer Bunny. Congrats to the great jury that has found Jody Arias Guilty of Murder in the First Degree. Next…..well, you know who…….he kidnapped three girls that we know of and…and …..and. Meanwhile, our good friend Darrell Issa has created a whole career out of Benghazi. Has he found or identified the three principals that were leading the charge on 9/11? NO? Well, why not? Has he contacted to the FBI….to view the live coverage of the Bengazi attack? NO? Well, why not? Would Darrell like to pants President Obama on the school yard during recess? YES? Good grief! The Ambassador was raped and killed……probably drawn and quartered as well…before it was over. Darrell will not be able to bring back to life our brave Ambassador. Darrell, why don’t you go over to Libya and make some inquiries. This is a sick tale and brings nothing to our country or the table except trying to throw dirt on specific political targets..with the initials: Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton!
The last outrage of the day was that the Associated Press and perhaps all newspeople in the United States are being watched, listened to and most are being documented………just in case by the Department of Justice. What doesn’t the Press understand about Justice being blind? She holds a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. The First Amendments says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.
As you might notice the First Amendment does not guarantee that your words will not seen by the government….even before you say them. It only guarantees that we have the right to say them. To the Elite Media, Internet Media, Homespun Newsletter writers and Bail Bondsmen everywhere…..get used to it – we now live in the Digital Age when even what you may write or think may be read and understood ….even before you write it.
Finally, we all must not forget what has happened to our 4th Amendment rights. With the Patriot Act……all bets are off. Even before the Patriot Act…..we had lost a great deal. We leave you with this: The Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
So, to the Tea Party, Darrell Issa and the great Media Elite Press………have a nice day! Welcome to the Digital Age 2013!
…and it’s one hell of a shame! We have met the enemy and it is US!
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Benjamin Franklin, (Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, Tue, Nov 11, 1755)
*True….as it seems……remember this:
One can only hold back the tide……if he has a million hands…….
*These stories truly are “Poster Boys” for keeping the American people away from looking at the true problems out there. Health Care, Immigration, Jobs for the Middle Class, Help for the great Underclasses…..but what do we know?
Now you know why I have supported Obama’s reelection.
The best is still coming.
Joseph Raymond “Joe” McCarthy was correct about the Communists, especially the Hollywood ones, who financed Obama.
LOL, Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha – Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha – Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha – Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha – Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha – Haa Haaaaaaaa, Ha, Ha, Ha
There you are! We missed you, crazy bastard. Or .. I did anyway
It is your duty not to publish it you fucking communist!
Since you miss me so much Gröfaz, how about a duet?
Your choice of art:
Still miss him, Vern?
Hahahaha — well done, anon. You’re having a good day.
“We missed you, crazy bastard”……… Hmmmmm
FYI onan, the above statement is an expression acknowledging an incompleteness in full circle of life – THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY.
Therefore, missing and lowing are mutually exclusive terms.
Only gravely immature individuals like you and your lawyer do not see any difference.
Please advise your lawyer of it so he can update his liberal affirmative action educational background.
Speaking for myself, I’m glad to see that you’re alive. Or reanimated. Whatever.
Somebody call vector control.
*True….we love Stanley…”The Grand Inquisitor”…..Santa Hermandad…in drag?
Jon Stewart destroys BHO over IRS:
*Our good friend Darrell must be close to retirement. We think he is totally sick and tired of all the theatre and nonsense, but who else could pull it off? Someone can’t change that quickly……and when they do….it is usually because someone is pulling or yanking his chain.
Are we making excuses for Darrell? Not at this point, believe us. He is so “Off Target”……we are almost ready shoot a show called that …with him as the lead guest.
It will be interesting to take another peek…….down the road….and see how all this drama and theatre plays out for the Republicans in 2014. Meanwhile, Hillary is staying quietly sequestered, pushing Bill out – every once in a while to test the electricity in the air.
Did anyone see the Eric Holder Press Conference today? Touching…eh? It was a classic: “We will have a man right on that….eventually” Q & A.
“would of” – in the opinion of Daily Kos …. yeah sure …. like I am going to waste my time.
Yeah, you wouldn’t want to read anything that lends some nuance to the story.
And you’ve got the nerve to accuse other people of being partisan.
It’s one thing to actually be partisan. It’s another thing to actually be partisan WHILE accusing others of being so, as if your shit smells better.
Like you aren’t usually wasting your time….
Why don’t you give me the gist of the story, then I might look into it – if it makes any sense at all. Just posting a link to a story is pretty useless.
“Just posting a link to a story is pretty useless.”
Indeed. I imagine you to be at an almost total loss as to what to do next.
An interesting new development on the Benghazi leaks;
From Jake Tapper;
“CNN has obtained an e-mail sent by a top aide to President Barack Obama about White House reaction to the deadly attack last September 11 on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that apparently differs from how sources characterized it to two different media organizations.”
I can see that I’m going to have to explain the concept of “immateriality,” as in: some “differences” don’t make much of a difference.
Pat Smith told FoxNews on May 13 that Obama, Hillary, Panetta and Susan Rice all hugged her and told her “Face to face, nose to nose” that the video was to blame for he son’s death. We now know, that the President, Hillary, Panetta and Rice all knew that this was not true – and they lied to the face of a mother who had lost her son.
There’s always got to be one crazy, ignorant old white man to keep things going.
Way to go Mike!
Focus on the disaster that is your city! NOW that would be admirable.
From CBS –
The emails reveal how the first draft of CIA talking points prepared for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and select members of Congress watered down direct references to al Qaeda links to the Benghazi attacks and warnings about potential attacks.
The first version of the Benghazi talking points was produced by the CIA at 2:27 p.m. on Sept. 14, 2012. It says that the Benghazi assault may have been “spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. consulate.”
It also said, “We know that Islamic extremists with ties to al Qaeda participated in the attack.” It cites at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi and that “we cannot rule out that individuals had previously surveiled the U.S. facilities.”
The final version, after numerous revisions, produced at 12:13 p.m. on Sept. 15, kept the concept of a spontaneous demonstration, but removed references to al Qaeda or affiliated groups, previous attacks on diplomatic facilities or the possibility of premeditated surveillance.
One page shows how much of it happened in handwritten changes ordered by CIA Director Michael Morrell after a White House meeting Sept. 15. Top CIA officials told us Morrell’s changes coincidentally reflected those reflected by top State Department officials.
Coincidentally – really? They don’t expect us to believe that, do they?
Really Mike?
A million innocent dead Iraqi’s.
A hundred thousand permanently injured American soldiers.
$1,000,000,000,000+ dollars WASTED.
All on a “yellowcake uranium” lie.
Where was Junior then?
Perhaps you should read your cirriculum from Mater Dei, which have RIPPED the war. Oh wait social justice and such is “BULLSHIT” .
I guess it beats sending your kids to school with a bunch of Mexicans though.
A million dead Iraqis – really? Well, yeah, Iran did kill about that many Iraqis.
A Quadrillion dolloars – really? (That’s a thousand trillion). That’s more than 200 years of US total budgets – and, surprisingly, it is even more than willie deville makes in a year.
Skally, you’re vision is blurred again. Maybe one too many Tawny Ports to see straight.
Nameless has his numbers straight. A trillion dollars is pretty accurate. Where do you get a quadrillion?
Dead Iraqis…… The Lancet authors calculated a range of 392,979 to 942,636 deaths from the US invasion. The Iraqis didn’t attack us you dimwit. Saudis did.
You’re good with that?
*Please…..these people. Try fixing the flat tire on the Health Care System. Try fixing the broken window of the Immigration Law. Try fixing our Jobs issues in this country.
Try staying on priorities….not sororities.
CBS News is reporting that the GOP had released altered versions of the Benghazi emails leaked last Friday:
“CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday’s official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.”
If (and I mean if) the GOP altered these couple of sentences – the alterations amount to “differences of style” – heard that one before? They amount to differences without distinction.
The GOP now has as much credibility on Benghazi as does the CIA or State Department.
Which is to say, zero.
Did you actually see the differences before posting this or is your comment a matter of “what I want to be true must be true”?
I actually saw the sentences that were supposedly altered Greg – there is very little if any difference in substance or meaning.
Fling me a cite. I’ll be my own judge of that.
*Have to agree…….where was the debrief on the Cole bombing again? On PBS….five years later? Nah…..all in the name of National Security. How about the bombings of our Embassies in Africa? How about a complete read out of the 9/11 Highjackers? Have any of you seen their histories…where they were born, where they went to school, about their families, friends, associates?
Guess there is a double standard?: One for Obama and One for everyone else!
It is not even remotely possible that this IRS mess was an accident, a mistake. Only conservative groups were targeted, not liberal.
It is not even remotely possible that only one IRS office was involved. Lois Lerner, who oversees tax-exempt groups for the IRS, was the person who finally acknowledged, under pressure of a looming investigative report, some of what the IRS was doing. She told reporters the actions were the work of “frontline people” in Cincinnati. But other offices were involved, including Washington.
It is not even remotely possible the actions were the work of just a few agents. This was more systemic. It was an operation. The word was out: Get the Democratic Party’s foes. It is not remotely possible nobody in the IRS knew what was going on until very recently. The Washington Post reported efforts to target the conservative groups reached the highest levels of the agency by May 2012—far earlier than the agency had acknowledged. Reuters reported high-level IRS officials, including its chief counsel, knew in August 2011 about the targeting.
Before I get chastised by Vern again – the above was from Peggy Noonan.
Just out of curiosity: if it turns out that this assertion was wrong, how much of your argument would you say falls apart?
On this point much of my argument would not be supported if it turned out to be substantially inaccurate.
Guess what?
Here is your cite Mr. Diamond:
CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday’s official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.
The GOP version of Rhodes’ comment, according to CBS News: “We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don’t want to undermine the FBI investigation.”
The White House email: “We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation.”
The GOP version of Nuland’s comment, according to CBS News: The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda’s presence and activities of al-Qaeda.”
The White House email: “The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings.”
A majority of Americans believe the IRS scandal was part of a deliberate plan to harass conservative groups, according to a poll released Tuesday.
Only 31 percent in the new Washington Post/ABC News poll think the IRS’s targeting was an honest administrative mistake, while 56 percent believe it was deliberate. And 45 percent say the administration is trying to cover up facts about the scandal, while 42 percent believe it is honestly disclosing what it knew
CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson said:
“I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I’m not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I’ve been patient and methodical about this matter,” Attkisson said. “I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public.”
In October 2011, Attkisson revealed to radio host Laura Ingraham she was the victim of a Justice Department’s anger when she was “yelled” and “screamed” at over her coverage of the “Fast and Furious” scandal.
Attkisson’s coverage of “Fast and Furious,” the Benghazi terrorist attacks and other Obama administration scandals has also prompted widespread speculation about a rift between her and her CBS bosses, including CBS News president David Rhodes, whose brother Ben Rhodes is a former fiction writer who is now President Obama’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communication and reportedly took the lead in revising the Benghazi talking points.