Fullerton Candidate Meet-and-Greet to end all Fullerton Candidate Meet-and-Greets, at Vern’s Church Tonite!


(That’s a half-mile west of Brookhurst BTW)

Fullerton voters!  Come tonight, Monday night at 7, to the Church Where Vern Plays Piano – that’s the Orangethorpe United Methodist Church, 2351 Orangethorpe Blvd., Fullerton, CA, between Magnolia and Brookhurst.  Park in the big back lot, it’s in a classroom off toward the west side of the lot.

WHY?  Here’s why:  We are holding the Fullerton Candidate Meet-and-Greet to End All Fullerton Candidate Meet-and-Greets.  Attending will be Council candidates Jan Flory, Barry Levinson, Rick Alvarez, Jane Rands, and Kitty Jaramillo.   Bring all your questions and concerns.  I promise to just sit quietly in the corner since I’m not lucky enough to live in your great town.  But I might write about it!

What happened:   I just happened to overhear that the nice lady who pretty much runs things at the church was having a “Candidate Meet and Greet.”  I was all, “Oh yeah?  Which candidates are coming?”  And when I heard “Flory, Alvarez, and Kitty,” I was all, “Excuse me, those are not the best.”  I don’t blame anyone for thinking so, since apparently they’re the choice of beloved Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva who will also be there (and will probably be irritated with me.)

But just to start with, Flory os a staunch supporter Measure W, which allows Chevron to have their way developing Fullerton’s last remaining open spaces up in Coyote Hills. You can find her name listed on the “Yes on W” literature, and, possibly not coincidentally, her campaign is partly funded by Chevron.   Alvarez has thus far avoided making any statement about this controversial measure, but his talk of backing “property rights” is generally understood as a wink and nod to letting corporations like Chevron do whatever they want with their property.

On top of that, as the biggest recipients of police union money,  FLory and Alvarez have and will fight against desperately needed reform of the Fullerton Police Department, particularly the citizens’ oversight committee most residents agree is necessary.   Alvarez and Jaramillo were silent and invisible during the firestorm over the Kelly Thomas murder, and Flory was actually out there sticking up for the cops.  (And don’t forget, the Kelly murder was only the most outrageous example of MANY known and unpunished police abuses in Fullerton in recent years.)

Wow.  Totally on the wrong side of possibly the TWO biggest issues facing Fullerton this year.  In my opinion at least.  So I asked, “Can I invite a couple of candidates that I think are a lot better?”  And permission was granted.  So my friends Jane Rands and Barry Levinson will be there, to mix things up.

I’ve known Jane for seven years, from back when we fought together for universal single-payer health care in California.  Barry Levinson I just met and had breakfast with at Salt and Pepper yesterday morning, and I was real impressed with him.  He scares people sometimes because he’s so big and enthusiastic.  But he is totally not the caricature of the anti-government libertarian that Fullerton’s reactionaries have painted.

In fact Jane and Barry seem to be the most intelligent and honest candidates Fullertonians could choose for their Council, and they both have a long record of involvement in the community, UNLIKE most of their opponents.  But you’ll see, and make your choice.  At least NOW that Jane and Barry will be there, you’ll get to hear the OTHER side of what Chveron is trying to do to your town.

You know what, I’ll finish this later, with a little more about my meeting with Barry, but I want to publish this now so that you all know about tonight’s event.  Meanwhile, don’t miss a couple of great new timely pieces about Chvron and Fullerton:

See you at 7!


Rands, coyote, Levinson. They all say, Vote NO on W!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.