“Take Back Anaheim” rallies at 4 this afternoon on City Hall steps, for justice, accountability and democracy!


This press release just came in from our friends at “Take Back Anaheim,” who are rallying on the steps of Anaheim City Hall tomorrow, in the wake of NOW TWO fatal police shootings in less than 36 hours.  It’s plain to see how these three issues are closely interrelated:  The need to bring this rogue police force under control, the drive for by-district elections so that all of the vast city’s communities get representation, and the obvious necessity of bringing decisions like the recent huge bed-tax giveaway to the popular vote so that the city’s people actually get something out of it – local jobs and investment!

Here’s the press release:

For Immediate Release
Contact:  Joanne Sosa, “Take Back Anaheim”
T: (714) 715-8798

Take Back Anaheim Rallies on Steps of City Hall for Justice and True Representation!

When:  Tuesday July 24, 2012; 4:00 PM
Where:  200 South Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim.

In the wake of yet another questionable fatal police shooting of a fleeing minority youth, Take Back Anaheim – joined by residents of Anna Street and fighters for justice across the county – will rally in support of THREE closely related demands, two of which will be voted on at the City Council meeting directly following:

  1. Accountability and reform in a Police Department that seems to have gone out of control;
  2. Reform of our City Council to a ward elections system, as the ACLU has been demanding, so that neighborhoods like Anna Street will have as much representation on Council as the wealthy Anaheim Hills area;
  3. and allowing the people of Anaheim a voice on the “Let the People Vote” initiative, to ensure that any future corporate subsidies will be attached to guarantees of LOCAL JOBS and INVESTMENT in the COMMUNITY.

Our second and third demands will be voted on shortly after this rally by the Council, as Council decides whether to put on November’s ballot both the Let the People Vote initiative and the question of changing to Ward Elections.  It is also easy to see how accountability for the Police Department is much more likely to follow from better representation of all Anaheim neighborhoods.


About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at vernpnelson@gmail.com, or 714-235-VERN.