Weekly protests have been taking place on Sundays from 12-2 at the Anaheim Police Station at 425 S. Harbor Blvd. It’s a fair bet that today’s protest, in the wake of police firing rubber bullets or beanbags into a crowd of predominantly women and children and also releasing a police dog to bite some in the crowd, will be bigger than usual.
A public invitation to the event, updated in light of yesterday’s events, was issued on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/344828062262298/. The name of the page is “ANAHEIM PD IS CORRUPT — WE WILL NOT BE SILENT,” and is being promoted by Renee Seekntruth Balenti, Sonia C. Hernandez and 2 others. I don’t know if the Anaheim PD is corrupt, and I don’t think that I need to sign on to such a statement in order to attend this rally. I do know, however, that something very wrong happened last night and I’m not going to quibble about who I stand next to while demanding answers and reform.
The text of the invitation:
every Sunday we gather at the Anaheim police Department 12 noon -2pm , to bring awareness to the community in Anaheim and the surrounding cities of Orange County. Anaheim Police Department has gotten away with their lies, brutality, excessive force, racial profiling, misconduct and MURDER for far too long..Their corruption and blatant disregard for our HUMAN/civil rights will NO LONGER BE TOLERATED!! join us .. stand up and let them here your voice… we want JUSTICE_CHANGE_ACCOUNTABILITY_AND TRANSPARENCY. recently the city manager of Anaheim has vocalized his intent to authorize a investigation into the excessive officer involved shootings.. This is a step in the right direction! We will remind the city manager every city council meeting about his solution..expecting the entire process be made fully public ! a press release and media coverage would be good! The (PEOPLE) deserve to know whats been going on their city!!The tourists deserve to know that Anaheim isnt as safe as they assume when they bring their entire families on vacation at the (happiest place on earth) Disneyland…
The image I’m using in the title comes from this CBS/KCAL9 news report, which you should watch if you haven’t yet seen it:
Apart from the violence, one thing really caught my attention. Officers apparently tried to purchase cell phone video that was taken at the scene. I can think of no reason why this should be justified; it appears to be a simple, flat-out attempt to suppress evidence of police misconduct. The police officers involved should be identified, investigated, and (if their attempted actions are confirmed) fired. If it is Department policy to purchase and suppress video of police misconduct, then the APD needs a thorough housecleaning.
P.S. Tell me again how a City Council overwhelmingly from affluent Anaheim Hills adequately represents all areas of the city. I don’t think that this sort of thing is happening to the residents of Anaheim Hills.
Greg. Shouldn’t they defer this protest because of the Colorado shooting?
After all that’s what Occupy did?
What are you talking about, this is our back yard!!!
We take a break from POLITICAL, R-D fights, in the wake of a senseless tragedy like Colorado.
When cops shoot ANOTHER minority kid execution-style in Anaheim we take to the streets!
Don’t even start that today.
yes you see the cops are already guilty no trial , no nothing , guilty , guilty , justice in ocupoo land
If they’re innocent on a technicality, do you think that that means people should not take to the streets in protest? What a compliant guy you are. Castro must have loved you.
Who’s “they,” nameless? I think of the people at the rally as “we.” Do you?
As for your question, let’s just let it hang in the air so everyone gets a good whiff of it.
Stomper Got Stomped! LOL
No, as I understand it, he got shot in the head, execution style.
Why is everyone the victim all of a sudden? What happened to following police orders? Why do these young punks think that it doesn’t apply to them? What would you rather have a rogue Society? These punks are the same ones that won’t hesitate in doing harm to others, remember that. I thought everyone knew that if you follow an officer’s commands no one gets hurt.
I think the victim is the victim because the police executed him with a bullet shot to the head. Does that answer your moronic, goosestepping question satisfactorily enough?
Did you watch the video from KCAL? Do you think that the police thought that they were in danger at that point?
Do you have all the facts? Were you there? Do you know if your so called victim had a history with the police and was known to be armed and dangerous? And you did not answer all of my previous questions. Don’t be so quick to bash the police and be part of the rabble.
We don’t have all the facts. We do have these facts:
1. Anaheim PD have an unusually high number of officer-involved shooting incidents.
2. OC Register quoted an eyewitness as saying that the victim was first shot in the buttocks, then shot again in the head.
3. Locally, regionally, and nationally we are facing an epidemic of police brutality and unnecessary killings by police.
Put all that together and we have a strong case for yet another needless police killing of a man for either nothing or some sort of minor issue. Certainly not anything that deserves the death penalty.
As far as I’m concerned it is a murder until proven otherwise. The cop should be under arrest. As well as the other cops who have been killing other innocent citizens of Anaheim. But they won’t, because the police and the justice system shields them from impartial investigation and prosecution.
oc not with this group .. oh and mr f lee diamond so woman and little kids show up to the protest told to move , they wont , police fire rubber pelots at the m . they get mad because their kids got shot .. memo to stupid moms DONT BRING KIDS AND STROLLERS TO A PROTEST THAT MIGHT GET OUT OF HAND ..
Shockingly (to no one), Grating Juan, you seem to misunderstand. No one was shot or injured or arrested at the protest on Sunday at the police station. People were shot and injured at or near the place where Diaz was executed (that’s the only word I can use for an unarmed and already shot guy being then shot in the back of the head) by police. They were there, with their kids and such, at or near their own homes. They were protesting an execution that happened right there.
Again, your attitude towards not responding to injustice committed right in your face must have been very appealing to Castro — but do you have to slam others for standing up and complaining about it? (I’m sure that the rubber bullets were a shock to them, by the way, as they were to us who watched the video.
You did watch the video, right? What did you think of it?)
That was meant for JT.
Greg, yes I watched the video . Like you said we don’t have all the facts. Please reference my response to JT. Also, this does not happen in Anaheim Hills because people in Anaheim Hills don’t have the ignorant mob mentality.
You’re a fucking joke.
Anaheim police gonna get stomped.
You all know we need change in Anaheim… come out to the Anaheim City Council meeting this Tuesday July 24th and join the residents who will be protesting this and other issues sending s powerful message telling the ‘Masters of the Universe”… their empire is crumbling!
Joanne Sosa
Gonna go to the O.C. Peace Coalition meeting in Westminster early that evening and then go to Anaheim to join your friends Joanne. Like I said, “Anaheim P.D. gonna get stomped” who the hell do they think they are? They get paid good government bucks to protect status quo (regressive order?) So what? That does not mean that their work is worthy of that pay or any pay at all.
No Justice, No peace!
Wonder if Bushala would be protesting if his nephew Officer Nick Bushala Baclit were involved in a police shooting with the La Habra PD?
I don’t know if he’d go protest himself; the person involved being one’s own family gives one an out. I think that the question is whether he’d condemn or discourage such protests. In this situation, I don’t think that he would.
You are correct O.C. citizen. One more officer to keep a critical eye on. Offficer Nick Bushala Baclit.
detective nick baclit of the special investigative unit of the la habra police dept served a frivilous search warrant on my home,he is a liar who falsifies reports,lies under oath,etc.. so is his supervisor sgt.forgash.they are both lying trash
I second that. […]
[Editor’s note to the comment author: the rest of your post was not published; we let the first sentence through just so that you can see that we did receive and review it. We can’t publish those sorts of charges against someone based on an anonymous post. If you filed a report of some kind, on which we can report, you’re welcome to contact us.]
He did everything to me that you just mentioned, except for the warrant part.
You bring interesting argument up Mr. Greg.
Everybody in O.C. runs to the sympathy of Fullerton’s Schitzo homeless police shooting victim.
Where will every body be for the guy that was executed by the Anaheim P.D. ? or the other dudes that were shot by them? The Anaheim Police story is new to me but I am sure that it is probably bigger than the Fullerton one in actuality.
No matter let us Riot Riot Riot, Take your city back!
The behavior displayed last nite was not about justice. Nothing that took place last night was about justice. It was more about a mob of illiterate, irresponsible, no life punks seeing an opportunity to reek havoc and destruction.
Excuse me — who are you to make a pronouncement like that?
I don’t think that this would have happened without what happened to Manuel Diaz and the police response to the protests over what they did. Therefore, for those protesters, it was absolutely “about justice.”
Did some people who look for any chance to fight the police show up once the smell of blood attracted them? Sure — that’s to be expected and it’s one reason that police forces shouldn’t do the sort of thing that Anaheim did this weekend. That does not discredit the goals or behavior of people from the Anaheim area who simply want their rights to be respected. It’s in the interests of people like you to blur that distinction.