The Democratic Party’s Message to the Occupy Wall Street Movement: We Will Smash You!





BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: It should be noted that the most violent and brutal responses to the Occupy Wall Street movement have all occurred under the leadership of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, a “progressive” Democrat, who lately has resorted to blaming unarmed protesters for making the police under her command shoot rubber bullets at their faces.


I’m sorry, but I can’t help but find some degree of amusement in knowing that there are people out there, including quite a few who actively participate in the Occupy Wall Street movement here in Orange County, who actually believe in this delusional, psychotic rubbish that the Democrats are “better” than the Republicans.

Anybody who bothers to pay close attention to the constant feed of articles trickling from Google News can’t help but notice that it is the so-called  “lesser evil” Democrats–not the “evil” Republicans–who have literally been at the forefront of smashing this nascent rebellion against corporate capitalism to smithereens.

Recently, Rahm Emmanuel, the Democratic mayor of Chicago, with the full backing of a City Council dominated by Democrats, passed a series of draconian ordinances aimed squarely at the Occupy movement which impose harsh restrictions on free speech and assembly–moves that were criticized by the ACLU.

The same thing also occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina, where the Democratic-controlled City Council enacted sweeping laws aimed at cracking down on Occupy-like actions when the Democratic National Convention comes to town, a silly dog-and-pony show, which, in the past has been directly funded by corporations.

Last December, Ed Lee, the Democratic mayor of San Francisco, sent an army of cops to forcibly evict the Occupy encampment in that town, partly because the Hyatt Regency hotel, owned by the Pritzker family of Chicagobillionaires who backed Barack Obama for president–didn’t want “vagrants and delinquents” nearby.

And it should be noted that the most violent and brutal responses to the Occupy movement have all occurred under the leadership of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, a “progressive” Democrat, who lately has resorted to blaming unarmed protesters for making the police under her command shoot rubber bullets at their faces.

So what are Occupy movement supporters like myself to do? Well, it’s easy. When those whiny Democratic apologists, lamebrain Obamabots, and like-minded zombies come knocking on my door to urge me to vote for their party’s slate of crappy candidates in November, my response will be three simple words: GO TO HELL.

About Duane Roberts