Hubbert and Mauk: Different Standard of Justice in Orange County?




The less fortunate Hubbard, the more fortunate Mauk

The Orange County Register reported on January 24 that a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury, to quote the article, “found Jeffrey Hubbard, former Superintendent of the Beverly Hills Unified School District, guilty of felony misappropriation for giving pay raises worth more than $20,000 to a favored employee while he was Superintendent.” According to the article Hubbard was acquitted on a charge involving a second employee.

The article says he could face up to five years in prison as a result of this conviction. The Newport-Mesa School District here in Orange County quickly terminated his Superintendent job there after this conviction.

Compare this case to the well publicized case last year in Orange County government where an audit found that the County Executive Officer (CEO) has selectively bestowed sizeable raises on some favored employees in apparent violation of the county’s own personnel rules. The audit report described the employees in the County Human Resources department as demoralized by the CEO’s orders. The audit prompted the Board of Supervisors to delve more deeply into just what has been going on, with the result that at least some of the raises were partly or totally undone and the Board adopted new rules apparently intended to limit the CEO’s ability to grant such sizeable raises in the future.

So, in LA County a high level public official is tried and convicted for unlawful activity involving handing out a large pay raise to at least one favorite. In Orange County government what appears to be a similar exercise in favoritism with public funds is apparently not viewed as a criminal act. Or, perhaps a criminal investigation is under way and we will hear more later.

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.