As we remember and pay honor to all those who fought to make this a free nation I read that Arleen Ocasio, Director of the Sam Houston National Cemetery, has banned uttering the names “God” or “Jesus Christ” in burial ceremonies for the very men and women who gave their lives in the service of our country. This is a disgrace and violation of our First Amendment rights of free speech. Over 120,000 veterans are buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, the second largest National Cemetery in the nation.
FOX news reports that she “wants to personally approve each prayer (which are subject to her censorship) in advance of a burial service.”
Wikipedia update: Congressman Ted Poe (TX-02) on Wednesday (June 29) sent a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC, and issued the following statement in response to recent allegations regarding religious discrimination by the Director of the Houston National Cemetery:
“I am deeply troubled by the allegations that were brought to my attention when I met with members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) in Houston,” Poe said. “The director of the Houston National Cemetery, Arleen Ocasio, allegedly has engaged in aggressive hostile censorship of religion at the second largest cemetery for veterans in the United States.”
“The First Amendment is a sacred right of all Americans, especially those who have honorably served — and given their lives — in the name of protecting the United States. Denying their families their constitutional right to the free exercise of religious freedom is disgraceful and shows blatant disrespect for America’s veterans. If these allegations are true, I formally call for the termination of Arleen Ocasio as the director the Houston National Cemetery. This display of authoritarian behavior and religious discrimination should not be tolerated.”
Gilbert remark. Director Ocasio should be removed immediately.
The FOX story link is provided below.
“The words ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ banned in Sam Houston National Cemetery burial ceremonies”…….. Hmmmm
Interesting, it does not even spell with “F”.
There are lunatic out there who get outraged by words representing free speech.
Someones ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ is someone else Profanity.
Remember the GOLDEN RULE Gilbert!
Maybe if you respect First amendment someone else may too!
Comrade Stanley. Glad they let you out today. I thought you were only released on Saturday and Sunday.
Golden Rule? Naming God and Jesus, in your extensive vocabulary, are each words depicting profanity?
“Naming God and Jesus, in your extensive vocabulary, are each words depicting profanity?”………… Absolutely.
I am existentialist so I am functioning on much higher spiritual level than you are Gilbert.
You are a monkey with your obscene God and Jesus used to promulgate hate, tyranny and spreading fear against the first amendment.
Stanley. How much did you have to pay in bribes to get of rehab today?
Stanley. We just permitted you to use the First Amendment and didn’t delete your inciteful comment
This is typical right-wing hysteria, the Director of the Sam Houston National Cemetery wants the memorial said on Memorial day to be non-denominational and soon you’ve got Obama roundin’-up the christians and burning them at the stake.
Till more FACTS are in, I’m reserving judgement on this story;
VA agrees not to interfere with holiday prayers
Agency backs down after losing court fight over pastor’s mention of Jesus in Memorial Day invocation at Houston cemetery
May 27, 2011
“I’ve never said a prayer in my life that didn’t end with Jesus Christ,” said the Rev. Scott Rainey, left, who’s shown with Erin Leu, attorney for Liberty Institute.
The nation’s agency for military veterans has agreed to stay out of religious refereeing for now, backing down from its attempt to tell a minister how to craft a prayer for a Memorial Day invocation.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Hindrichs told federal District Judge Lynn Hughes that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will not demand that Memorial Day prayers at Houston National Cemetery Monday be as non-denominational as possible.
“(The agency) will let the prayer go on this Monday,” Hindrichs told Hughes.
The change of heart came one day after the judge granted the Rev. Scott Rainey a temporary restraining order against the agency after officials told the pastor to edit his prayer to make it as general and non-denominational as possible. Rainey’s prayer, submitted for review at the agency’s request included the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer and thanked Jesus Christ, the Christian savior, in closing.
“The … prayer/message is specific to one belief,” wrote Arleen Ocasio, director of the Houston National Cemetery.
“I’ve never said a prayer in my life that didn’t end with Jesus Christ,” Rainey said after Friday’s hearing. “It was unrealistic expectation for me not to include the name of Jesus Christ.”
Veterans Affairs officials informed Rainey that if he wanted to give the invocation, he would have to keep the language in his prayer “general” and “non-denominational.”
Anonster. In reading the news account she wants to personally scrutinize ALL future burial ceremony text. To me that addresses 365 days per year, not just Memorial Day.
News account. From FOX?
Vern. Neither one of these sources contain the name FOX News.
The Blaze describes the tearjerking interviewing of FOX’s Gretchen Carlson. And the other link you give is the local Republican Congressman’s reaction to these “news stories” (i.e. from FOX)
I’m really not sure yet WHAT happened here, as I don’t trust FOX. It all seems pretty unlikely, and a typical right-wing outrage of the week.
Vern. While you ask us to be tolerant of gays you attack believers on this issue that is not the right wing outrage of the week.
Accept what happened. FOX News might have been one of the messengers but they surely were not the author of what transpired in Texas.
Check Google. There are multiple accounts on this story.
Here’s a story from ABC – hardly a bastion of conservative thought:
From what I can find on the internet there is NOT any evidence that Ocasio wants to “scrutinize” ALL future burial ceremonies, there is an e-mail that Ocasio sent to Rainey asking him to be non-denominational in his invocation.
The rest of these accusations sound like the children’s game, operator, where you start out with a statement and as it is passed along, it ends up up being grossly distorted.
Dabbling in childish faux outrage and purposely distorting the truth seems to be how you right-wingers like to spend your days, but I have to ask; Does spending your days polishing these turds really make you happy?
From the Liberty lawsuit;
….10. The past two years, Pastor Rainey delivered the invocation at the Memorial Day ceremony. During each invocation, Pastor Rainey closed his prayer, as he believes he is instructed to do by his faith, by praying in Jesus’ name.
11. Before this year, Pastor Rainey was never asked to submit his prayer for prior approval, to edit his prayer to remove references to Christianity, or to not mention the name of Jesus in an effort to be inclusive of all beliefs.
12. This year Pastor Rainey was again invited to give the invocation for the Memorial Day ceremony, but unlike previous years, Ms. Arleen Ocasio, Director of the Houston National Cemetery, requested that his prayer be submitted to her for prior approval.
13. Pastor Rainey complied with this request by emailing a copy of the prayer to Zelner “Stoney” Stone, President of the National Cemetery Council for Greater Houston, on May 19, which Mr. Stone forwarded to Ms. Ocasio.
14. Less than four hours after receiving the email from Mr. Stone, Ms. Ocasio emailed Pastor Rainey, and copied Jackie Reyes and Mr. Stone. In her email, Ms. Ocasio wrote, “Pastor Reiney [sic], … I have reviewed your attached Memorial Day Prayer/Message, while it is very well written I must ask you to edit it.” Ms. Ocasio stated that Pastor Rainey’s prayer is “specific to one belief” and “on Memorial Day we will be commemorating veterans from all cultures and religious beliefs.” Therefore, “[t]he tone of all messages must be inclusive of all beliefs, need to be general, and its fundamental purpose should be … non-denominational in nature” (emphasis in original).
15. After receiving the email from Ms. Ocasio, Pastor Rainey contacted her by phone. Ms. Ocasio instructed Pastor Rainey that if he did not remove the references to one religion that he would not be allowed to deliver the Memorial Day invocation at the Houston National Cemetery.
16. On May 24, 2011, a demand letter was sent to U.S. Secretary of Veteran Affairs Eric Shinseki and Ms. Ocasio, informing the Department of the relevant law and requesting that the Department inform Liberty Institute in writing by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 that Pastor Rainey can provide the invocation without removing references to his religion.
17. The following day, May 25, 2011, Jack H. Thompson, Deputy General Counsel for the Department of Veterans Affairs, responded to the demand letter via email. He stated that the Department’s policy is “viewpoint-neutral” and “appropriate,” and that “the tone of [Pastor Rainey’s] remarks must therefore be inclusive.” He went on to state that Pastor Rainey must notify Ms. Ocasio by 3 p.m. the following day if “he agrees to modify the message he wishes to deliver in compliance with [Ms. Ocasio’s] directive to him….”.
Really Larry, does wanting to be “inclusive”, MERIT all this hysteria?;
Banning Prayer “In Jesus’s Name” In America? |
http://www.womenofchristianity.com/?p=4701 – CachedJun 6, 2011 – Banning Prayer “In Jesus’s Name” In America? … of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Director of the Houston National Cemetery, Arleen Ocasio, … In a May 5, 1995 ruling, U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent ordered students not to …
Banning Prayer “In Jesus’s Name” In America? « Persecution News
http://www.persecution.org/…/banning-prayer-in-jesuss-name-in-america/ – CachedJun 3, 2011 – Angela’s planned prayer came before chief U.S. District Judge Fred Biery after … (VA) and Director of the Houston National Cemetery, Arleen Ocasio, … In a May 5, 1995 ruling, U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent ordered …
Is Obama Banning God And Jesus? | My Blog
loopyloo305.wordpress.com/…/is-obama-banning-god-and-jesus/ – CachedJun 29, 2011 – Houston Veterans Claim Censorship of Prayers, Including Ban on ‘God’ … and “ Jesus” during funeral services at Houston National Cemetery. …
God banned from funerals for war vets under Obama VA’s orders …
http://www.sodahead.com/united…banned…/question-1933009/?…4 – CachedJun 30, 2011 – Affairs and its director of the Houston National Cemetery. … praying in Jesus’ name at a Memorial Day ceremony. ….. Jesus or God’s name at the burial of a Veteran’s burial MUST BE Bit-h slapped by a Sam Brown Belt. …
And now the OJ is part of the CRAZY (or in right-wing world speak; “multiple accounts”);
The words “God” and “Jesus Christ” banned in Sam Houston National …
http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/…/the-words-god-and-jesus-christ-banned-in-sa…Jul 4, 2011 – Sam Houston National Cemetery. As we remember and pay honor to … FOX news reports that she “wants to personally approve each prayer (which …
Typical overkill and non sequitors from Anonster. Ironically, Anonster, you provided the “facts” you wanted to scrutinize to back Larry’s point. The reverand had never had to submit his prayer for approval before, but he had to this time; Ms. Ocasio censored his prayer because it was not PC enough; the VA conveniently “agrees” to allow the reverand to pray as he wanted only after it lost a court battle. What’s difficult to understand about Larry’s point? I agree with you 100% Larry – another “public servant” has a power trip and needs to be removed.
You can call it “PC” all you want, as an insult. We call it keeping Memorial Day inclusive. As far as I can tell this was all about just a Memorial Day service, NOT all services there by any stretch … so I just added that to Larry’s title to make it clear.
Yeah, “typical overkill”, in other words, providing the FACTS.
If you can find ANY statements from Ms. Ocasio where she states that she wants to “personally scrutinize ALL future burial ceremony text”, please provide them.
Anonster. The fact that this made national news may result in her backing down from her political correctness attitute. If that be true than I can report “mission accomplished.”
Not quite, Larry. This made national news because, for the most part, our “news” corp has lost its way. This isn’t news…it’s “find something that will create a stir among the partisan divide and “report” on it. It’s all about feeding division to foster ratings.
anon. You are correct. Our”news” corp has lost its way.
Lets identify them. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC
You are correct to exclude FOX from your list of “news” organizations.
After all, FOX never “lost its way.” It’s still stubbornly doing what it set out to do. Which is mostly not news.
Do you really think that jewish, muslim and atheist soldiers should be marginalized, that their feelings and beliefs aren’t important and that only christian soldiers should be recognized?
If so, then give EXEMPTIONS to those who aren’t christians, personally I’d be happy with that, as I have two sons that I don’t want to be part of our corporate war machine.
When my two atheist sons don’t have to register for the draft and any jewish, muslim or sikh, etc. boys don’t either, then you can have an all christian military and you can talk about jesus all day long, till then, you need to RESPECT ALL BELIEFS.
Yes, atheist soldiers. Like the sainted Pat Tillman, who hated having that stuff shoved down his throat.
If we open the “political correctness” door any wider the next recommendation you may offer is to remove all the crosses in our military cemeteries. Don’t stop there. I have also seen the Star of David.
As to your comment that jews and muslims don’t have to register for the draft shows your lack of knowledge of the current system. We have an all volunteer military today. As such no one HAS to register to serve in the military of our country. Don’t embarrass yourself writing comments not backed by facts.
Let’s get our terminology straight here, Larry. Most males 18-25 who were born AFTER December 31, 1959 MUST “register” for the draft. This registration is required, and failure to do so carries criminal penalties.
In other words, Anonster was right.
anon. Without double checking your facts, especially as I enlisted, we do not draft in the current armed forces of the USA.
Well how about these facts;
Anonster didn’t say we “draft”. There is no mandatory conscription. He said there is a requirement to “register for the draft”, and that is true.
Admit it, Larry. You didn’t know about this and, frankly, you owe Anonster an apology.
Yup, I had to do it myself, right when I turned 18 in ’78. Carter was President. I think that was his law. We all thought we might have to go fight in the Middle East back then.
Or was that ’79?
Conservatives don’t admit that they are wrong, they either pretend it never happened or go back and try and rewrite or manipulate the “facts”.
I’m monitoring the Selective Service Wikipedia site for “changes” (`a la; Paul Revere/ Sarah Palin).
Larry’s stubbornness could potentially change the lives of thousands of young men and to that end I say;
Keep believin’, Larry!
Hey anonster. Couldn’t you sleep last night? Your post is before our dog wakes up.
Having prepared for a long night at our city council meeting there are times when I do step away from this keyboard. But then again you could have watched my presentations by simply using your computer
Perhaps we are splitting hairs on this “off thread” issue.
My point is that we currently do not need nor utilize a draft into the military. If not mistaken we have not drafted anyone since World War II which predates many of those adding comments to this post.
Where do you wish to go now. Did Obama register to serve? I don’t care. It’s irrelevant to the topic.
“As such no one HAS to register to serve in the military of our country. Don’t embarrass yourself writing comments not backed by facts.”
No, Larry, your point was NOT “we currently do not need or utilize a draft”. You said people do not need to register, and that is patently untrue. There is no splitting of hairs. One position is correct, the other is not.
And if the subject was so “off topic, then why did you feel the need to get on your high horse and dispute Anonster in the first place?
WE are not “splitting hairs” Larry, YOU are refusing to admit YOU WERE WRONG.
“As to your comment that jews and muslims don’t have to register for the draft shows your lack of knowledge of the current system. We have an all volunteer military today. As such no one HAS to REGISTER to serve in the military of our country. Don’t embarrass yourself writing comments not backed by facts.”
I NEVER said that there was a draft;
“When my two atheist sons don’t have to register for the draft…”
The key word here being; REGISTER. And yes, when boys turn 18 they have 30 days to REGISTER for the draft.
So continue to dodge the truth like a good conservative, EVERYONE reading this blog KNOWS just exactly who was WRONG and who SHOULD be “EMBARRASSED”.
Oh and Larry, one word; VIETNAM
” ..we have not drafted anyone since World War II…”
Anonster. My honorable discharge predates Vietnam. Sorry that I failed to fact check that undeclared war. Feel free to continue harping on the draft. I am moving on.
This story is about the use of the names God and Jesus Christ. Get used to it as they will not go away.
Wait. You LIVED through Vietnam, and didn’t know there was a draft going on?
What airtight cubicle were you ensconced in for a decade?
Vern. As many Americans went to Canada to avoid military service I guess we can look out that rear view mirror. In fact we may have draft dodgers reading this very text. Too many of my friends served through that war and prefer keeping that door closed especially those who did not get a warm welcome home.
Can we stay on the thread?
So, then… you DID know there was a draft during Vietnam …. but you forgot?
Are you realizing the main point yet, that anonster was right – all men turning 18, since around ’79, have had to REGISTER for the draft. Just say you were wrong, and we’ll all move on. I’ve admitted when I was wrong in the past. Is it impossible for a Republican?
Vern. It was a hot day at the Big A and sadly we lost to Detroit.
I have admitted on more than one ocassion that I am not perfect.
Well, I guess that’s the closest you can get to admitting to anonster that you were wrong about this. Fine, dropped.
Did your lazy dog eat your homework too, Larry?
Jesus, I’ve NEVER seen such bobbing and weaving, what is with you conservatives and ADMITTING mistakes?
Anonster. Got to go. Have tickets to the Angel game.
There is more to life than being glued to the blog
Is it possible that Larry (aka; the OJ’s resident military expert, LOL)
spent the sixties’ Timothy Leary style; “Turning on, tuning in and dropping out”?
LOL, your new defense, BLAME LIBERALS;
“..many of my friends served through that war and prefer keeping that door closed especially those who did not get a warm welcome home..”
In other words, history doesn’t exist and shouldn’t be talked about or remembered if you don’t like the outcome, that’s rich, Larry, really rich.
And for his next trick, Larry will twist himself into a virtual Gordian Knot…..
Anonster. Where did I say that LIBERALS went to Canada to avoid military service during the Vietnam campaign?
History does exist. However those who served and lost friends in combat, some without one or more limbs or others who came home wasted by drugs prefer not revisiting that dark period of US history. They don’t want to talk about it. If you were a sniper and saw an enemy looking back at you would you freeze or pull the trigger? That is one story just covered by a church friend who was there. He was not looking forward to sharing that HISTORY as it is not pretty. War is not sitting in your local movie theater.
By the way. Did you serve in any branch of our military? Just curious!
Larry, you REALLY don’t want to use whether or not Anonster served in the military as a means of measuring his credibility for commenting on military issues. After all, you apparently served and didn’t know about registration.
Anon. My raising the question of military service was valid. If you have not experienced the real history of war you are not in a position to decide if veterans should discuss their service experiences.
I point out Anonster’s own words which triggered my response: “In other words, history doesn’t exist and shouldn’t be talked about or remembered if you don’t like the outcome, that’s rich, Larry, really rich”
You bet veterans remember. That doesn’t mean that they are anxious to talk about it.
You’re not going to give up, Brother Larry?
The sub-topic was Americans of every RELIGION being forced to REGISTER for the draft. You sounded off wrongly, saying there was no draft (even saying there was none since WWII)
You need to say you were wrong about that, then the subtopic disappears.
“Can we stay on the thread?”
You know Larry, for someone who is always screaming “off topic” you sure do it when it suits YOU.
So far, in order to avoid admitting that you were WRONG you have brought up the time of my posts, what you’ve been doing, Angels games, WWII, Vietnam and military service.
You WERE trying to “blame liberals” for not being able to REMEMBER the Vietnam draft; “.. many of my friends served through that war and prefer keeping that door closed ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO DID NOT GET A WARM WELCOME HOME.”
But YOU didn’t serve in Vietnam, so WHY even bring it up?
Oh yeah, to COVER UP your mistake. So you are really HIDING behind the ‘skirts’ of Vietnam vets; YOU can’t discuss Vietnam because THEY suffered, wow, real brave, Larry.
Now you want to know if I served in the military because I had the audacity to mention Vietnam (i.e.;call you out on your mistakes), WHY?
Do YOU think that YOU can decide who can or cannot discuss a certain topic? LOL
You are nothing but a hypocrite (off topic) and a little weasel (dodging your mistakes).
Larry, that’s absurd. Just because a person hasn’t served in the military doesn’t mean that they can’t have an opinion about whether or not a servicemember should talk about their experiences.
You have opinions about things you haven’t directly experienced, don’t you?
Here Larry, let me help you out…you can copy and paste this line and restore your credibility…“Wow, I really didn’t know that we require 18-year olds to register for the draft. Thanks for pointing that out!”
“You (Larry Gilbert) are nothing but a hypocrite (off topic) and a little weasel”
I agree.
To give the Pearl Clutcher of Mission Viejo some credit, at least he responded to his critics on this issue with his usual weasely back door deflections (“did you ever serve?”) and factual missteps (“..we have not drafted anyone since World War II…”) I registered for Selective Service in 1987. Reagan was President then and I think Central America (El Salvador or Nicaragua) was the supposed to be destination du jour for the American military. The last time I checked, I wasn’t registering to win lottery tickets.
So, then tell me since you were alive during that era…. what was the burning of draft cards all about during the Vietnam era? Pyromaniacs needing their fix? College students saving energy by not using the heaters in the dorm?
Unfortunately, The Pearl Clutcher will never respond to his posts about how same sex marriage will harm (****mocking the clutching of pearls with a look of feigned horror, crocodile tears and faux concern****)…… “the children.” “Oh, think about those poor children!!!!!” Yeah, yeah…I’m off topic. But unlike you, I’ll admit when I am off topic and….WRONG!!!!
Ah, Jesus Christ. Another one of these silly stories. My freaking God…
A silly story indeed coming from the likes of the paranoid, pearl clutching puritan of Mission Viejo, but not as alarmist and silly as this. Only difference is 52% fell for this urban legend hook, line and sinker while marginalizing a segment of our population to a second or third class tier.
I “attack believers”? Stop it.
How many of these nearly identical stories have to turn out to be totally exaggerated and overblown, and hyped-up to keep right-wing Christians’ paranoia stoked up, before you stop jumping after the shiny objects?
We have real issues in this nation and state and county, and you’re aware of some of them. Nobody in this country is trying to outlaw or marginalize Christianity.
Also, not a great July 4 post, when we should be focused on what brings us together as a nation.
“Also, not a great July 4 post”……. Hmmmm
The 4th of July is often equated with male orgasm.
Is it over today or should I still wait?
Stanley. From our HOA property deck we just watched 25 minutes of fireworks. Sorry I didn’t have your number to invite you to join us. Maybe next year as we invite a member of the Democratic party you might know by the name of Vaclav Klaus.
“Turning on, tuning in and dropping out”?
Actually, I find those activities pretty fun.
Reminds me of this faux outrage from about a year ago.
So glad anonster has chimed in with an equally meaningless point – “faux outrage”? The outrage is real – to the extent that a court was required to tell the VA and Ms. Ocasio that they were ilegally restricting the reverand’s speech. How convenient that the left seizes on court rulings when they benefit their causes, but downplay and marginalize them when they do not.
“How convenient that the left seizes on court rulings when they benefit their causes, but downplay and marginalize them when they do not.”
Does the right do that? Nahhhhhhhh. Never.
Here’s the solution. Only Christians will be required to serve in the armed forces. Then you can have all the crosses you want in the graveyards.
There were the Crusades, you know, so there is precedent.
Rapscallion. Talk about turning the clock back.
Where are the Wiccan pentagrams at the military cemetaries?
WIccans and pagans are always getting the short end of the stick even if the current holidays had their influence written all over it.
Hey Guy. Sorry to hear this. Perhaps you should protest.
If all else fails, join the majority, whatever that entails.
I guess humor must be lost on geriatric conservative Republicans who live in HOAs and get their magic underwear tied in knots when people offend their religion. But it’s OK to cry religious censorship only if affects wrinkled, octogenarian white Christian males like yourself. People who affiliate with Wiccan circles, Buddhists and Muslims be damned according to the people you hang with.
Speaking of protesting, it was YOU who was doing that since Cheese Whiz or Jee-Buzz was omitted from and you decided to spread your little alarmist posts about the War on Christianity. Geriatric, paranoid pearl clutchers like yourself have done enough to turn Christianity into a laughing stock.
*As a certified Draftee……from July 1967 to July 1969……it is with great pleasure
to clarify the stupidity of the various arguments related to the Draft:
The Nation: Rating the Volunteer Army – TIME
History of the Draft
The 1970, 1971 and 1972 Draft Lotteries for the Vietnam War
http://www.landscaper.net/draft70-72.htm#Induction Statistics
I don’t know who you two are calling stupid, but our problems here were twofold:
Anonster was talking about how young men since ’79 are required to register for the draft; Larry evidently didn’t know that and acted like anonster was crazy.
And then he screwed up even more saying there’d been no draft since WWII. I see you guys know better. But I’m surprised you call your old compatriot stupid.
Oh yeah, and then he’s clinically incapable of ever admitting he made a mistake.
*Dr. Vern,
Our compatriot Dr. Lorenzo is anything but stupid. Please read the words carefully….
“The stupid arguments…..get it….?” Trying to bring clarity to situations in this day and age is always a challenge….just ask our pal Harry Lime! Let’s just say….we didn’t know that much about “the Lottery….deal in 1970,71, 72 and 73…because we had already been drafted in ’67. Registration for the Draft today….is quite different as
you know. In case of National Emergency “this abject registration”…simply allows boys and girls under 26 to participate in various activiities like Earthquake Relief and a whole variety of non-military endeavors. “Contingency plans….you know.?” Like those Black Helocopters circling over your and our houses right now!!
Of course they know…..”we are prior service”! Meanwhile, Larry is prior service too…
but like all us old soldiers…..”sometimes we forget!”