Tonight on Gadfly Radio, Martha, John Seiler, Ben Boychuk, and Sen. Doug LaMalfa

Gadfly Radio Tonight, at 8 PM PT

Live Call in number: 1-818-602-4929

June 28, 2011 Tonight live at 8PM PT:
Tonight on Gadfly Radio, Martha Montelongo, CalWatchDog’s John Seiler, CA State Senator Doug LaMalfa R D4, and City Journal contributing writer and Claremont Institute fellow and columnist Ben Boychuk.

We’ll discuss the new fake budget deal just cut (Seiler says Chiang should oppose this one too because it’s also a fake budget) between the Dems in the CA Legislature and Governor Jerry Brown.  Californians are about to enjoy a sales tax cut come July 1st.
Did CA Controller Chiang’s  move to suspend pay to the legislators for their reject budget delivered June 15th blaze a new political trail in CA?  John Seiler thinks so. He thinks this is a showdown between the left and the fiscally responsible within the Democratic Party.  We’ll discuss it.
We’ll talk with Senator LaMalfa about policy shaping up under most people’s radar, concerning AB 32’s impact on water for CA agriculture and water and power for Californians including Southern Californians who seem blissfully unconcerned, as if the water wars don’t concern them.   Two articles on the politics of water policy  here and here.
Ben Boychuk has been posting on Facebook about San Francisco’s efforts to ban the practice of circumcision on infant boys within the City/County limits.   We’ll talk about this and their efforts also to ban the sale of pets in the City.  Nannystate or deflection from their fiscal crisis?

We’ll take your calls, questions and comments on the air at 1-818-602-4929.

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About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.