While syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer offers suggestions on revising the War Powers Act, the House just voted 295-123 to rebuke president Obama’s military involvement in the Libyan civil war. That voted included 70 members of his own party.
Quoting from Yahoo News.
“The president has operated in what we now know is called the zone of twilight as to whether or not he even needs our approval,” said Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla. “So what are we left with?”
Rep. Adam Smith of Washington, the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, said the vote would essentially “stop the mission in Libya and empower Moammar Gadhafi.”
Rep. Howard Berman of California, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said such a vote “ensures the failure of the whole mission.”
Entering the discussion Sec Hillary Clinton stated, “Are you on Gadhafi’s side, or are you on the side of the aspirations of the Libyan people and the international coalition that has been bringing them support?”
Sorry Hillary, but quoting Charles Krauthammer in today’s Register editorial both president Bush 41 and 43 each obtained congressional support for engaging in the Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Readers. It’s time for Orange County readers to share their thoughts on this undeclared war.
Do you support the House or the president on our military involvement in Libya?
Ah the pain the libs must be enduring. After years of excoriating Bush for wars that Congress sanctioned, their fearless leader comes up with the lame “hostilities” argument to thumb his nose (yet again) at the rule of law.
I’m on your side here. Not enduring a whole lotta pain, as I’m kind of used to Obama pissing me off and disappointing me (tho’ I’m sure he’ll still be better than any alternatives next year.) On principle he needs to go to Congress. If we don’t restore the balance of powers when a Democratic, semi-liberal, constitutional scholar is Commander-in-Chief, then when the F*** is it ever gonna happen?
Press Release from Rep. Tom McClintock:
For Immediate Release:
June 24, 2011
Contact: Jennifer Cressy | 202-225-2511
Bill George | 916-786-5560
In Opposition to HR 2278
Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) today made the following remarks on the House Floor in opposition to HR 2278 relating to Libya.
In Opposition to HR 2278
June 24, 2011
Mr. Speaker:
This bill purports to cut off funding for combat in Libya. In doing so, it simply forbids what the Constitution already forbids: the waging of war without explicit congressional authorization. But then it specifically grants to the President what up until now he has completely lacked:
Congressional authority to engage in every conceivable belligerent act short of actually pulling the trigger:
• refueling bombers on their way to targets;
• identifying and selecting targets;
• guiding munitions to their targets;
• logistical support;
• operational planning.
These are all acts of war in direct support of belligerents at war – and this bill authorizes them.
The House has just considered whether to authorize war with Libya. It has specifically, categorically and decisively rejected it. The President is now on notice that he is in direct defiance of Congress.
That is the message we need to send today. Let’s not enter a war through the back door when we’ve already decided not to enter it through the front.
Yeah well
I’m somewhat sympathetic to what Congress did
BUT the Senate won’t follow suit.
So nobody should be jumping up and down.
Undeclared war?
They’re ALL undeclared wars these days. Not a one of them was begun with a Constitutionally-mandated declaration of war from Congress. So before you “conservatives” get all high and mighty…
And lest we forget, “conservatives” have been relatively silent as, over the last couple decades, more and more power has been invested in the Executive. Now that Obama is President, they seem to have much more of a problem with it.
Let me bottom line it for you…there’s plenty of hypocrisy coming from BOTH sides of the aisle on these issues.
And in another sign of just how similar these two parties can be, the House refused to cut off funding for Libya. These people like to yell and scream about unjust wars, but will they ever cut off funding? Nooooooo….
Iran-Contra….arms for drugs…..for AK-47’s? Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Panama….
yeah….that “War Powers Act” ….is really working alright. NOT!
Kosovo…that was the best one…done with NATO assistance…thanks Bill Clinton.
To answer your question, I don’t support military involvement in Libya. Congress is laughable though. When was the last war they’ve stopped? Authorizations for use of force is their proven model of laying down before the executive branch!
Jeannette Rankin’s they are not!
Gadafi….needs to go primarily because he is still harboring the designer of the Lockerbee disaster. That alone. 2nd, what terrorist cells has Gadafi given up to the International community…ever? Everyone seems to sweat who will fill Gadafi’s shoes should he step down. Well, 0 for 100 being the standard, even one bad guy collected afterwards by the “Arab Spring” people….would just be dandy!