‘Watt’s” up with the “Volt”?





electric vehicle

electric vehicle

Juice readers. My sense is that we have those in powerful government posts who fail to look ahead in their decision making. A quick peek in my rear view mirror exposes the downside of shifting upwards of 25% of our corn production to ethanol and the ultimate cost it has been to all Americans, both at the supermarket in the increased costs of beef, poultry and eggs, and the tradeoff of higher burning temperature of Ethanol blended gasoline which translates into fewer MPG while our president is demanding higher mileage in future Detroit designed cars and trucks. I call this experiment “ready, fire, aim.”

David Spady, State Director of Americans for Prosperity, has just released his latest video on “Common Sense” that addresses electric vehicles and the cost of electricity in California that spikes up based on consumption. Sadly another misguided effort when you let the federal government rather than the private sector ignore a “cost vs benefit” analysis. In addition to the penalty Americans will pay to power up these electric vehicles check out the Volt forecast vs actual sales.
David Spady’s brief video is provided below:


Note: Having retired from power electronics the spelling of  “watt” is correct in relationship to “volt”  in the headline

About Larry Gilbert