Breaking – Supervisors vote to appeal deputies pension decision, put the crimp on John Williams!




Breaking news, February 8 – this morning the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted to appeal the adverse decision of the State District Court of Appeal, seeking a hearing by the California Supreme Court and a more favorable ruling. The Supervisors’ case to date has been focused on the premise that the 2% at 50 retirement plan negotiated with the Association of Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) and approved by the Supervisors in December, 2001 violates the State Constitution and should be set aside as unconstitutional.

The Second District California Court of Appeal ruled against the county in a decision issued on January 26. The decision to file the appeal is the first formal action of the Supervisors since that decision. The vote to file the appeal was 4 to 1, with Supervisors Bates, Campbell, Nelson and Moorlach voting yes, and Supervisor Nguyen voting no.

Part two, by Vern:

At the same meeting, as expected, the Supes took the first step in lowering the boom on controversial Public Administrator / Public Guardian John Williams, by deciding to appoint an executive to oversee him and his troubled office – this in response to 2009’s two damning Grand Jury reports on the man, and most recently a confidential investigation authorized by the County.

This, as we’ve been saying, is a step toward finally separating Williams’ 5-figure PA gig (to which he was elected and cannot be removed from) from his coveted 6-figure PG gig (to which he was appointed and can totally be removed from.)  And everybody fully expects the useless fellow to bugger off after that, after wangling whatever severance package he can wangle.

Pajaritos are telling me that his demand Monday for a severance package was denied, that he’s now offering to resign as long as his #2 (and T-Rack’s fiancee) Peggi Buff is “protected,” and that in any case it will be somewhat unworkable to have both Williams and his new supervisor running the office – sort of like two bodies occupying the same space.  Things should be pretty interesting for a few weeks, and come to a head some time in March.  So predict my pajaritos.

[It’s just too bad that the Supes’ solutions to both today’s problems involve spending more taxpayer money, to HOPEFULLY save much more down the road – hiring a supervisor to drive off the wasteful and incompetent Williams, and spending another million or two at another crap-shoot at bringing down deputies’ pensions to a manageable level.]

[image by Warhol devotee Roy Bauer]

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.