Friends, here’s a fun look back at a defining moment in the Shawn Nelson-Hairbag Sidhu dust-up, Round 1. It was at OCGOP Central and the worst ‘pugs were trying to dodge a Central Committee endorsement of Nelson. These ‘swipes were actually pitching “the two good republicans” bullshit that Sidhu hoped would deflect attention to his incompetent carpetbagging assclownery.
Well, while every ‘pug and every “journalist” in OC was turning a blind eye to Sidhu’s district hopping, one guy really stood tall, and that’s current OCGOP Chair candidate, Tim Whitacre. Check it out:
Hmm. A guy who would oppose his own brother’s carpetbagging. Principle over payday? Hoo-boy, the repuglicans ain’t gonna like that!
He really called it like he seed it on Mike Carona too, didn’t he? I wish we still had some of his old blog posts here to link to…
ah – here’s one! from back when Scott Baugh was still totally behind the Little Sheriff:
Poster #5 said it best!
This was a guy who repeatedly had working public servants do his daily tasks.
Meanwhile Baugh, Flieshman, Schroeder, Wiskol and Cunningham said nothing.
Now of course they are bitching about the “over priced pensions” of those same minons.
Sombody should start a blog defending the Liberal Voice of OC!
Oh wait a minute, those same five already have guys who say they do that!
So now Whitacre has buddies up with Christina Shea in Irvine and she supported Steven Choi who was a carpetbagger for the 70th assembly district. IsmWhitacre calling Choi am carpetbagger too? No. He is full of bs.